Incantation Script Family/C40 Cloud Box Pass
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Incantation Script Family/C40 Cloud Box Pass
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C40 Cloud Box Pass

The limited ten thousand reinforcements from the Zhongtang Prefecture were no doubt a cardiac stimulant for the Cloud Box Pass. Although the few generals did not have much talent, they knew how to take the risk and defend.

The entire northwest front, because the Centurion Platform of the Zhongtang Prefecture had a high reputation among its colleagues, they had also personally traveled across continents and loaned troops. They had actually borrowed an endless stream of troops and horses to come and help. At least three thousand or ten thousand, no matter what, the Cloud Box Pass had been defended. And guarded for an entire half a year.

Half a year later, after the Great Zheng Army conquered the entire northwest town, they gathered their superior forces and charged back. The seven armies charged straight for the Cloud Box Pass.

The original military force that led to Cloud Box Pass was almost exhausted after fighting against the Great Zheng army for half a year in the Middle East. The various generals and generals knew that the Great Zheng Imperial Army was unable to defend against them, so they gave up on the city and retreated. All of them went to Cloud Box Pass.

Emperor Wen had been in the cold for eighteen years, and Cloud Box Pass had become a lone city. Because there were no reinforcements, the entire city's military and civilians supported the old and the young as they participated in the war. After the New Year, they were finally no match for them.

After the Cloud Box Pass was broken through, the seven armies of the righteous army entered from all directions. Each family had old people, hanging beams, smashing pillars, or killing themselves. They were so strong that it was a horrible sight to behold.

With the country breaking through the mountains and rivers, spring and vegetation grew in the city. If a family did not become a family, the city would not be a city anymore. The place where the Great Zheng Iron hoof passed through was like hell, and the underworld would be eternally doomed. Was such a mountain and river really what Great Zheng Ji Jiang wanted? Was it really what the Twelve Princes, Ji Cheng, hoped to see?

Mountains and rivers shattered, wind blew, and rain fell upon duckweed. The terrified beach head said he was terrified, and the sea sighed. The prosperity had already turned into ruins and broken walls. What was the use of seizing territories like this? The people were willing to commit suicide, but they were unwilling to surrender. What was the meaning of taking in such a popular people?

The Imperial Advisor, Qii Liufeng, ended the two-hour daily routine of Buddha Li and returned to his desk. "I understand what you want to ask. It's still the same question. Your father was the king in the past, and he will be the king in the future. You have to know the difference between them."

"Master asked Ji Cheng to watch. Is he going to keep watching?" Ji Cheng came to see his master even before he took off his armor. He got the same old saying. "Master, why do you care about Buddha? Can't I see it?"

Qii Liufeng stroked his chin, which had grown a beard, and said, "It started ten years ago. This sin is destined and cannot be changed."

"When?" Ji Cheng suppressed his anger and growled in a low voice, "Master, please tell me when Ji Cheng can stand in front of others and when he can become the general of the army that Master talked about."

"Wait for His Majesty to see, wait..." Qii Liufeng raised his pair of star-like eyes and looked at Ji Cheng. "When we attack Zhang Province, you will have a chance to be the vanguard." In fact, there was a saying hidden in his heart: Wait for you to pass the biggest catastrophe in your life.

However, he would never tell Ji Cheng about the tribulation that he had calculated. "Ji Cheng, you will have to depend on yourself for the future path. I will send you on your last journey. " After saying that, he got up and unequipped the armor. "The armor is full of injuries. Are you hurt?"

Qii Liufeng was actually very pleased. All these years, Ji Cheng's teachers had instilled orthodox ideas into him. He had specially hired everyone to teach him the art of the Emperor to teach him the way of the Emperor. Now that he was at war with Great Zhou, he was faced with such a huge shock. Ji Cheng did not confront his most favoured older brothers in front of the formation. Instead, he chose to endure patiently. This disciple of his had grown up step by step according to his own standards. His foundation and aura were deep and steady. He would definitely become a hero of his generation in the future.

"Little Shang..." Ji Cheng heard this and felt slightly sour in his heart. Qii Liufeng, the teacher who had helped him a lot, the teacher who was like a father to him. He was removing ___'s armor and coaxing him gently, "Master, I'm not blaming you, but I can't bear it. I, I also have half of the Zhou bloodline... "

The rarest and most important thing to Qii Liufeng was the pity in Ji Cheng's heart for the people of Great Zhou. For an emperor, the rarest thing was this love for the people.

After leaving the tent, Qii Liufeng looked at the field in front of him, which was covered with snow, and said, "Everything is under control! We will send troops at the end of summer and conquer the towns in the northwest during the autumn harvest. Our military rations will be eaten up just in time. After this snowfall, next year's harvest will be good... "

This was the reason why they dared to raise their troops in a year. This was the reason why the soldiers only brought a small amount of rations. They relied on snatching!

Looking at the entire history of mankind, every time a dynasty changed, every time a military disaster occurred, the vast majority of soldiers and soldiers died. As long as the ordinary people were willing to surrender, they could live their own lives. At most, they could just pay a heavier tax and suffer some hardship.

Sometimes, the ordinary people could even live a good life. Those rulers would publicize a series of measures to ensure the safety of the people, especially the wise ones who wanted to seize the country and become the emperor of a generation. After taking over the city, they would definitely not do anything, and they wanted to use this to win over the hearts of the people.

Who could predict that the righteous barbarians would go against the rules and plunder without any scruples after entering the pass? Not only that, but they also treated human lives like grass, slaughtering the people of Great Zhou without even blinking.

It was only a year. What could they prepare? Even if they did not pay tribute, how could the harvest of a year in the grasslands be enough to send troops to the south? "So our entire country came to fight..." Ji Cheng sneered. He took down one area and killed all of them. The vast northwest had now become the migratory land for the children of the grassland. "Unfortunately, there is no grass and no cattle or sheep here."

"Is it cold? " It is already winter. Ji Cheng is still a little cold after removing his armor and not wearing his robe. Qii Liufeng gestured for Ji Cheng to put on the cotton robe in his hand. "Let's go. Some people should be left to you." Qii Liufeng was actually happy to see Ji Cheng complain, so he did not stop him." If you think so, you should know what to do in the future. I feel more at ease."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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