Incantation Script Family/C117 Schemes of 08 Cruel Schemes(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C117 Schemes of 08 Cruel Schemes(1)
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C117 Schemes of 08 Cruel Schemes(1)

The Hu Manor Master took out his vest, which was tied with explosives, from the box. After a while, he replied, "I understand." He closed the box and put it aside. "Even if we die, we will kill that guy." For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the clothes that had taken people's lives. They all had surprised looks on their faces. No one had expected this to happen.

Fu Ting suddenly lowered his head, not daring to look at the face of the Manor Master Hu. "Please..." His cold hand was held by Ye Qingcheng, and a warm feeling spread from his palm to his heart. He slowly raised his head and looked into his concerned eyes. "Qingcheng, I..."

Ye Qingcheng clenched her fists, and said to the manor lord, "Ting Zhi's plan is very perfect, if the manor lord has the confidence to kill the third prince... I can also use this thing." Staring at her back that was about to take someone's life, Ye Qingcheng's heart felt as if a seasoning bottle had been knocked over. For a moment, it was sour, bitter, and salty. He really could not describe the taste.

It was not appropriate to use decisiveness to describe such a scheme. If it was really appraised by outsiders, it would probably be described as ruthless. Ye Qingcheng's throat gurgled as his hand that was holding onto the Talisman Pavilion tightened. In the end, he could not resist moving his face to the side and avoiding the Talisman Pavilion's gaze.

Manor Master Hu put his vest back on properly and slammed his palm heavily on the box. "There's no need to bury your bones in the mulberry field. There are no green mountains in life. This Hu will take his leave!" He picked up the box and left with a loud laugh.

That afternoon, Hu Ting decided to leave early to inspect the terrain. However, Fu Ting insisted on not sending him off. Ye Qingcheng tried to persuade her, but she had no choice but to go by herself. When the boat arrived at the bottom of the water, Manor Lord Hu and the others disembarked from the boat. Ye Qingcheng felt guilty and truly felt reluctant to part with them, "One of the pavilions said it directly. It's not a difference if you don't send him off. Manor Lord Hu knows that he feels terrible."

Manor Lord Hu heartily smiled and cupped his fists: "General Ye, take care." The group of people mounted their horses and left with a trail of dust behind them.

The next day, the three armies were fully equipped. The simple clothed and lightly clothed Fu Zhizhi stood on the destroyed city wall. He watched the soldiers leave the county city wave after wave. When Ye Qingcheng's boat arrived, her thin body suddenly trembled. The Qiu Dynasty's sharp eyes went forward to support her.

The head of the Talisman Pavilion, however, flung the Qiu Dynasty away and took a few steps to the side of the ruined city wall. He tried his best to stretch out his body to look out. On the raft, Ye Qingcheng covered his left chest with his hand. Looking at the peerless and independent figure on the city wall from afar, he slowly let out a smile. He silently said, Wait for me to come back.

At this moment, there was nothing he could say. The two of them stared at each other. The entanglement continued until they could no longer see each other. They were still unwilling to withdraw their gazes. Until the last ship sailed out of their field of vision, the Qiu Dynasty once again went forward to support their Master. "Young Master Ting, let's go."

Fu Ting used the back of his hand to lightly touch his nose and choked a few times before slowly standing up. His footsteps were unsteady as he allowed the Qiu Dynasty to help him onto the small boat. On the boat, Fu Xuan and Fu Hua were waiting anxiously for Fu Ting to board the boat. The Xuan Branch Fu Hua immediately rowed towards the river bank. When they arrived at the riverbank, they boarded a large ship from the earl's residence and descended along the river. They then headed to Tongxian County together with Lord Tao, who had been waiting for a long time.

The battle at the Third Prince's Dan Xia Residence was the most aggravated battle in his life. From start to finish, he did not even know who he was fighting. He did not even know if his opponent was the Great Zhou army. Ever since he stepped into the Danxia Prefecture, he had been repeatedly harassed by a small group of illegal armed forces. He had mysteriously lost hundreds of people.

The front of the army, a thousand men, entered a small county near the border of the Danxia Prefecture. There were no signs of human habitation as before. They smoothly took the road and went deep into the hilly area. They carefully marched for a day without any movement. The next day, they continued on their journey. They were less than half a day's journey away from Tushan County. Suddenly, countless arrows flew out from all directions in the forest. The army could not avoid them in time. More than a hundred people were killed or injured.

When the Great Zheng Army woke up, they split up and chased after the forest. From afar, they saw several riders rushing out of the cove towards the direction of the Tushan Mountains. The lesson from the last time was still in front of them. The vanguard and deputy general were afraid that they would encounter an ambush and did not dare to chase after them. He ordered the four sides to be on guard and reorganize their troops.

When the troops regrouped and sent out small teams to scout the way, the front troops did not dare to advance. They split into three teams and slowly moved forward. Less than half a mile later, they suddenly heard a scream. Behind them, flames burned. The deputy general of the vanguard hurriedly ordered his men to return to the army. Before his voice could fade, countless masked men descended from the sky. In the chaos, he killed and disappeared into the forest. Those men who were injured and unable to escape, fought to the last breath of their lives. They did not even say a word to retreat.

They hurriedly packed up the chaos and ran to the place where the fire was calling, but they were blocked by the burning rolling wood. After the fire extinguished and the rolling wood was moved away, he saw corpses everywhere, and the concave areas were filled with blood. Blood marks were left on the hooves of the horses. The living soldiers were trembling in fear. They did not speak, and they could not even tell how many enemies there were.

The vanguard general looked around and saw that it was not easy to stay in this low-lying area for long. The team that had sent out to scout had yet to report back. The Vanguard carefully moved forward for a while. Dozens of corpses lay scattered all over the road. The scouting team did not see a single survivor.

The vanguard did not dare to move again. He ordered his men to report the situation to the third prince of the rear. They sent troops to monitor the high ground, the mountain slope, the open field of vision, and other places. The rest of them buried themselves in the pot to cook and wait for orders. After waiting for a day without sleep or any news, the back troops did not arrive. The vanguard and deputy generals knew that the people they sent had been killed. The rear troops led by the Third Prince were probably in the same trouble.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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