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The new recruits had all moved to the outer area of the base. Actually, there was nothing they could do about it. The inside environment was better than the outer area, so naturally no one was willing to give them a place to move around.

It was unknown if it was because they were not satisfied with the place they were staying at, or for some other reason, but ever since these people had come in, the entire base had started to get into trouble. First, it was the continuous fighting, and every day the base would handle a dozen or so fights, all because of the conflicts that had occurred between the newcomers and the base's original people.

Everyone felt that they needed to hone themselves for a bit, so they didn't care too much about it. However, soon after, they realized that they didn't listen to the orders of the base.

These people also didn't want to spend their energy to earn points. Every day, they would be the strawberries inside the disaster base. Not only that, they would often climb up to the fruit trees to harm them, and some of the fruit trees were even almost killed.

These people had only lived here for a week, and what had happened was tens of times what had happened in the past two months.

Now, not only could Xiao Chen and the others endure it, even the entire base could no longer endure it. No one would allow such a vicious horse to exist. Their actions angered the entire base.

Xiao Chen and the others quickly ordered the officers and soldiers of the base to gather these people. Not only that, they also ordered them to bring their luggage with them.

After they gathered all of them in the plaza, Xiao Chen said, "Our base has good intentions in keeping you all here. But look at what you have done this week." "I remember that when you came in, we had already made things clear. Since you don't want to stay here, then please leave our base!"

Xiao Chen's words immediately caused some people to clamor, "No way, it is so cold outside. After we leave, we will either die from the cold or starve to death. We will just not leave."

At this moment, there was someone behind Xiao Chen who was very unhappy, "Look at what you have done here in a month. Fighting each day, not only did you destroy all the strawberries in our base, but we, the tens of thousands of people in our base, have not ruined them.

"Yeah, you guys are obviously here to cause trouble for us."

"Get them out of here!"

"Get them out of here!"

Seeing that everyone was shouting, Xiao Chen waved his hands and everyone stopped. Xiao Chen snorted coldly. It must be known that Xiao Chen was already a Superior Grade Nine superpower. Once he suppressed his Spiritual Energy, the group of people in front would no longer be able to take it.

Qin Xiaodong said angrily from the side, "I'm giving you face by talking to you guys properly. You've been in the base for a week already, what have you done? Just like what they said just now, our entire base has enough tens of thousands of people to eat strawberries, but you've all been harmed. Even our most treasured fruit trees have been damaged by you guys. "Even if you don't leave today, you will still have to leave. Our Moon Xiao Base won't be able to take care of you dregs."

"Brother, why are you angry at them?" Qin Xiaoyue comforted her brother. She thought it would be better to let them leave as soon as possible as they couldn't support Ah Dou. She didn't want to ruin the atmosphere of the base.

The people behind immediately started shouting, "Get out of our base! Get out of our base! "

At this moment, the group of people's faces immediately turned red. Speaking of which, the bags on their backs were filled with strawberries and various fruits. They had originally planned to survive in this base without earning points, since fruits were free to be eaten.

Actually, it was this kind of thinking that allowed their base to be destroyed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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