Incantation Script Family/C197 The Exam of the Office of Commerce(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C197 The Exam of the Office of Commerce(1)
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C197 The Exam of the Office of Commerce(1)

It was clearly written on the notice that the official in charge of the examination was the first Grand Secretary of the court, Nesvus, and also the head of the Jolin Courtyard. The other one was the former groomsman of the previous dynasty. Han Jiang, currently ranked third in rank as the Head Minister of the Public Affairs Department.

In this month, more than ten scholars reported their names with the attitude of giving it a try. Han Jiang did not appear. He only asked the officials below to register and arrange the examination time before letting them go back. The scholars did not see the head of the Talisman Pavilion that they were eager to meet.

On the day of the exam, Han Jiang was wearing a purple court uniform and seriously asking a series of questions. This round was called the interview. After the interview, each person received a different color plate and was assigned to different rooms to participate in the written exam according to the color.

The scholars were at a loss because Han Sicheng's questions were really strange. He did not take the academic and academic examinations and only chose to ask questions about arithmetic. When this scholar was unable to answer, he turned to ask a serious question. This time, the scholars still did not see the head of the Talisman Pavilion, but they saw the former Courtesan Belle. In their hearts, they were also happy.

It was said that this Courtesan Belle was not an ordinary person. Fu Ting had personally taught him before, and he also had a marriage alliance with the Fine Jade Forest Academy. He was also a powerful figure.

Right, when the new dynasty was established, Fault insisted on entering the Fine Jade Forest Academy to repair the book collection. The current position of Prime Minister of the Great Zheng Dynasty was empty. Not only the position of Prime Minister, but there was currently no one else that could use the position of the three dukes. Only the Jolin Courtyard had the First Seat, the Nine Great Pavilion Elders and the Twelve Great Scholars. It could be seen how powerful the appeal of the Talisman Pavilion was.

When the scholars entered the examination rooms, they discovered that the environment was completely different from the cramped environment of the Gongyuan Courtyard. There were only a few books in the large room, and there were even calligraphy and paintings hanging on the windows and burning incense. The exam papers had long been placed on the bookcases, and they were pressed down with a piece of paper. A servant boy sat next to the door on the stump as an invigilator. He was not like the previous autumn examination where there were soldiers holding swords and swords guarding.

Opening the examination paper, the scholars were even more astonished. It was not called an article that only wrote a few questions, but it even had an answer. The scholars only needed to draw out the answers that they liked, and that was it.

After the group of people finished the examination, they came out of the Public Affairs Division with curiosity and confusion. They hurriedly asked each other, but one of them was different from the others. "My test paper has the words' Top Operatives' written on it. I request that you write ten Mandarin characters according to the Head of Department '. Also, it has a note that is very different from the rest of you. " This time, the scholars were even more confused, and they did not know how they did. They were all anxious and anxious as they waited for the results to be released.

When the results were released, the scholars rushed to the office of the Public Affairs Department early in the morning. However, they saw that Minister Han had arrived earlier and was already waiting outside the door. Everyone was about to go forward to bow, but was stopped by Han Jiang's gaze. Thus, they quieted down and did not dare to overstep it.

After waiting for about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, a small green palanquin arrived. A senior official dressed in grade four clothing came to a stop in the distance: "Xuan Zhi, this official stayed far away and came late. Luckily, Ting Zhi has not arrived yet." He ran over and stood beside Han Jiang. He was the newly appointed deputy minister, Zhang Shannian.

After a while, he heard that the bronze gong was on the street, and several guards riding tall horses and wearing green clothes with knives were leading the way. The four-horse carriage arrived in front of the Public Affairs Division's door in a grandiose manner. That momentum was comparable to that of the Prime Minister You in the past.

"Lord Censor has arrived..." From the sound of it, it sounded like a eunuch?

"This official pays his respects to Lord Fu." Han Jiang and Zhang Shannian hurriedly performed the official salute. The group of scholars behind him also hurriedly bowed. "This late student greets Lord Fu."

"Since you've paid your respects, then you can be considered my student." A clear and clean voice came from above his head. "All of you raise your heads and let this official take a look."

All the scholars were instantly overjoyed. Fu Si currently had a strong Divine Pet, and all of the new Emperor's governmental affairs were discussed with him without avoiding the officials at all. Everyone in the world knew. It was said that the Emperor often held meetings with him until late at night. Beside the Heart Healing Palace, there was a hall that was specially used by Fu Si. It was to empathize with the pain of his body being so weak that he could not bear to travel back and forth.

For this matter, the officials had a dispute with the new emperor in the Imperial Court, saying that if it were not for the chaos of war, if it was not for the discussion of military affairs, the officials would not be allowed to stay, much less stay in the Palace. This was a huge taboo.

However, when the Emperor said these words, the Emperor instantly fell silent. That was what he said: "Fu... Fu Family, do you still remember the Zhongyi House of the former dynasty? I remember that Fu Qing used to be a scholar in Tushan County and had the army of the Great Sky-Breaking Dynasty. After that, the capital lost tens of thousands of soldiers. I remember all of them. Do you remember?"

Yan Guan's face turned pale with fright when he heard that. They had impeached Fu Ting because of his inappropriate behavior. But they didn't want his life. If the emperor were to calculate these old debts carefully, the Fu Family would still have a chance to live. "Your Majesty, Lord Fu was a servant of Duan Wang at that time, so he should be loyal to us. This, this really can't be blamed on Lord Fu. "

"Of course I will not punish you." Ji Cheng slowly opened his mouth and said, "I remember that both sides of the battlefield were carried back by Lord Fu. The second time was when the imperial carriage was brought back to the capital. The arrow in his chest hurt his internal organs, and the Imperial Physician said that he should not work hard and fear that it would turn into a tuberculosis. Sigh... I respect loyal people and I rely more on the talents of the Talisman Official. But why don't you understand? "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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