In Love With A Lycan/C3 Mysterious
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In Love With A Lycan/C3 Mysterious
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C3 Mysterious

12 years later…

“When are the pack leaders meeting again?” Devon’s deep voice echoed inside a room with three people.

“Next week, sir,” came one of the three people's reply. Devon nodded and went back to reading the paper in his hands.

“You can leave, except Lucas” Devon’s deep blue eyes fell upon Lucas, who was sitting opposite him.

“Yes, sir,” both men answered and left the room, scurrying out of the room in a hurry. Lucas looked a little anxious, as he was curious to know why he was asked to stay.

The two men glanced at Lucas, giving him a sympathetic look, before they walked out the door. They guessed that Lucas was in some kind of trouble. That was the only reason they could think of.

Since they were called into Devon’s office, he looked to be in a bad mood. He looked colder than usual, even though his usual self was always cold. They could hardly breathe well the whole time.

“Lucas, I’m sure you know the reason I asked you to stay back. Do you mind explaining yourself?” Devon said, waiting for an explanation.

“I think this explains my Actions Devon. You need to take a look at this” Lucas stood up quickly and dropped an envelope on Devon’s desk. He gestured for Devon to open the brown envelope.

Devon checked the contents silently, glancing at Lucas at intervals.

"how long have he been here?" He asked, still staring at the pictures his Lucas his Beta took.

"For about a week now" came Lucas reply, he was trying to study Devon's reaction, but Devon still looked the same, there was no visible reaction on his face.

Lucas was getting more anxious each passing second.

"It seems like Raphel is in on it too, Have you heard from Lilac?" Devon asked, looking up at Lucas

"Not yet Devon,we are still looking for her"

Devon sighed, as he ran his hand through his thick dark hair.

“Why didn’t you inform me first?, it could have been dangerous if you were caught” He inquired, his hands folded.

“Alpha supreme Devon, please accept my apologies. I wanted to confirm things before letting you know.” Lucas apologised quickly addressing Devon by his real title. He bent his body slightly to show how sorry he was.

Devon nodded " just be careful next time. Let me know before you do anything, I wont let you off easily if this happens again".

"Thank you Alpha Supreme" Lucas said, feeling a little relieved.

Devon stood up and walked to where a bottle of whiskey was; he poured two glasses and handed one to Lucas.

Lucas accepted it quickly and took a sip from the drink.

“How long have you known about this?” Devon asked curiously, as he walked back to his chair.

Devon Donovan, the legendary name of the Donovan family, was famous in both the human world and the supernatural world.

He was known in the business world as a tycoon, however many weren’t opportune to see him. He ran his business behind the scene, his Beta and Gamma handled His business.

Devon was known to be predominant in the human world. He is the leader of the blue moon pack.

However, his brother and rival Liam were known for his cruelty both in the human and supernatural world.

“When is he striking next?” Devon asked his beta Lucas as he sat down.

“I’m not sure, Devon, but I think it will be sooner than we expected,” came Lucas’s reply.

“Get ready. We need to be prepared,” Devon said, taking a sip out of his drink.

“And well the hell is Kace?” He asked almost in annoyance.

“Uhmm, well, I think” Lucas tried to think of a lie to save Kace from Devon, but his brain wasn’t bringing something up.

"Just make sure, he is here within half an hour" Devon said

“I need him to go somewhere. Tell him to come here,” Devon added, gesturing for his Beta to leave the study.

Lucas Bowed his head one more time, before walking out of the study. he wondered where Kace could be, he was probably with one of the ladies, Lucas though. Lucas came out of the study and let out a relief of breath.

“That idiot Kace, wait till I find you,” he muttered to himself as he walked away.

Devon stood up and waltzed to his window. He glanced outside and saw that the residents in his pack appeared to be content.. He had forgotten the feeling a long time ago. He wondered how it felt to be happy. He sighed, taking a sip from the drink in his hands

As he was about to walk back to his seat, he saw someone standing by a wall. The person was gazing at him. A sardonic smile appeared on the person’s face, a little knock was heard on the door, Devon looked towards the door, and then back outside but the person was gone.

"it's almost time" The mysterious person muttered to himself before walking away from the blue moon pack.

"who the hell was that?" Devon muttered to himself, The person was obviously aware of who her was. As he walked back to his seat, he still found the person mysterious. Who was that?, and why was he in his pack.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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