
At five in the afternoon, Qin Xiaodong came back to pick up his sister. At this time, a makeup artist had already finished taking care of Qin Xiaoyue and she had already changed into a formal dress.

"Yue Er is so beautiful!" Qin Xiaodong had never been stingy with his praises of his sister.

"Brother, it's time for you to change your clothes." Qin Xiaoyue looked at the time. Although it was still early, they needed to leave early. She didn't need to remind her brother about today's matter. He would naturally look for her. If she was in trouble, she could only hope that he would find her earlier.

When they got out of the car, Qin Xiaoyue noticed Lai San standing nearby. However, because Lai San was hiding from Qin Xiaodong, Qin Xiaodong didn't notice him.

Lai San gave Qin Xiaoyue a look. Qin Xiaoyue said, "Big brother, I need to go to the toilet."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you." Qin Xiaodong sat in the hall on the first floor, waiting for his sister.

Qin Xiaoyue saw Lai San around the corner. After checking that there was no one around and no one on the monitor, she asked, "How are your preparations going?"

"All three men were sexually transmitted diseases." Lai San whispered.

"Did you recognize Huang Xin?" Qin Xiaoyue asked.

"Miss Yue Er, don't worry. There won't be any mistake." Lai San blinked.

Qin Xiaoyue directly transferred a million yuan to Lai San through her cell phone. Then, she pinched a cup she had grabbed and crushed it.

Seeing that the cup had turned into powder, Lai San swallowed his saliva in fright. "Miss Yue Er, don't worry. I definitely won't screw this up." Mom, why is this woman so violent? What should I do? He really couldn't offend that man.

"Very well, I'll wait for your good news." Qin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

After she left, Lai San slowly squatted down and studied the pile of powder. He was very sure that it was a cup.

"What's wrong? With a crying face? " Behind Lai San, there was a man with a monstrous appearance. It could be said that his appearance was on par with Miss Yue'er. Standing behind him, Lai San's face creased even more when he saw this man.

"Big brother!" Lai San's face was crinkling.

"What's this on the ground?" The evildoer asked as he looked at the pile of items on the ground.

"Miss Yue Er has pinched a cup to such an extent." Lai San's hands were shaking a little.

"Oh!" I like her more and more. " The devilish man smiled and patted Lai San's shoulder. "You can do it! I think you'll win!"

Lai San's tears were about to fall out. He was a little scared. If today's incident were to go awry, would these two people crush him into pieces?

Lai San decided to go over the matter once more. Although he had already investigated many things, there were still some things that required caution and caution.

At this time, Qin Xiaodong had already brought Qin Xiaoyue to the third floor. The third and fourth floors were where the Hua family lived, the second and fifth floors were where the family lived, and the fourth and fifth floors were where the guests could stay.

Even though the two families were in the political world, they weren't in the same team, so the people who came here took different paths, avoiding the embarrassment of the two families.

When Qin Xiaoyue and the others arrived, An Jing had already arrived. Actually, it was for An Jing's birthday, but it was more like an exchange of words.

There were a lot more decisions to make at a banquet than at a conference table. After all, if everyone was able to attend the banquet together, it meant that everyone was in the same team.

Qin Xiaoyue sat in a corner, sipping her drink while Qin Xiaodong chatted with some friends nearby.

At this moment, Hua Yunxiang found Qin Xiaoyue. "Littlemoon, why are you hiding here?"

"It's none of my business!" Qin Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows. She had already noticed that her parents were chatting with their friends.

"I don't have much to do, but I'll have to entertain my mother later." Hua Yunxiang felt helpless. He was surrounded by a lot of people just now, and it wasn't easy for him to escape to his cousin's place.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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