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C2 Chapter-02

" I'm Sabrina Steward," I shouted and kept the box and the book in my bag before my friends approached me.

" I thought you hated her. Now here you are, coming out of her shop after keeping us wait for a longer time." Alice said.

" What did you both talked about? Did she show you something interesting?" Ronan asked me. I have to come up with an excuse.

" We argued. The old lady didn't like the negative vibes from me. I kind of annoyed her. Anyways, can we go now?"

" We will be leaving now at any moment. I already booked a car." Hayley said, looking at her watch. We walked out of all the crowd. I can't stop thinking about the box in my bag. It makes me anxious. Should I throw it? If I throw it, it might haunt me in dreams.

I snapped myself out of my thought and watching Alice and Ronan taking something seriously.

" I can't believe it. I know you two will end up together one day."

" No. She is not my girlfriend yet. It's just a second date." Ronan laughed. Or I can see he blushed.

" Well, isn't it a great thing?" She said and caught my eyes.

" What are you talking about? Who has a date with who?" My voice is breaking. I can't imagine Ronan with anyone. I love him. I can't always see him as my friend. But he doesn't know anything I'm feeling. I'm not bold enough to say it and ruin my relationship. I clearly know he doesn't have any feelings for me. He cares for me but not like I want it to be.

" Samantha. You know her, right? His girl next door." SAM. How could I not notice her? Am I not paying attention to what's going on around me?

" Cool.cool.cool. When's the date?"

" Tomorrow," Ronan said. His face is glowing with Sam's topic. Fortunately, the car arrived. I can't stand here anymore.

I reached home with a sad look. My mom is talking to someone about some debt. I'm tired of hearing that word. Damn. When will I ever enjoy my life?

I went to my room and took the wish box. It's one more problem in my life. The more I look at it, the more I get attracted to it. I tried to open it but it's not opening. Does it need any key? But there's no lock. What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

I took the book. It must be a guide. I scrolled the pages. I started reading it carefully without missing a word.

" That lady is a witch for me. She wants me to do a spell. A fucking witch spell." I shouted, throwing the box on the floor. It doesn't break. But it gives me bad vibes. This box is not going to do me any good. It's not going to bring me any good things in my life. I'm not doing this spell.

I took the book, box and went to the hall. It's going to the dustbin. My mom is still awake. I thought she would have slept my this time.

" Sorry dear, I didn't have time to talk with you. How was the carnival? Did you enjoy the day?

It was the opposite of happiness.

" Yeah, mom. It was fun. Is there anything I need to know? You are talking seriously on the phone. Is there any problem?"

" No, dear. Nothing to worry about. We did everything to join you in the academy. It's all you ever wanted all these years. Isn't it?"

" Yes, mom. But I don't want you to stress yourself for my happiness. I can go to any other cheap academy. I know nothing will be cheap. But Hellviore Academy is something that...."

" Shhh...Your dad and I planned everything out perfectly. All you have to do is wait for a week. Then, you are off to an amazing start in the academy. You are going to learn a lot of things apart from your studies. The Academy has many indoor and outdoor games too.

" I'm glad to hear that, mom. Speaking of dad, where is he?"

" He's having a rough day. But he will be back home soon."

" What are you holding in your hands, dear?" she added.

" It's nothing mom. Just...just a box to keep some things. I'm thinking of what to keep in it?" I sputtered.

" Oh, can I have it? It looks beautiful. Then, what's that book? Any children storybook?"

To be honest, It's a witch bitch book.

" I think I heard a doorbell ring. Is it dad?" I tried to distract her.

" I didn't hear anything, dear."

" You aren't paying any attention, mom. Don't let dad wait outside. I bet he's super tired. Right?"

" Hmm...yeah, I will go now," She left the room. Now it's my time. I threw the box in the dustbin and collected some extra trash all across the hall. I threw it all over the box. Atleast, I tore all the pages from the book and threw them. Now, I'm having such a relief.

" Your dad is not yet home, Sabrina," I heard my mom's voice.

" Then, wait for him, mom. I'm going to sleep."

" Sleep tight,"

I locked my room and went to bed with one less problem. There's a lot of things bothering me but I will deal with them. Just like everyone else. I don't want the box. It will be gone by tomorrow. I'm Cordelia free. I slept with the thought.

I woke up with my alarm noise. Why did I keep the timer? I'm on holiday for a week. After that, my life will be better. I'm already 18. I hope I will have a good life like just Rapunzel after her 18th birthday.

I walked into the kitchen looking for my mom.

" Good morning, mom," I smiled at her.

" Good morning, dear. Did you slept well?"

" Better than yesterday," I replied, walking towards the dustbin, hoping it looks empty. It does. I got saved from the old lady. I went to my room to see any text from my friends. Just when I took my phone from the table, something caught my eyes on the desk. What the actual fuck?

It's the wish box and the book. It looks like I have never torn it. It's all-new. It's not possible. Nothing is indestructible in the world. How can this be all new?

My mom wouldn't have done it. Not possible. Now, I'm sure of one thing. This thing is not leaving me.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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