In Love With A Lycan/C4 What's wrong
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In Love With A Lycan/C4 What's wrong
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C4 What's wrong

“Come in.” Devon’s eyes were on the door, waiting for whoever it was to come in.

The door flew open and Kace walked in, avoiding eye contact with Devon.

“You came on time,” came Devon’s deep voice. Kace glanced at his watch immediately to see what time it was. He ran over in a hurry when he heard The Alpha was looking for him. Thankfully, Devon didn’t look mad at him.

“I need you to go to the Alpha Raphael pack,” Devon continued. Kace’s eyes grew wide with surprise. The moonshine pack was always challenging Devon’s authority. Their Alpha Raphel was Devon’s first cousin. Raphel always hated the fact that Devon became Alpha Supreme.

“Moonshine pack?” Kace asked, almost in disbelief. “Yes, Kace, or do I need to repeat myself?” Devon asked in an icy voice.

Devon raised his hand, signaling for Kace to come closer. “Give this to Raphael and nobody else,” He said, handing an envelope to Kace. “Make no mistakes, Kace. This is very important” Devon raised his hand and signaled Kace to come closer. "Give this envelope to Raphael and no one else," he said. Then, he gestured for Kace to leave, emphasizing the importance of the task..

Kace bowed his head slightly in respect before walking out the door, “I wonder what’s inside,” He mumbled to himself. Kace looked left and right to see if anyone was coming. He walked to a pillar close by and was behind it. “Just a peek,” He muttered, trying to open the envelope. The next second, a hand snatched it from him.

“What the hell!” Kace cursed, but shut his mouth when he saw who took the envelope from him. It was his Beta Lucas. Lucas looked at the envelope and back at Kace.

“what were you trying to do, Kace?” Lucas asked in a mocking tone. “Do you know what would happen to you if Devon caught you doing this, you fool?” He continued, handing the envelope back to Kace.

“Just get this to the moon shine pack and be back before tonight,” Lucas glared at Kace before walking away.

“I wonder why Devon entrusted something like this to me if it’s so important,” Kace muttered to himself as he walked away, too.

Lucas knocked on Devon’s door after he was called by him. Devon could communicate with his Beta and Gamma through his mind. He used it only when he needed to tell them something important, and he didn’t want anyone else to know or hear.

“You called for me, Devon,” Lucas said as he walked close to Devon’s desk.

“Yes Lucas, I heard one shapeshifter escaped from Raphael’s pack. He was wandering about our territory. I was a little surprised to hear about it this morning.”

The shapeshifters were a mutation. They could transform to any form they desire, but only for an amount of time. They were dangerous because of this, as they used it for evil deeds.

Lucas cast his head down. He couldn’t believe Devon had found out about this. He was supposed to report to Devon on the matter, but he was carried away with his mission.

“I’m sorry, Alpha Supreme, this is my first time hearing about this,” Lucas admitted.

“I saw someone suspicious earlier. Find out who that was and report to me on the shapeshifters case later,” Devon said with a slightly scrunched brow.

“Those damn shapeshifters,” He cursed, letting out a growl.

Devon clenched his forehead. He had been feeling anxious and over the edge lately. His wolf was trying to go over the edge. He was trying to control it the best he could. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He wasn't like this before.

“Alpha supreme Devon, are you okay?” Lucas’ voice filled with confusion while staring at Devon...

Devon tried to compose himself, but he was finding it hard to do so. He closed his eyes shut. His wolf was about to surface. Something didn’t feel right, as if he missed something.

“Devon…” Lucas called out his name. Besides being his Beta, Lucas was also Devon’s close friend, or rather only friend. He had been friends with Devon before he became the Alpha supreme.

“Devon, are you alright?” Lucas nudged his shoulder, trying to get to him.

Devon opened his eyes. However, his deep blue colored eyes changed into a deep red color staring into the distance.

“Devon..” Lucas tried to point out the change but was interrupted by Devon.

“I know,” Devon said in a rough voice. He closed his eyes, taking control of his wolf and his eye color changed back.

“What going on Devon? you have been over the edge lately”

“My wolf was trying to take control. It’s been a while since I let it out. I think that’s the reason,” Devon pointed out. Lucas nodded in agreement, even though he was still feeling a little off.

“Ok, if you say so, I think I need to let mine out too,” Lucas said, stretching his arm muscles……

“I wonder if Kace is there already. You could have asked me to go. He might make a mistake,” Lucas sighed as he drove the car out of the parking lot.

“I have my reasons, Lucas. He can’t just sit around all day doing nothing,” Devon said with his eyes closed.

“But Devon, it’s Raphael. I don’t trust him a bit,” Lucas replied, looking back at Devon.

“Keep your eyes on the road Lucas, I just got this car and Doris will have my head if you have a single scratch on your body,” Devon scolded, with his eyes still closed.

“Yes, boss,” Lucas replied with a slight grin on his face. He looked at Devon through the mirror, gazing at Devon. He looked to be asleep. His smile turned sad.

Almost everyone in the supernatural world knew about Devon’s rumored curse.

People spread the rumor that Devon was cursed to be without a mate by the moon goddess, but only he knew the actual truth..

Mates were one of the most important phases of a Lycanthrope and werewolf life. In most cases, a werewolf would have gone feral if they stayed without a mate for centuries, like Devon. After all, their mate was what balanced their life.

Devon started to believe that a curse had been put on him. The only reason he wasn’t feral was because he was a Lycan. Lycanthropes had longer lifespans compared to a werewolf.

It was a miracle for Devon to live centuries without a mate. The streets of the city were still no longer lively as midnight already. The gloomy sky had started drizzling when Lucas heard Devon’s voice

“turn left”.

“What did you say?” Lucas asked, thinking he had misheard. He looked at Devo through the rearview mirror and saw Devon’s Red eyes looking at him.

“Turn Left!” Devon growled and Lucas did so immediately, almost missing the turn.

“What’s wrong, Devon!” Lucas tried to get through to Devon, but he couldn’t.

“Turn left!” Devon roared.

Lucas wasn’t concentrating on the road. He missed the turn, as he was gazing at Devon in bewilderment.

The next second, Devon’s hand was on the steering wheel, alarming Lucas.

“f*ck!” Lucas cursed loudly when the car almost crashed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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