Incantation Script Family/C100 Humble Man(2)
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Incantation Script Family/C100 Humble Man(2)
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C100 Humble Man(2)

The master is angry and the guest is not allowed to speak. After a while, Tao Da came to his senses and said, "When the Governor of the Prefecture escaped, he did not receive any orders from the Imperial Court. He left on his own accord. When Lord Taijian went, he entrusted me with the control rights of the three thousand navy cavalry in the prefecture. Brother Fu is just in time. With your knowledge, you will definitely be able to lend me a hand. Let's take revenge on this book burning on the border of Fu Yun River."

Ah -

Danxia Prefecture was just a small prefecture in the territory of Great Zhou. It was filled with hills and barren land. In his previous life, when he studied geography and modern history at the Talisman Pavilion, his teacher shook his head as he talked about it. He even advocated for students to eat less snacks and buy less clothes. He donated some money to the children in the poor mountainous areas. When society developed to that era, Danxia was still poor, let alone this era.

It was not that the people here were lazy, it was all because of the terrain. People said that they depended on the mountain to eat the water. Danxia was at least on the side of the hills, so why was she so poor? The bad was on the mountains and rivers.

The high and low hills in the governor's manor were all rocky mountains, the surface of the mountains was covered with a thin layer of soil. There was nothing that could be planted. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they could finally reclaim their fields. However, the terrain at the foot of the mountain was sunken. He did not need to produce large amounts of water. A rainstorm full of water poured in. It was completely flooded.

Fortunately, there was always a way out. The stones from the hills could be put to good use. The only thing that maintained the livelihood of the people in Danxia Prefecture was the mining industry. It was just that the stones were not unique in any way. There were many hills in the continent. The flood was frequent and the roads were muddy. The entire Great Zhou, including the Great Zheng, who would give up on the short distance and choose the easy way? Who would come to Danxia to buy stones to build a road?

Therefore, the prefecture had been poor for generations. Zhou Wen was born lazy. During the migration to the south, the officials had many things to do, and they had actually managed to pull down the thousands of troops the prefecture had raised. The army had forgotten that Emperor Zhou didn't even care about his uncle. He still remembered Lord Censor of a poor prefecture. Furthermore, this lord's jurisdiction was poor. Even if he returned to the capital to report, he wouldn't have anything good to offer. The officials in the court had even forgotten about him.

Who would have thought that in such a situation, Great Zhou officials who did not have integrity would run away? Those who had integrity would hang up and take the poison. Only a small county magistrate in a remote village would not run. He even held an entire province of soldiers and vowed to perish together with the enemy? !

Of the three thousand troops in Lord Tao's hands, two thousand were from the Internet trolls. One thousand were from the Danxia Region. The so-called prefecture soldiers were just bailiffs from the various villages and counties of the prefecture. The number of guards gathered at the city gates was... Only the two thousand navy soldiers were the real army, but the numbers were too small. It was no wonder. If there were too many, the poor prefecture would not be able to afford it.

Although Fu Tingzhi wholeheartedly wanted to return home, staying behind to fight the war was indeed unwilling and unwilling. His admiration for Lord Tao was true. After understanding the entire situation, his head was a mess, and he was tongue-tied. This Lord Tao clearly wanted to use the Internet trolls to fight against the righteous and brave cavalry.

A scholar who could not move a blade could not ride a horse. However, he had such integrity. Unless he was born to be treacherous, anyone who saw such a County Magistrate, Lord Tao, would feel touched. With this sentiment, he could not say a single word. Even if he thought of all sorts of inappropriate things in his mind, he would not be able to say them directly. He could only hold it in for now and find an opportunity to say them out.

Furthermore, whenever Lord Tao looked at Ye Qingcheng, that gaze seemed to want to swallow him alive. Without saying a few words, he instantly thought of the legendary stories of the young hero barging into the camp alone and so on. He was beaming with joy, and his eyes were filled with the generosity of being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with a young hero on the battlefield.

These people were naturally brought into the County Governor's Estate. They didn't even have the chance to decline the offer. Before dinner, the bailiff had already brought big and small bags of Talisman Glory. Ye Qingcheng didn't even pull down his silver spear or bow.

There was naturally a banquet at night. When the dishes were served, the pavilion could already see that this official was poor. The best dish was just All-Fish. As for the other meat dishes, there were a few slices of meat on the surface of the plate that were all supported by green vegetables. Holding the chopsticks in his hand, he could not help but sigh. Such a good official could not understand the way of an official. His respect for this person increased a little.

When Fu Rongxuan heard that they were going to fight a real war with the Great Zheng Army, his mood became unusually high. Especially Fu Xuanzhi, who said, "After following Brother Ye for more than a month, my kung fu finally came in handy." You want to go to the battlefield just because of what you've learned in the past month? Fu Tingzhi almost fainted when he heard this, and the cabbage that was stuck in his chopsticks almost fell down.

He glanced at Ye Qingcheng several times, and that person was quickly surrounded by the yamen advisors. One cup, one cup, and one cup of advice; they were filled with lofty sentiments. He wished he could divide the only victory of the Battle of Red Jujube into three victories of the Battle of Red Jujube, the Battle of Red Jujube, the Battle of Red Jujube, and the Battle of Red Jujube.

Lord Tao, on the other hand, noticed that Fu Ting's mood was not high. He asked a few times. His eldest brother Fu Hua used the excuse that he was not feeling well to help cover it up. At any rate, Fu Ting couldn't hold it in any longer after the tables were cleared and they returned to their respective rooms. He closed the door and kicked Ye Qingcheng's leg, "You actually colluded with outsiders to plot against me!" He complained again and again, "In war and war, the Emperor has already run away for eight hundred years. All you think about is fighting. The Great Zheng has more than a hundred thousand cavalry. What can they use to fight? "

The more he spoke, the more furious he became. His hands and feet could not help but pound on Ye Qingcheng's body, "Why don't you compete with me? Anyway, I will definitely not be able to beat you."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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