In the streets of Manhattan/C2 Tomorrow’s the big day.
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In the streets of Manhattan/C2 Tomorrow’s the big day.
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C2 Tomorrow’s the big day.

They cross the city and go to a suburb: The district of the less well-to-do called "Pauvrita". There, the houses and apartments are less big and less beautiful. But the people are still happy because for them, the most important thing is to be with the people they love in love, peace and understanding.

Julio and Adrianna discover their building when the cab parks downstairs.

- Here is the key...

The driver takes a key out of his pocket and gives it to them.

- The code is +33605621583 and the number of your apartment is 17.

- Wait, I'll write it down on a piece of paper because it's really long! says Julio!

They all find it funny and laugh.

He takes out his phone and says:

- Can you repeat it please?

- Yes of course! +33 6 05 62 15 83.

- Sounds like a phone number, he says!

- Haha it's true too! Adrianna replies.

- Well, we'll leave you to it! Good luck to you and welcome to Manhattan! says the driver.

- Here, this might help you to do some shopping! Said his wife in a nice tone.

She takes out a 100 dollar bill and gives it to them.

- Thank you very much madam, that's nice! And thank you sir! Goodbye! says Adrianna.

They leave.

- We made a lot of money today, sis! This will help Daddy!

- That's right! He can buy medicine with it!

They hug each other before carrying their luggage to the foot of the building.

Julio looks at the code in his cell phone and puts it in.

- Bingo!

They enter, take the stairs and look for their apartment.

They finally find it on the fourth level.

- If we had taken the elevator, we would have arrived quickly!

- You're right, sis, but it's a shame we don't know how to use it! But don't worry, we'll learn all that in time!

He opens the door and they enter.

The apartment is not big enough.

It has a small shower, a toilet, the kitchen is in a corner of the living room and in the living room itself there is a sofa and a small TV.

And as for the sleeping area, there is only one with a "double" bed.

- Ah, there is only one room then Julio!

- It doesn't matter! We have a roof where to sleep and it is already good not?

- Yes, you are right!

She goes to the living room, searches the luggage and gets her guitar back.

- Julio, can you please come?

He leaves the room and goes to see her.

- Igual que tú... Igual que tú, mares igual que tú...

She starts to sing with a smile and her brother follows the rhythm, singing and dancing too.

- Igual que tú... Igual que tú, mares igual que tú... (Julio).

- Igual que van y vienen las mareas... Y las olas van comiéndose la arena. All the seas of the earth are equal to you... (Adrianna).

There is joy in this apartment and when they finish singing and dancing, Adrianna puts down her guitar.

- What if we called dad to tell him that we have arrived?

- You know he sleeps early because he needs his rest. Let's do it first thing in the morning, okay? Let's start putting things away instead.

They sort out their things in their home and Adrianna takes charge of preparing a soup for dinner which they eat with great pride.

- Very good soup sis! The boy who will dare to approach you will have to climb the moon and the stars first because you are not just anyone! You are the daughter of Juan-Pablo Pelegro and the little sister of Julio Pelegro!

She laughs out loud.

- Oh, you're right, and then he'll have to climb up my heart to get in! And you, your girlfriend will have to shout out loud that she loves you and the whole world will have to hear it!

- And above all, she will have to make me dishes as exceptional as yours! What do you say to that?

- I agree with you, haha!

When they finish, they wash the plates together and Julio goes to the bedroom to get a blanket and a pillow and then he returns to the living room.

- But, what are you doing Julio?

- What? I want to sleep!

- Here?

- Yes! Go to the bedroom, you need enough space to rest. You've come a long way today!

She goes up to him and holds his left hand.

- We made this journey together Julio!

He puts his right hand on her cheek, kisses her on the forehead and then takes her in his arms before saying:

- Go to bed Adrianna! I am a man, you don't need to worry! Everything is fine! Do you understand?

A small smile appears on his face:

- You are the best big brother on the planet! You look so much like daddy!

She engulfs herself in his arms before telling him how much she loves him.

- I love you too sis! Have a great night!

He lies down on the couch and she goes into the bedroom to sleep.

The next day. *****

It is 7:00 am and the light of the day wakes up Julio.

He gets up and opens the curtains of the window and goes to stand in front of the room where his sister is sleeping.

- Adrianna, Adrianna!

She wakes up and stretches first before saying:

- Yes Julio! What time is it please?

- 7 o'clock and 2 minutes! We have to call dad. Are you coming?

She gets up quickly and opens the door. He enters the room and they both sit on the bed.

He takes his phone and calls.


Juan-Pablo hears the phone ringing from the bedside. He smiles because he knows it's his children. He looks at his cell phone and it is confirmed:

- Son?

- Good morning, Daddy! Did you sleep well?

- Julio! Yes, son, and you, I hope? Did you arrive well?

- Yes, dad!

Adrianna takes the phone from Julio's hand and says:

- Daddy!!!!

- My darling!

- Yes, Daddy! We had a nice trip and now we are in our apartment.

She tells him everything that happened from beginning to end.

- You danced and they paid you? That's right! May the Holy Mary also bless that couple who dropped you off at the house.

- Yes, dad! And Mother Teresa?

- Ah, she will arrive soon! You know it's the service today!

Julio takes the phone and answers:

- Exactly! And you will go to the service together...

- Yes, son! Hey, school starts tomorrow! How does it feel to know that you're going to Beverly Hills? Well, I'm happy to know that my children will be there! I've never had the opportunity to go to a school as well known as this one, you know!

- We are excited to go dad! Says Julio!

- And we will be the best as always dad! We're going to get great diplomas and you're going to come and get them with us at the graduation. Right dad?

Juan-Pablo laughs with joy.

- Oh my! I'm so excited! Well, I have to go! You have to get ready for tomorrow, okay?

- Okay, Daddy! Your daughter loves you very much!

- And your son too.

- I love you too! You are the two wonders that life has given me!

After the call, they clean up before everyone takes a shower.

After that, they make breakfast together and eat it while talking:

- Do you know who you'll be sharing a room with in college?

- No sis! I think we'll find out tomorrow!

- I see!

When they finish, they clean up the plates and Adrianna takes her guitar, sits by the bedroom window. She is about to sing one of her favorite songs sung by Amaral who is her favorite singer, featuring a singer.

She looks at the landscape and then starts to sing.

🎼🎼Como quieres que me aclare

How do you want me to explain myself

Si aun soy demasiado joven

If I'm still too young

Para entender lo que siento

To understand what I feel

Pero no para jurarle

But not to swear

Al mismisimo angel negro

To the same black angel

Que si rompe la distancia

That if he breaks the distance

Que ahora mismo nos separa

That now separates us

Volvere para adorarle,

I will return to adore him,

I will give him my soul

I'll even give him my soul

Si trajera tu presencia

If he brought your presence

To this night that does not end

to this night that does not end



Te necesito

I need you

Como a la luz del sol

Like sunlight

En este invierno frio

In this cold winter

Pa' darme tu calor

To give me your warmth🎼🎼

As she sings the line in the male voice, she sets down her guitar next to the bed's comforter and admires the landscape she sees through the window.

Meanwhile, Julio is outside the living room window admiring the suburbs but, he can see the tall buildings of the city in the distance. He is mentally preparing himself for a new life. He thinks about his studies and how he will excel as he did in the village and then, about his future. How he will find a great job and the woman of his life, God willing.

The evening.***

Julio and Adrianna prepare their things. They put their clothes in the suitcase and put what they need in the school bag, like the notebooks for example:

- Tomorrow is the big day! Says Adrianna!

- Beverly Hills! This is a dream come true!

- You could have made it happen by now, but you preferred to wait until I was out of high school so we could make it happen together at the same time.

- Ah, that's normal and I don't regret the two years I spent at Boscou University!

- Yes, it's a good school!

- But Beverly Hills is ....?

- Best!

They jump for joy and hug each other.

That night, they sleep like newborn babies who have no problems in life. They have a smile on their face and are looking forward to the next day.

To be continued...

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