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When Qin Xiaoyue and the others went outside, they discovered that it was a zombie siege warning. They didn't know what happened, but after the zombies surrounded the city, they began to attack the city.

Xiao Chen immediately went to organize everyone. They did not organize everyone, but called them over. The main reason was to give the brothers some time to rest. This time, Qin Xiaoyue, Xiao Chen and Shangguan Yun led the group. On the other hand, Qin Xiaodong and the two military commanders stayed behind. They were waiting to lead another group of people to replace Xiao Chen's group.

At the foot of the city wall, the entire team was in chaos. It had to be said that the people at the Falling Sky Base were too weak. More than half of the people here didn't have superpowers.

"Adepts, get on the walls. If you're not an Adept, rest and wait below." At this time, the high-ranking officer in charge of defending the city also came over. He quickly stabilized the chaos here.

Those commoners had no choice but to stare blankly at the city walls. The high-ranking officer quickly arrived in front of Xiao Chen, "Company Leader Xiao, please get your people to come up." He knew that he had to rely on these people from the capital this time. These people's superpowers were at a much higher level than theirs. Speaking of which, these officers also had a grudge against the Luo Family for sealing their country, but now that it had become like this, they had no way to change their talents.

When Qin Xiaoyue and the others reached the top of the city walls, they discovered that more than half of the traps and traps had been destroyed by the zombies. The Adepts on top of the walls attacked the zombies outside.

As for the zombies, they continuously surrounded the city walls. Fortunately, there was a river barrier around the walls, so there was no need to worry about the zombies overthrowing them.

On the other hand, Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Chen were looking for the zombie leader. However, after looking around, they did not see where he was hiding. After all, there were too many zombies outside.

However, at this time, a small group of zombies was rushing towards the city wall. These zombies were level four zombies, and there were around twenty of them. At this time, the Luo Family general spoke up, "These zombies must be kept outside. If we let them into the city, it will be a disaster for the people. I hope Company Leader Xiao can help this time!"

With that, the leader and his men jumped off the wall. Qin Xiaoyue, Xiao Chen, and the rest jumped down from the city wall as well. Their group headed straight for the group of Level 4 zombies.

It was very easy for Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Chen to deal with these zombies. However, the two of them did not show it, nor did they fight slowly. On the other hand, Shangguan Yun did not hold back.

Although Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Chen hid their powers, in the end, the two of them killed three zombies each. After they cleaned up the group of zombies, the general who jumped down felt depressed.

When Xiao Chen and Shangguan Yun discovered their depression, they quickly brought them up the mountain. Although this commander was a little too weak, Xiao Chen and Shangguan Yun still admired him a lot.

"Thank you! "If there's anything that I can help you with, you guys can just come and find me." He felt that whether or not the Falling Sky Base would be able to hold out this time would depend on whether these people would show mercy. He had seen Qin Xiaoyue and Xiao Chen show mercy in front of him, but even if they did show mercy, they had not been injured at all.

"Good!" I'll definitely come looking for you in the future. " Xiao Chen smiled as he spoke.

The sky gradually darkened. Just when everyone thought the zombies would attack even more fiercely at night, the zombies actually retreated, and in a clean manner.

"Strange, why did they retreat?" Everyone couldn't help but look outside the wall. The zombies had already retreated far away, so they couldn't see what they were planning to do.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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