I Have A Synthesis Column/C25 Su Yu Who Was Underestimated in the Mirage Tower
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I Have A Synthesis Column/C25 Su Yu Who Was Underestimated in the Mirage Tower
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C25 Su Yu Who Was Underestimated in the Mirage Tower

Mirage Tower?

Su Yu's expression shifted subtly.

The other prodigies around him were also itching to test their mettle. Led by the bald man, they approached a towering stone edifice.

A gentle pulse of spiritual energy emanated from the Stone Tower, its surface etched with intricate inscriptions.

Next to the tower stood a massive stone stele.

"This is the Prodigy Ranking. The further one ascends in the Mirage Tower, the higher they climb on this leaderboard," the bald man stated coolly.

The crowd cast their eyes upon the stele, which bore the impressive inscription:

"God's Favored Ranking!"

"First place, Wang Lin, early Viscera Refining Stage, seventy levels!"

"Second place, Lee Xianzong, early Viscera Refining Stage, sixty-nine levels!"

"Third place, Ouyang Ningxue, early Viscera Refining Stage, sixty-five levels!"

"Fourth place, Lin Feng, early Viscera Refining Stage, sixty-four levels!"


The Prodigy Ranking listed seventy to eighty names, all repeaters from the God's Favored Camp.

Even the least advanced among them was at the mid Blood Refining Stage, having conquered forty levels in the Mirage Tower.

The prowess of these repeaters was undeniably formidable.

Su Yu inhaled deeply, his eyes fixed on the Mirage Tower.

"I wonder how many challenges I can overcome when I give it my all!"

The bald man, now beside the tower, somehow had a roster in his hand.

"Now, those I call will step forward to test their strength!"

"First up, Yang Xiao!"

From the throng, a young man with an icy demeanor made his way forward.

A murmur rippled through the crowd as Yang Xiao appeared.

"Hiss, is that Yang Xiao? The rumors say he's the grandson of Yang Potian, the vice-chairman of the Martial Artist Association in Jiangnan Province, and the sole orange-level God's Favored of the region this year. With his current mid Blood Refining Stage prowess, he's likely to outdo the repeaters on his first attempt!"

Yang Xiao?

A flicker of recognition crossed Su Yu's mind as he observed the young man.

The young man also caught Su Yu's gaze, and their eyes met. In that instant, it was as if sparks flew, their gazes clashing with the intensity of flint striking steel.

Yang Xiao's expression subtly shifted, a slight curve forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting. To think this year's God's Favored Camp has such talent."

He murmured to himself and strolled into the Mirage Tower.

Su Yu, however, looked rather grave. During their brief eye contact, he had sensed a formidable power burgeoning within Yang Xiao.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yu reflected.

"So this is the prodigy from Jiangnan Province? Truly fearsome."

A soft sigh escaped him, followed by a chorus of gasps.

"Good heavens! Just a few seconds and Yang Xiao has already advanced to the second level. That's the might of an orange-level genius for you—absolutely terrifying!"

As the first level's glow faded, the second level of the Mirage Tower illuminated.

This signified Yang Xiao's successful ascent.

Even the bald man standing by the tower nodded in approval.

"Not bad at all. At this rate, reaching the thirtieth level should be no challenge. The real question is whether he can conquer the fortieth. If he outpaces the repeaters, this year is going to get interesting!"

A hint of a smile played on the bald man's lips, his voice tinged with expectation.

Time marched on, and soon the fortieth level of the Mirage Tower was aglow.

"Wow, Yang Xiao really did it. He's the standout genius of our cohort!"

"Absolutely. It looks like Jiangnan Province is about to witness the rise of a once-in-a-generation prodigy!"

The bald man's grin was broad and proud. After all, he was the one who had brought Yang Xiao here; the better Yang Xiao performed, the more it reflected on him.

Before long, Yang Xiao halted at the forty-fifth level and emerged from the Mirage Tower.

Next to the tower, the Prodigy Ranking updated.

Yang Xiao's name gradually surfaced, claiming the 69th spot.

Just below him were four or five repeaters.

"Wow, he really surpassed the repeaters. He's a true orange-level God's Favored!"

An onlooker inhaled sharply, speaking with astonishment.

Yang Xiao glanced at his ranking, his brow furrowing ever so slightly—clearly, he had expected more.

The bald man offered words of consolation.

"It's quite an achievement. You're only the ninth person in decades to surpass the fortieth level on your first try. Take pride in that!"

Yang Xiao's countenance brightened slightly. He gave the bald man a respectful nod and made his way back into the crowd, where he was met with a flurry of compliments.

Yet, Yang Xiao seemed uncomfortable with the attention, standing aloof and silent among the throng of people.

As time passed, the bald man continued to call out names. One by one, the prodigies from across Jiangnan Province stepped into the Mirage Tower.

Still, few could match Yang Xiao's performance. The most formidable among them had only managed to breach the 39th floor, halting at the 40th.

The bald man frowned at these outcomes, his displeasure evident.

"The caliber this year leaves much to be desired," he murmured before his eyes scanned the list and settled on a particular name.

Su Yu!

A spark of interest flickered in the bald man's eyes.

"Could this be the golden God's Favored that Elder Bai and the president have spoken of?"

"Let's hope he brings some surprises."

Moments later, a dazed God's Favored emerged from the Mirage Tower, having reached only the 30th level, despite being a warrior of the Blood Refining Stage.

The bald man let out a derisive snort.

"The first thirty levels are designed for Blood Essence Stage Martial Cultivators. You, a Blood Refining Stage fighter, can't even clear them? Pathetic."

The man's face soured, his fists clenched in silent fury, resentment glinting in his eyes. Powerless against the bald man's might, he stood aside, seething with indignation.

The bald man cast a cold glance at the youth before loudly announcing the next contender.

"Next up, Su Yu!"

Su Yu felt a surge of anticipation.

My turn has come!

He inhaled deeply and strode toward the Mirage Tower. As he passed the bald man, a soft smile graced the man's face.

"Give it your all. You've slain Divine God Religion's Blood Refining Stage warriors, so the first thirty levels should pose little challenge. Aim for the middle thirty levels!"

Su Yu acknowledged the bald man with a nod and stepped into the Mirage Tower.

Behind him, the young man who had been chastised muttered resentfully.

"What's so special about a Blood Essence Stage Martial Cultivator? Making it past twenty levels would be an achievement in itself!"

Yet, in the very moment the young man aired his grievances, something remarkable happened. The glow of the Mirage Tower's first level abruptly went dark, only for the second level to ignite with light! In that split second, all eyes were riveted on the Mirage Tower. The speed of this progression... it was not just a tad faster than Yang Xiao's—it was notably quicker!

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