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A young boy in his teens ran towards them after a while, and when he saw their convoy, his tears fell like rain.

"Get in!" The brother who was driving in the back let the young man into the car. The young man was still carrying a small backpack, but it was obvious that he didn't have much food.

After another five minutes of waiting, a pair of young men came running in with a child in their arms. The young woman said that there were still a lot of people living near where they lived.

However, since they didn't want to come out, they had no other choice.

They would not wait for another minute. As the time was getting closer and closer to ten minutes, they heard the sound of cars approaching. A few cars drove over from the other side of the plaza, and among them, there was a large truck with a lot of people on it. There were a few cars behind it as well.

Qin Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows, "Isn't saving someone a little too simple?" "It looks like there are more than a hundred people. Shall we head back?"

"No need. Let Liu carry them back." Xiao Chen got off the truck. Then he had Six-Sis and a few of his brothers get on the truck. Along with the other three people and the young man, they got on the truck. They went back to the base first.

"Are they alright?" Qin Xiaoyue was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Xiao Chen blinked his eyes. To be honest, these brothers of his were people who had drank from the spring. Their strength was much greater than an ordinary person's. If they could not even do such a small thing, then their lives would be wasted.

Qin Xiaoyue's car left immediately. They had used this method for the entire morning, and after seeing that more than fifty cars were following behind their team, Qin Xiaoyue suggested that everyone return to the base first. If they rescued too many people, the location of the base would be a problem.

"Don't worry, they can think of something." Xiao Chen felt that the base must have made arrangements. After all, if they were to save him now, they would be able to do so a little more. After a period of time, they would be exhausted by those zombies.

When Qin Xiaoyue and her group returned to the base, the other teams' eyes turned red with envy. Other teams actually used their loudspeakers, but unfortunately, they only had one, so throwing it away was impossible.

"You have saved a total of 3,500 people, a total of 35,000 points." The people in the Hall of Missions gave them some points. Xiao Chen distributed the points to everyone, because there were no zombies today, and there was no way to tell who was the better one, so the points were divided evenly. Other than Qin Xiaoyue and the others, the other thirteen people got 3000 points each, while the rest got 2500 points.

It could be said that he had 2500 points, but eating a steamed bun at the base cost him five points, even a bottle of water cost five points.

Of course, only this team had saved so many people. The other teams had only saved a few dozen people or more.

After lunch, Qin Xiaoyue and the others decided to go out again. This time they were going in a different direction, using the same method as in the morning to attract the zombie's attention.

There were more people leaving in the afternoon. After returning in the morning, they recruited more than ten more people to join Yue Xiao's team. Not only that, three trucks were also taken by them and the three drivers became their personal drivers. The three drivers had made the surrounding team jealous. Regardless of whether it was joining Team Yue Xiao or having a truck, everyone was envious of them.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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