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"What do you mean, rich?" Everyone was excited.

"This is a secret realm. The place is very vast, and there isn't much danger. Yue Er, didn't you want to live in seclusion? I think this place is pretty good. " The most important thing was that the old locust tree had a feeling that there would be great benefits if it stayed inside.

Looking at the excited appearance of the old locust tree, everyone wanted to go in.

"Can we go in now?" Shangguan Yun was also excited. He felt a strong scent and wanted to upgrade his superpower a bit higher. To be honest, he already had some feelings for Qin Xiaoyue and her group. He was afraid that they would abandon him soon, so he had been diligently cultivating.

"First, Yue Er, come with me for a while. We need to consolidate this crack in space. All of you, help Little Orange Tree build this island and protect it with a few array formations." The old locust tree ordered.

Qin Xiaoyue had already tossed out the small orange tree and asked him to accompany them in setting up the array formation. There were quite a few trees on this island anyway, so even if it was nearby, it would still be sufficient.

Qin Xiaoyue followed the locust tree into the crack in space. Everyone patiently stayed outside and began to set up the array. For some reason, during this time, Qin Xiaoman had fallen in love with Shangguan Yun. She was no longer afraid of him.

Everyone in the Qin family was happy to see this happen. To be honest, among the surrounding men, only Shangguan Yun had a decent cultivation base and was worthy of the last few years of their family.

Shangguan Yun and Qin Xiaomeng had gone to set up an array formation. Now that they thought about it, this trap array and defensive array formation were the two array formations that they understood the best. Every time they went there, they would set up a trap array and a defensive array formation for the clone of the locust tree.

As for Qin Xiaoyue, after she entered the space crack, she immediately became excited. The energy in this secret plane was much more abundant than in her own space.

"Yue Er, this place is also a space." As soon as the locust tree arrived, it spoke the truth, "That spatial crack is not stable. If you can find the main body in this space, then you can control the entire space."

"Uh, so this place is actually also a space. However, from the looks of it, it should be much more spacious than mine." Qin Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows. "Let's go and find the main body of this space."

Just as Qin Xiaoyue was about to walk away, she suddenly felt the five-star mark on her chest grow hotter and hotter. "Old Huai, there's a reaction in my space ?"

Just as she finished her sentence, Qin Xiaoyue fainted and her body rapidly flew towards a corner of the secret realm.

Before the locust tree could react, Qin Xiaoyue had already disappeared and the locust tree was kicked out of the crack.

Everyone had already set up a formation and was standing at the entrance of the crevice when they suddenly saw the old locust tree fly out. After everyone dodged to the side, they saw the old locust tree fall to the ground.

"Old Huai, where's Yue Er?" Xiao Chen was anxious, where was his wife? Were they trapped inside?

The old locust tree frowned and said, "If I'm not wrong, she probably went to accept the inheritance. Everyone should just wait for two days!"

At this time, Qin Xiaodong thought of the children. They were still in the space. Except for Qin Xiaoman, who was chasing Shangguan Yun, the other children were still in the space.

Xiao Chen was still trying to use time and space, but he discovered that he was rejected. He was not the only one who had been rejected, even Kieran, his wife and Qin Xiaodong. There was no need to talk about Qin Xiaomeng. No one knew what had happened, even though they knew that Yue Er had levelled up once. If they had been cleared out that time, would it be the same this time?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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