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Although there were already a few Adepts present, their numbers were still far too few. For example, in the Moon Xiao Mercenary Group, there were three hundred Adepts, but the total number of Adepts could be counted on a single finger. Including the three captains, there hadn't been more than twenty yet.

His Discipline wasn't like the Chinese cabbage from before the apocalypse. It could be seen everywhere. Of course, after the apocalypse, Chinese cabbage was basically nowhere to be seen. Because no one had the time to plant them.

On the fifth day, Xiao Chen and the others finally appeared. Xiao Chen was very pleased with the management ability of the six children. Thus, the third position of vice captain was given to them.

When Xiao Chen came out, there were people from the military looking for him. However, this time, it was not General Zhao. General Zhao had already decided to fight against Xiao Chen, especially during this period of time when he was doing his best to find trouble with Yue Xiao's group.

"Company Leader Xiao." It was a captain named Cao.

"What's the matter, Captain Cao?" Xiao Chen knew that this captain represented the highest ranking officer of the Kyoto headquarter, General Xin.

"It's like this. A while ago, someone in the forests of the western suburbs discovered that the trees there could actually move, and in the direction of our base. Although their speed isn't fast, in the past two days, they've moved about a hundred meters." Captain Cao said.

"The whole forest is flat?" Xiao Chen was astonished. There was actually such a thing? The entire forest was moving in their direction? Were they trying to force the humans away?

"That's right. Although I don't feel any malicious intents, but there seems to be carnivorous plants in the forest. This made General Xin a little worried for the safety of the base." "Therefore, he decided to send someone to deal with this matter. Mister Shangguan Yun recommended you to the general, so the general hopes that you can participate in this operation as well." Captain Cao said.

"Sure." Xiao Chen was actually preparing to accept a mission! He immediately asked, "Do you need me to bring someone? A superpower or an ordinary person? "

"It'd be best if we could bring Adepts with us. It'd be perfect if we had wood-based Adepts." Captain Cao said with a smile. He had already heard that Miss Qin was a wood special ability user and that she rarely went out. Moreover, General Zhao seemed to have offended her, which made them a little embarrassed.

"Alright, I understand." Xiao Chen smiled as he spoke. There were some things that just needed to be understood. Since Shangguan Yun had called him, then Littlemoon wouldn't hide her wood-attribute superpower from him.

"Thank you for your righteousness, Company Leader Xiao." After Captain Cao finished smiling, he said his goodbyes and left. He did not expect that the task would be completed so easily.

Speaking of which, he was a little worried that Xiao Chen would refuse. After all, General Zhao's daughter was a little too much. Even if Xiao Chen decided not to participate in this operation, he would not be surprised.

Who would have thought that Captain Xiao would participate? Captain Cao went back to report.

Xiao Chen quickly discussed the mission with Qin Xiaoyue. Yue Er's Mu ability and Kieran's Qin Xiaodong's Fire ability could pose a threat to the plants, so Xiao Chen wanted to let the three of them go. After all, this was related to their future living quarters.

Xiao Chen was a little worried that if he were to be occupied by those plants, wouldn't Yue Er's ability to return home be too dangerous?

Because it was an urgent task, they had to act the next day. Xiao Chen explained the situation to the six of them, and the six of them decided to continue doing some of the small missions nearby. In any case, they did not have the ability to interfere with these big missions.

Qin Xiaoyue contributed ten buckets of water each day for the members of the mercenary group to drink. Liu Zizi knew the uses of this water, so he decided to use the water for those who could be of more use. As for the others, he wanted to see their performance first. Liu Xiaoyang's way of handling the situation had the support of everyone. In any case, he was the one who coordinated most of the matters in the team.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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