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C5 My mate

"F*ck!" Lucas cursed when they almost crashed into another car. Luckily, he stopped the car on time. "What the hell!" Lucas cursed again. He rolled down the car window and yelled "Sorry!" To the car, they almost crashed into. The angry driver, came down from his car to confront Lucas, which was the last thing he needed.

"Can't you see!" The driver yelled in anger. "I'm sorry I wasn't feeling too well" Lucas lied trying to calm the driver down. "If you know you are sick then don't drive a car!" The man snapped, trying to open Lucas's car door. "I said I'm sorry!" Lucas snarled at the driver, losing his patience. This only made the Man angrier "Come out right this instant or I'm calling the police".

"There is no need for that sir, I didn't crash into you". Lucas said, checking on Devon through the rearview mirror. "What do you mean, you almost gave me a heart attack, I will call the..." Before the angry driver could talk any further his eyes met with Devon and he froze. This was what Lucas was trying to avoid.

"Why.. why... his eyes" the man stammered pointing at Devon. "I think the problem is solved, you can go your way sir" Lucas prompted the man, as he rolled up the car glass.

"Supreme Alpha, you need to take control of yourself", Lucas couldn't address Devon without his proper title when his wolf is out. That was because he was in a lower rank than Devon.

Devon ignored his words and came out the back door, before Lucas could protest he was gone.

"Devon! Devon!" Lucas yelled after Devon trying to stop him, but it was to no avail. "What is happening?" Lucas muttered to himself. He unbuckled his seat belt quickly and ran after Devon as fast as he could when he saw how fast Devon was moving.

Lucas was finding it hard to keep up with Devon's pace."Alpha supreme Devon!" He shouted, trying to get through to Devon who was going super fast. Devon didn't heed his voice as his eyes were fixed on where he was heading to.

He took a right turn into an alley and leapt, confusing Lucas who was already finding it hard to keep up.

Lucas knew how ferocious and dangerous their wolf was when it came out. They only let their wolf out when they needed to protect something or be violent.

Lucas's phone vibrated in his pocket distracting him a little, he missed it when Devon took a right turn at another alley, "Shit!" Lucas cursed out loud when he could no longer see Devon in sight. He had no idea why Devon was that way, where was he headed? He wondered. The last time Devon's wolf went out of control there was bloodshed in the pack, he hoped the case was different this time.

After searching around for a while Lucas finally found Devon at an intersection. He was standing there staring at a house, close by. Lucas was glad they were in the middle of the night, if it was day it would have caused problems for them. Humans were never to know of the supernatural world, it was a rule they had been keeping for centuries.

"Alpha supreme" Lucas called him softly, after letting out a deep breath. "Where are you headed, you have to tell me so I can help you" Lucas tried to persuade him, but Devon stood unmoving without uttering a word.

Devon let out a deep growl ready to move again, and Lucas was ready to follow him.

"Devon wait! Where are we headed?" Lucas asked again but wasn't expecting to get an answer from Devon.

"To see my mate"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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