Incantation Script Family/C177 Emperor Zhou Made It Clear That He Wanted to Negotiate a Peace Treaty(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C177 Emperor Zhou Made It Clear That He Wanted to Negotiate a Peace Treaty(1)
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C177 Emperor Zhou Made It Clear That He Wanted to Negotiate a Peace Treaty(1)

When Emperor Zhou heard that, he couldn't eat any more. He put down his chopsticks and said, "Dali is currently peaceful, and it won't be long before the Great Zheng Army calls."

"This official had a detailed discussion with General Hu a few days ago..." Fu Tingzhi hesitated for a moment before saying, "Our army doesn't have ten thousand people, and most of them are injured. We can't win. This is the border of Great Zhou, so it is impossible for us to head south."

"Do you think that I am still an emperor?" Emperor Zhou smiled bitterly. "If not for you risking your life to save me, Southern Predator, I'm afraid that you would have fallen into the hands of the enemy like the Empress..."

Fu Zhizhi wasn't surprised to hear Emperor Zhou's words. She knew that the Emperor didn't have the courage to die for his country. If he had the courage, how could he have talked about being conferred the title of king in history?

"Father!" The Crown Prince could tell that there was something wrong with his words. "Father, why do you think so? If Lord Fu did not save Father and his son back then, he would naturally have died with Great Zhou. How could he have fallen into the hands of the barbarians?"

"Don't speak nonsense." Emperor Zhou Wen shouted at the Crown Prince, "What do you know? Death is the easiest. It is the hardest to endure humiliation and live in dishonor."

Fu Ting did not expect Emperor Zhou Wen to speak so bluntly. He was so shocked that he forgot his taboo and looked straight at him. "Your Majesty, is Your Majesty planning on doing this?"

"I have thought about my life countless times over the past few days. I am not a good emperor. But Crown Prince... " Emperor Zhou Wen looked eagerly at his son. "However, he has the wisdom of a Lord. My dear subject, do you understand my intentions?"

This was the truth. The Crown Prince was born by Empress You, and he had half of the You bloodline. His temperament was more like his mother's uncles, and he was indeed many times stronger than Emperor Zhou Wen. Fu Zhizhi lowered his face and quickly wondered if Emperor Zhou Wen's words were true or false. He did not dare to make a conclusion whether he was being loyal or asking for help in the face of danger.

Emperor Zhou wasn't in a hurry. After all, he had been an emperor for many years, so he could see the situation clearly. After a few days of peace in Dali, the emperor's thoughts gradually returned to his mind and he had some plans. At this moment, he was just waiting to see the Talisman Pavilion's attitude. The impeachment memorials of the Li Palace were all true. Although he deeply believed in the loyalty of the Talisman Pavilion, he had no choice but to make use of this subtle connection to make a way out for the Crown Prince.

He did not want to die, and he did not want his son to die either. Since he refused to die, he hoped that the Crown Prince would rise again one day. He could only use the only chess piece in his hand, the most capable minister in the entire Great Zhou - the Imperial Censor, Fu Si!

"This official..." Fu Ting gritted his teeth and stood up, cupping his hands. "This lowly subject's family has been deeply indebted to the Emperor for generations. It is time to serve the Imperial Court. This official will definitely do his best to protect the Lord." Since he did not know what the Emperor's intentions were, there was no doubt about it.

"That's good." Emperor Zhou patted the table cunningly. "My dear minister, sit and speak."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Fu Zhizhi sat back down and lowered his gaze without making a sound. In terms of the heart, there were very few people in this world who could compare to her. So what if she was the emperor? Fu Ting believed that if Emperor Zhou Wen wanted to make things difficult for him, hu Lian was the first to disagree, and the remaining thousands of Great Zhou soldiers would not agree either. Without Fault, without any ministers and concubines, there would be no Empress. Crown Prince and Young Emperor Zhou Wen were all alone, so there was no need to fear the pavilion.

After making up his mind not to talk about any sort of negotiation strategy, Fu Ting sat there steadily. He held his breath and put on a loyal look as if he was at his disposal. What a joke. I risked my old injuries to recover your father and son from the middle. It was to protect the reputation of the Fu Clan and protect the reputation of my loyal subjects. You want me to persuade you to surrender? Dream on!

Then, it would be better to sit still and be more stable than anyone else.

Emperor Zhou Wen cursed back and forth countless times in his heart. Unfortunately, his flesh was on the chopping block, so he had no choice but to open his mouth. "I remember that there was an old relationship between my beloved minister and the Grand Marshal of the Grand Righteous Army?"

It had come. Indeed, it had come. Fu Tingzhi slid down from the stool and knelt down. "This official was young and was deceived by villains. This official will not be able to absolve himself of the blame even if I die ten thousand times."

The Crown Prince by the side could not stand it anymore. He hurriedly sat up and helped Fu Ting up. "This official can guarantee Lord Fu's loyalty. Royal father, I hope that royal father will take good care of Lord Fu's serious illness before he recovers. Don't blame him anymore. "

"Zhen did not blame him." Emperor Zhou Wen slowly said, "I only wanted to trouble Lord Fu to use the Great Orders to stop a war."

"Ah!" Two strange cries and one from the Talisman Pavilion were fake. The first one came from the Crown Prince. It was truly shocking.

"Father, King -" The Crown Prince knelt down himself this time. "How can father surrender..." He tried hard to calm down the fear in his heart. The Crown Prince held his hands together and sobbed, "The country has fallen into the hands of the barbarians, and it is already a shame to our ancestors and common people. As the Crown Prince of the Great Zhou, it is a shame that the country has fallen into the hands of the barbarians. Father, I beg father to fight with his life on the line."

"Shut up! I am the Crown Prince's father, and the emperor of all the people in the world. You actually forgot about the ways of the ministers and ministers, father and son?" Emperor Zhou once again berated his son. He turned to look at the dazed Fu Ting and asked, "What do you think, dear minister?"

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