Incantation Script Family/C173 Nightnight Lone Temple(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C173 Nightnight Lone Temple(1)
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C173 Nightnight Lone Temple(1)

"Let's go." Fu Tingzhi tried his best to conceal the disdain in his heart and waved his hand. "There is still a battle outside the south gate. Everyone, stay alert." Looking at the loyal and courageous Great Zhou soldiers, he said, "I promise that I will bring you all to Dali. Let's go!"

The south gate was just as Fu Ting had expected. Although there were soldiers guarding it, there were less than a thousand of them. The Great Zhou army only fought for half an incense stick of time before they left the capital. After splitting the direction, the remaining soldiers protected Emperor Zhou as he fled south.

The army ran for another half a day. Suddenly, there was a muffled thunder on the sunny day. A few bolts of lightning struck down and struck down the wutong tree that was the size of a bowl on the side of the road. Emperor Zhou failed to sit properly and got off the horse. He happened to fall beside the broken tree.

"Your Majesty." Fu Tingzhi hurriedly dismounted. "Your Majesty..." At the same time, Steward Liu also followed and knelt down: "Your majesty needs to take care of your body..."

"Mother is going to die!" Emperor Zhou Wen shouted out in an inexplicable manner. There was another muffled thunder in the sky as torrential rain poured down. "Mother is going to die!"

Manager Liu raised his face in a panic. "Your Majesty, what did you say? What did you say..."

Later on, it was confirmed that it was just as Emperor Zhou Wen felt. Just before the lightning struck, the Empress Dowager of Great Zhou did not want to die from being captured. The so-called mother-son bond was truly not wrong at all.

"Order the army to find a shelter from the rain and rest for a while to strengthen their vigilance." Fu Zhizhi also felt exhausted and suddenly changed the sky. Wet clothes wrapped around his body were extremely uncomfortable. The key was that Second Winter had also been kidnapped along the way. Her clothes had not fallen off at all.

Fu Ting Zhi was not worried about the pursuers at all. Ji Cheng would go easy on them until she arrived in Dali. It did not matter how much she rested along the way. Now, the entire army was willing to listen to her and break her arms. Fu Ting! The first! He didn't even leave half of it for Emperor Zhou Wen. This lone army had clearly become the direct descendant of the Talisman Pavilion.

What he was worried about now was that there were so many soldiers. Without food and fodder, how could they feed them? Warhorses were expensive and more important than humans. He had to find a place to feed the horses and set up camp. Otherwise, the horses would be gone. The Southern Predator had truly turned into a fugitive.

"Sir." A soldier came over and cupped his hands. "My home is not far away. I remember that there is a temple less than half a mile ahead. Your Majesty and Sir can go in and rest. The forest there is lush and the horses are not hungry. "

Zhu Hua also hurriedly said, "Your subordinate saw that His Majesty and the Crown Prince cannot bear to trek and that the enemy has yet to chase after us. Why don't we take a rest?" He also knew that as long as they left the capital... The Southern Predator would not encounter any danger along the way.

The suggestion was exactly what he wanted. Manager Liu and Zhu Hua helped Emperor Zhou Wen onto the horse. Fu Tingzhi consoled him by the side, "Your Majesty, you can't think too much at this moment. The soldiers of the three armies are all counting on you."

"I understand..." Emperor Zhou wiped away the mixture of rain and tears and supported himself on the horse. "I was just unable to control my emotions for a moment. I'm afraid..."

"Your Majesty." Fu Ting bowed beside the horse. "Your Majesty, take care of yourself. The journey to Dali is arduous. There are enemies chasing in front and behind, and the Crown Prince has yet to give his respects." He bowed again, "This official has overstepped the boundaries of the country... If your majesty has any problems, the three armies will be in chaos. When the time comes, how are you going to support your young highness?"

"Father." The Crown Prince beside him also echoed, "I hope that Royal father will take care of the overall situation."

Just as they were making a ruckus, the sound of hurried horse hooves suddenly rang out. "Young Master, Young Master..." It was precisely Second Winter, who had been "kidnapped" by Ji Cheng, who had chased after them.

Second Dong, whose face was covered in blood, rushed forward to catch his breath before he rolled down the saddle. "Young Master, I've caught up to you." He grabbed the head of the talisman pavilion. "Young Master, are you injured? Did you bump into him?"

"How did you escape? How did you escape?" Fu Ting Zhi had already understood when he saw Second Dong and the huge burden on his back, but he was still happy to see him again in such a desperate situation. He asked again and again, "Are you hurt? Are you hurt? "

"I only got a minor injury." Second Winter flicked his sleeves and gave Fu Ting a look. "The carriage was overthrown by the barbarians. The two Ladyships and the old lord were all dragged away. This servant could only wipe some blood off his face and lie on the ground, pretending to be dead. Only after the barbarians ran into the Imperial Palace to snatch things did he get up and pack up the clothes in the carriage to chase after the Young Master." He leaned closer and said in a low voice," There is food in a small county in the north. "

"It is good that you have escaped. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's go together." The corner of Fu Ting's mouth curled up slightly. A wave of warmth rose in his heart. 'He really is thoughtful. He still remembers to give me clothes and silver at this time. '

"You saw the Barbarian Army along the way?" Zhu Hua, who was standing at the side, had already seen the situation clearly. He interrupted, "You said that the barbarian had entered the Imperial Palace to steal things. Did you see him personally?"

"I saw them with my own eyes." Second Winter got on his horse again and followed behind Zhou Wen. "There are no pursuers along the way. They must have gone after General Zhang."

When Fu Ting came to meet with Ji Cheng, Zhang Zhen, who had died in battle, could not help but sigh. It was a pity that he was such a loyal general. It was truly a pity. Ji Cheng said, "If you let such a person live, you might as well let him die in battle. He was actually happy when he died. "

Libre Baskerville
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