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The first floor of the Chronicle Tower was the same as the time array. One day outside, one month inside. The time of the second floor was double of the first floor. The time ratio increased from one to two months. This made Qin Xiaoyue excited. With this Illusory Time Tower, they no longer had to worry about lacking time for their cultivation.

However, the Illusory Time Tower had another use. Although time was running out, it did not make any changes to people.

This was different from the original time array disc. The original time array disc, as time passed by, people would also grow older or older. But this time tower wouldn't have that kind of trouble.

However, one benefit Qin Xiaoyue gained was that her cultivation was already at the fourth level. Not only her thunder ability, but also her wood element wind ability had also risen to the fourth level.

Furthermore, Qin Xiaoyue found that she now had the ability to heal herself, and was no longer the only one with the ability to bathe. However, this ability was too rare and she did not plan to reveal it.

After Qin Xiaoyue had sorted out her four elements of Discipline, she had stayed in the space for four days. Worried that her family would become anxious, she quickly left the space.

During these four days, the good family members didn't take on any more missions because they needed to settle down. Even though the military had sent people to call twice, they didn't go out with them.

Because Xiao Chen had a Rank 4 Crystal Core, he was already a lightning attribute Rank 4.

Qin Xiaodong had risen to level 3, while Anlin and Kieran had risen to level 2 as well. The kids were all level 1, while Qin Xiaoman was now level 2 as well.

Of course, even though they had improved so much, the Qin family still kept a low profile. General Zhao's opinion of them increased as they had refused a military mission in the past few days. Now that he thought about it, General Zhao had been the one who had come looking for them twice. Although he wanted to avenge his daughter, he wanted the Qin family to send him on a mission, but the refusal of the Qin family had caused him to lose face, so he hated the Qin family even more.

Although Qin Xiaoyue and the rest had revealed their superpowers in the underground laboratory, the military wasn't aware of this matter. This made the members of the Qin family curious. After all, the military team should be aware that they possessed superpowers.

They were a little curious as to why the captain hadn't reported this matter. Qin Xiaoyue was curious as to why he had purposely concealed this matter from them.

Initially, Qin Xiaoyue and the others were a little suspicious, but they soon discovered that their captain had been punished for the matter of the laboratory awakening the special ability liquid. However, because they had gone there late, they had overpaid their merits and only punished their captain with the lightest punishment, which was to be locked up in the base.

Actually, it wasn't that the captain hadn't reported it at all, but rather that the higher ups hadn't given him the chance to.

Qin Xiaoyue couldn't help but laugh. In any case, the longer their superpowers were hidden, the greater the benefits. If people knew that their family had already used their superpowers, they would probably be taken away by the military laboratory.

As soon as Qin Xiaoyue came out of seclusion, she told them about the Illusory Time Tower. Everyone was excited and wanted to go in to train.

However, they soon discovered the use of the Illusory Time Tower. For a third level Talent player, they were only at most three levels above average.

After Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Chen arrived at the fourth layer, they discovered that the speed of the fourth layer was eight months per day. This was twice as fast as the speed of the third layer's four months.

"The flow of time here is indeed multiplied by several times." Qin Xiaoyue felt that she was very lucky to be able to obtain such benefits.

"Woman, didn't you find another benefit?" Xiao Chen looked at her nicely.

"What other benefits are there?" Qin Xiaoyue asked doubtfully. What else was in the space that she hadn't discovered?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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