
When Qin Xiaoyue arrived at the hospital, she finally slept soundly for two days. She had to admit that the babies in her stomach had been too cooperative, and her parents no longer had to keep their eyes on her.

On the third day, Qin Xiaoyue's stomach began to hurt. The doctor examined her and all her fingers were opened. The group of people quickly escorted her to the delivery room.

In less than half an hour, Qin Xiaoyue was out of childbirth. The Qin family was also shocked. What kind of speed was this? The three children were born so quickly.

And, as checked, there were two boys and a girl, and the girl was the last one to come out.

When they got back to the ward, Anlin was holding the three kids and calling them baby. As for Kieran and Qin Xiaodong, they were both men, so they did not dare to hold them.

However, with the help of An Lin, the two of them still hugged the two little boys. As for the little girl, they still didn't dare to hug her.

After giving birth to her child, Qin Xiaoyue finally breathed a sigh of relief. After giving birth, she drank two cups of spring water as soon as she got back to the ward. She immediately felt that she was fine and as strong as a cow again.

However, it was impossible for them to leave, so they had to stay in the ward for another three days. This was a rule set up by the hospital. No one could violate the rules set by the hospital.

Kieran and Qin Xiaodong went to get the birth certificates for the three treasures. Seeing that the three children were sleeping soundly, she couldn't help but ask, "Yue Er, what should we do about your brother?" Where can I find a wife for my son? This was a difficult task. If he were to buy a woman, his son would definitely be unhappy. If he didn't, how would he be in a hurry to find her?

They did have space now, and they did have time array discs, but these things shouldn't appear in front of others.

"This matter is a bit difficult, unless you meet a girl who really loves her brother and doesn't want anything but her brother. Mom, have you ever seen a girl who doesn't want anything?" Qin Xiaoyue couldn't help asking.

"There was one before, but although the girl was beautiful, her family was not good, her father was in prison, and her mother was a sick man. I know she liked your brother a lot, but then she dropped out of school. Your brother didn't seem to like her very much, and I didn't say anything. " She remembered when she was in high school.

"Mom, we should check it out when we have time. That girl is living such a miserable life. We should actually help her." Qin Xiaoyue frowned. From the time they were in high school, that girl should have already gotten married.

At this moment, the crying of a girl could be heard. Qin Xiaoyue held the child in her arms and began to feed it. Her milk was still abundant, so she didn't need to prepare anything else.

After feeding the little girl, the two boys woke up one after the other. By the time they finished eating, Qin Xiaoyue was also a little tired.

The three of them had almost sucked her dry, but luckily she was an Adept. If she was an ordinary person, she would've died from exhaustion.

Kieran walked in. He had already gotten his birth certificate, and he even had an account with them. He said happily, "Let me give them their names. Big brother Qin Yulong, second brother Qin Yujie, third brother Qin Ke-er."

Qin Xiaoyue felt that her name wasn't bad. At least, she couldn't come up with such a name.

When he saw that his wife and daughter did not object, he was overjoyed. He was the one who had given them these names.

Qin Xiaodong made a trip home and came back with a big bucket of chicken soup.

"Bro, you treat me like a rice bucket? How can I eat so much?" Qin Xiaoyue felt a little dizzy at the sight of so much chicken soup.

"No problem, just eat with your parents." Qin Xiaodong had specially gotten this dumb hen.

After Qin Xiaoyue ate a small bowl, she heard loud noises coming from the corridor.

He vaguely heard, "Put my child down, someone is snatching my child!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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