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"Minghe, I'm sorry. I'm pregnant with Wang Yang's child."

"Not only will Ouyang Ming and I kill you, I will also destroy you. After you die, I will make you bear the brunt of all the infamy."

"Ouyang Minghe, who do you think you are? You're just a hypocritical person."

"No, I'm not, I'm not." Han Xiao loudly shouted as he woke up. He raised his head to look at the worried gazes of Xi Yun and Xiao Ke Er and shook his head as he asked, "What happened to me?"

"Han Xiao, you also said that you had been unconscious for three days and three nights. I really don't know how you thought you could use such a self-mutilation method to break the array." Xiao Ke Er said, in dissatisfaction.

"Break the formation?" When Han Xiao heard Xiao Ke Er's words, he suddenly thought of the method he had used to break the formation before falling unconscious. Not caring about the astonished gazes of Xi Yun and Xiao Ke'er, he quickly ran to his desk and used a piece of paper to draw the thirty-six astral lights on the paper, as well as the method he had thought of to break the formation.

Although Xiao Ke Er and Xi Yun were very curious, they did not go up to disturb him. Instead, they stood on the spot and watched Han Xiao seriously draw from it, and after about an hour, Han Xiao finally withdrew his Origin Energy and looked at the picture drawn by the flame.

"Han Xiao, this is the way to break through the array, but why can't I see it?" asked Xi Yun with a frown on his face as he looked at the crisscrossing diagram.

"I will explain in detail when Yun Jun arrives." Han Xiao said with a faint smile.

"Are you trying to keep us in suspense? Tell us what we can do." Xiao Ke Er said, in dissatisfaction.

"It's not that I'm suspenseful, it's that there's not enough people right now, so it's useless even if I say it out loud. So just wait for a few more days." Han Xiao said with a faint smile.

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Xiao Ke'er rolled her eyes and said, "You're the most reasonable one. Since you're awake, I'll go inform Xiao Moke, Zhao Xiang, and the others. They should be awake by now." After saying that, Xiao Ke Er turned around and left.

After seeing Xiao Ke Er leave, Xi Yun's expression turned serious as he looked at Han Xiao and asked, "Han Xiao, did you have a nightmare from the words you said in your coma?"

"It can't be considered a nightmare. It can only be said to be a nightmare that has been haunting me all this time." Han Xiao said with a bitter smile.

After opening up his heart to them, he had always thought that he had walked out from that past, but he hadn't thought that his subconscious would still recall the events from his previous life.

"Nightmare?" Hearing this word, Xi Yun couldn't help but frown. He knew Han Xiao's original experiences, there shouldn't be anyone that could make Han Xiao fall for it. He wanted to ask, but seeing that Han Xiao didn't have any intention to say it, he decided to keep the question in his heart.

After a while, Xiao Moke and Zhao Xiang also rushed over. When they saw Han Xiao wake up, they were obviously very happy. Xiao Moke even suggested having a drink to celebrate, but his suggestion was immediately rejected by Han Xiao.

"Shao Moke, at the very least, you are a scammer. At the very least, you should look like one." Han Xiao said as he looked at Xiao Moke with a headache.

"It's also because I'm like this in front of all of you. Normally, I'm very dignified like this." Shao Moke said in dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Han Xiao rolled his eyes. He really couldn't see which part of Shao Moke's expression was that of authority.

After talking to them for a while, Han Xiao thought of the matter with the Xiao family's army and stood up, "I want to go to the Xiao family's army. If you guys are bored, then go take a look."

"Han Xiao, you want to abandon us again?" Shao Moke said in dissatisfaction.

"Xiao Moke, it is indeed not suitable for us to get involved with the matter of the Xiao Family army. Let Han Xiao handle it himself. I received the news last night that the Cloud Army will be arriving in five days. If you have the confidence to make the proposal today." Xi Yun said.

Han Xiao understood the meaning behind Xi Yun's words and nodded. "I know, but I'll mention it after Yun Jun arrives. I just want to see how far the chaos has progressed without grandfather."

While Han Xiao was talking to Xi Yun and the rest, the other Xiao family troops was in an unprecedented state of chaos. Amongst the four armies, besides the members of the Azure Dragon Army, the other three armies were completely disobedient to Xiao Wei's orders, moreover, each army was firmly guarding their own camp, and did not allow anyone from the other armies to enter. A single disagreement would lead to many different armies fighting and killing, and thus, the news of Xiao Ba Ya's death had spread out for only twenty days, and now, more than three thousand people had died under the weapons of their former comrades.

At this moment, they had basically forgotten that they were originally members of the Xiao family's army. In their hearts, there were only members of their own army while the rest of them were enemies. Occasionally, there would be some people who understood what was going on, but to change the situation was still very difficult.

The position of marshal had already made the other three generals' eyes red in anger. They had even forgotten that Xiao Ba Ya had once left behind a military training to unite with the outside world, and had even forgotten that they were going to take revenge for Xiao Ba Ya. At this moment, their eyes were only on the marshal's position, they only had power.

"General, you promised us ten days ago that you would re-elect our marshal. How come you haven't moved at all after ten days?" Dan Xun took a step forward and said.

"It can't be that you want to stand in the position of marshal and are unwilling to re-elect him, right?" Jiang Yao said as he looked at Carefree Gorge with disdain.

"Nonsense, why would the united army be like you vile people? We have been busy with the memorial for the marshal all this time, but you all stared at the marshal's position and threw the marshal's kindness to the back of your minds. Is there any difference between your actions and those ungrateful vile people?" He had suppressed the anger in his heart for too long, so he wanted to use today to vent it all.

Jiang Yao and the other two looked a bit uncomfortable after hearing Xiao Benin mention Xiao Ba's memorial service, but they quickly recovered and said, "We are very clear on the marshal's kindness, but you have seen the current situation of the Xiao family's army. If you don't choose a great marshal early, then the Xiao family's army will disperse due to internal strife, and the reason why we are talking about re-electing the marshal is to protect the Xiao family's army, which is also a way to repay the marshal's kindness."

"The explanation is quite nice. No matter how much you try to explain it, it will not erase the fact that all of you are ungrateful." Benin snorted and said.

"Benin, shut your mouth. Jiang Yao is right, if we don't elect the great general, then the Xiao family's army will disperse sooner or later. However, the great general has left for a period of less than a month, so I want to wait for the great general's month to pay tribute before I choose the new great general. There are still ten days left, so I don't think you all need to be in a hurry." Xiaoxia said.

It had only been twenty days, but Xiao Ya seemed to have aged quite a bit. It was obvious that the matter of the Xiao family's soldiers had consumed a great deal of their mental energy.

When they heard the tiredness in Xiaoxia's words, Jiang Yao and the other two knew that they could not push too hard. After saying that, they all left in succession.

Seeing Jiang Yao and the other two leave, Benin could no longer suppress the puzzlement in his heart as he looked straight at Xiao Wei and said, "General, Benin doesn't understand why you said that just now. You should be the commander in chief since the marshal left, so why agree to give them the chance to fight for the marshal's position?"

"Benin, I would like to ask you about the percentage of the Xiao family members in the Xiao family's army." Xiaoxia asked.

"Less than 20%." Benin said.

Less than 20%, this is a type of sadness. Benin, don't forget that although the Xiao family army is called the Xiao family army, the other three armies are not members of the Xiao family, so aside from the Azure Dragon army, they were not part of the Xiao family. Back then, they were willing to be under the general's command, but now the general is no longer around, so if they are unconvinced, I naturally have my eyes on the commander's position. Xiao Wei said with a wry smile.

Hearing Xiao Wei's words, Benin immediately understood the crux of the matter. However, he still unwillingly said, "But if that is the case, then will the Xiao Family Army still be the Xiao Family Army in the future?"

"I don't know. I only know that even if I die, I must protect the honor of the Xiao family's troops." After saying this, his face was filled with realization. Hearing Xiao Wei's words, Benin nodded and said, "This general understands. Even if they die on the battlefield, this general will make them understand why the Xiao family has always been led by the Xiao family."

"Clap clap clap clap!" Following a burst of applause, the tent flap opened and Han Xiao walked in clapping his hands as he looked at the two of them with a shallow smile and said, "General, Commander Xiao said it well. I believe the Xiao family will not fall down like this with the two of you."

"Your Highness, why have you come back at this time?" Seeing Han Xiao Xianxuan ask in surprise, Xiao Benin also anxiously looked outside and pulled Han Xiao out.

"Your Highness, the Xiao family's military is in chaos right now. You should leave for a period of time. Wait until the internal strife of the Xiao family's army has subsided before returning." Benin said.

Helplessly struggling free of Xiao Benin's hand, Han Xiao looked at Xiao Benin and Xiao Wei and said, "You guys don't have to do this, I came back this time only to take away my original soldiers, I think the united army will not stop me."

"This lowly general naturally wouldn't stop him. However, this lowly general is worried that Jiang Yao will not let him go so easily." Xiao Wei said with worry.

"I think that Jiang Tong Army is a tactful person. After all, after they were assigned to me, they would only be my subordinates and would have no relation to the Vermillion Bird Army." Han Xiao chuckled.

Libre Baskerville
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