Incantation Script Family/C203 Arrangement of Soldiers(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C203 Arrangement of Soldiers(1)
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C203 Arrangement of Soldiers(1)

In the spring of the second year of Zheng, a new dynasty that had survived the harsh winter welcomed the first Imperial Spring Examinations of Zheng Rong. Although the officials in various places lacked the assistance of the Bureau of Military Personnel, there were more than twenty thousand children in the national examination venue who accepted the examinations, and their hearts were filled with joy.

After the Spring Examinations ended, because the age of the child had stated that the Fall Examinations would be held tomorrow and tomorrow for the next two years, the Bureau of Military Personnel had already deployed troops from the new emperor to the throne. With the war gone, the Imperial Court would not be able to support the 100,000-strong army for nothing. It was only natural for them to send their scholars to various places to escort the imperial examinations.

With this as an opportunity, the righteous emperor split up the 100 thousand strong army and stationed them at the various prefectures. He left the 30 thousand elite soldiers under Meng Xia's command to guard the imperial capital. The new emperor named it the "Country Protection Legion," housed in the original City Protection Legion Corps barracks. When General Xie Tian's new emperor ascended the throne, he had already sent out twenty thousand troops to change it to the Royal Guards. To protect the safety of the Imperial City, General Xie Dong was appointed as the commander of the Royal Guards. The navy was handed over to the Great Zhou Descending General, Zhang Zhao. This army could be completely at ease. Not long after the emperor ascended the throne, Zhang Zhao handed out a letter word by word. Secret Design: Stable!

The Great Zhou City Army that was originally under the retinue of the retinue did not follow General Xie to become the palace guards. The three thousand elite troops and the Rongdi Emperor secretly entered the Heavenly Eye. After the secret training on Mount Qi, they disappeared like fishes into the sea. The retinue naturally became the commander of the Heavenly Eye. On the surface, they ate the salary of the deputy commander of the palace guards. In reality, they controlled the most strict intelligence and assassination organization of the righteous army.

He was ordered to stand on the right side of the Imperial Court with his sword. There were also a few low-ranked generals and civil servants mixed in to listen to the hundreds of officials. Their actions were low-profile and obedient, and their goal was to protect the safety of the Emperor.

Of course, Emperor Zheng Rong was not Emperor Zhou Wen. He valued both civil and military officials. He had long raised troops in the northwest and northeast, and they were controlled by the old forces of the Qi Family. They were all slave recruits that had been recruited when they were hostile to Great Zhou.

The young emperor was like a mirror in his heart. His brothers and many generals in the army shared a life and death relationship. The key was that the old army was mostly the old patriarch's old forces. They relied on the Imperial Advisor's authority to suppress them. Although they were obedient, it was hard to guarantee that they would not be instigated to rebel. No matter what, they must have two powerful elite troops in their hands. Only then would they be able to sit stably.

As they unhesitatingly split up the old troops, the Northwest and Northeast troops were training intensely. A large number of high-quality warhorses and armaments were sent over. A while ago, the Heavenly Eye had reported that the two armies had begun to take shape. In half a year, they would be able to march on the battlefield.

Ji Cheng took the military report and happily shared it with Meng Xia. "The Qi Family is really good at governing the army. Master entrusted you to me that day, and it was a huge fortune."

"If you want to talk about talents, Fu Si and Zhou Shengzhong are also good people." Meng Xia was not greedy for merit. "Our Qi Family's army has lived a long life, and we eat this bowl of rice when we are born. It is not worth being surprised. " He respectfully received the military newspaper and looked at it. Meng Xia carefully put it back on the table. "His Majesty spent a large sum of money to raise the army. Did Zhou Sunchong not cause trouble with His Majesty?"

"Why not?" The emperor smiled bitterly and said, "As if he was taking out his own pocket, he calculated every penny and every cent with me... Tell me, how did Zhen get caught by this pair?" This pair of fingers was obviously referring to You Lin and Zhou Sun Sheng. Even though it was said in this way, he attached great importance to these two in his heart. If it wasn't for Zhou You and Zhou Sun Sheng coming up with a good plan, the empty national treasury was simply unable to cope with a large amount of military expenditure.

"We can't blame them. They only have so little silver. If they want to help the disaster, they need to raise the army, and they also need to pay the salaries of the officials. It's also difficult for them. " Meng Xia said in a low voice, "Do you know that the old scholars of the Jolin Academy have not received their salaries for two months?"

"What?" Emperor Zheng Rong's expression changed. He really did not know about this matter. Even his Heavenly Eyes did not have any information on it. "Where did you hear about this from? Fu Si did not even tell Zhen about such a major matter." The Heavenly Eye's antennae had already spread all over the north and south of the Great River. Only Fu Si's yamen, Ji Cheng, was unwilling to extend his hand. The main responsibility of the team beside Fu Si was to ensure her personal safety and not to be responsible for the spies' work.

"You Xiangyan said that she owed him. You Lao's father doesn't even have money to collect, so who can speak? This sum of money was taken by You Xiangyan to the Public Affairs Department. Each of those old fellows' salary was equal to that of a few scholars. He should owe them." Meng Xia, on the other hand, spoke happily. As he spoke, he picked up the only food on the table, the stir-fried pea, and threw it into his mouth. "It's not a debt. It will be distributed sooner or later. Moreover, they do not rely on this kind of salary to live. If Fu Si can't get it, there's no fragrant tea. The more you drink, the fainter the tea gets... "

"If you dislike it, don't eat it." "Zhen only eats this now. If there are good ones in your residence, why don't you give them to Zhen?" After discussing official business, Ji Cheng temporarily put down the airs of an emperor. He chatted with Meng Xia about how the officials and officials were very short.

"When my slaves are born, they will only be poorer than you." Meng Xia had a bitter expression on his face. He dragged the plate over and tossed another one into his mouth. "Wasn't that birthday a few days ago? He actually sent a wedding invitation to the residence. I went to take a look. " He smacked his lips exaggeratedly and said, "Your Majesty, you didn't see that extravagance. The utensils on the table were all made of gold and silver. Any one of the decorations in the hall was enough for the people to eat for a year, and they called it family property. My grandfather was rich at that time, but he wouldn't make such a fuss... Your Majesty, do you know that if one of the plates were to fall, if one table after another can't be served, it would be amazing!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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