Imprisoned Love/C26 The Doctor's Heart
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Imprisoned Love/C26 The Doctor's Heart
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C26 The Doctor's Heart

"Only you... only you, I have to keep you."

I reached out my hand to wipe away the cold tears on her cheeks. I knew that no matter what I said, it wouldn't make her feel any better, but I kept repeating those words to her. I must be repeating those words to calm myself down. I know I am not a good person.

The cycle of life and death... I didn't believe it at all before, but now I don't doubt it at all.

Her soft heart nearly broke. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't...

I heard myself murmuring, "You... You have to make me feel relieved... I am dying. Do you want me to worry for the rest of my life..."

I could feel her emotions. We held each other's hands tightly and her body was shaking.

"... Can you let me go peacefully? Wanqing... Can you do it or not?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She must be in incomparable pain right now. I fiercely cursed myself. This is the little sister you watched grow up. This is the path you chose for her.

When she stepped on this path, she could be free from distractions. She could be happy and safe.

I hope that she will always hate me when she remembers this day. I hope that she will grit her teeth and hate me for deciding her future for her...

After all... I don't want her to be like me, frozen with all her love and hate abilities, watching herself struggle helplessly on the verge of death.


She didn't say anything.

"I came here happily... because I want you to come back with me."

That voice made my heart skip a beat. She didn't realize it...

"I've thought about it before, you wouldn't agree so readily. Maybe you still hate the Late Lord, maybe you've lived for ten thousand years in cowardice and grievance, or maybe there's some other reason... I've thought about all of these, but I feel in my heart... No matter what else you care about, as long as the Devil Realm is still there, as long as you still admit that you are the Demon Lord, what can you possibly fall into a dead end... But you can't say that you're going to die! No, no... "

All of a sudden, the little beauty's tears fell down like rain. My heart felt like it was filled with sand and firewood. A wave of pain spread all over my body...

... "It is just fate. Why do you have to do this?"

I sighed and didn't know what else to say.

When she came to me, I felt like I was a stranger to her. Now she is just a kid.

"But how can the life of a Demon Lord be so short?"

She cried as she said those words. After she finished speaking, we all fell into silence.

The Demon Lord shouldn't have died in such a short life. She was not wrong at all.


"Even Zhuochen is dead, what's impossible about me... Besides, back then, he used half of his life to forcefully bring me back. How could this heaven-defying method of changing fate let us be safe and sound? His death was predestined. Now that I'm going to die, isn't it also predestined? Wanqing, you have experienced this kind of thing before. How can you not understand it? "

How can I be at ease with such a thing...?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

" Be good and promise me. "I closed my eyes. If I still didn't feel at ease, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

Promise me. Promise me you will stay away from the chaos. Promise me you will stay away from everything that restrains you. Promise me you will stay away from the power struggle...

You have a long life. I need you to live well and slowly.

After a long time, I finally heard her voice, "Yes..."

"To Wanqing, you are a Sovereign Lord, senior, and elder sister. Although I don't understand what you have arranged, I know that it is right..."

She didn't allow me to say anything else. She stood up and walked two steps away before kneeling down again, "This subordinate will bid farewell."

Her light-colored clothes dragged on the floor as she gave me a deep kowtow... She turned around and walked away without looking back.

That's good.

It is just another separation. It is just... a feeling.

[It doesn't matter if it is kindness or disaster. I don't need to look back anymore.]

That is why I let go of my hand.

Whether it was Zhuochen or Wanqing, from the day they met, they should have known that there would always be a meeting called goodbye.

When she left, I felt exhausted.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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