Incantation Script Family/C53 In Order to Save Fu Si He Once Again Angered His Father(2)
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Incantation Script Family/C53 In Order to Save Fu Si He Once Again Angered His Father(2)
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C53 In Order to Save Fu Si He Once Again Angered His Father(2)

Fu Tine had read history books and knew there was such a thing, so she came up with such a plan. Her original intention was to save the lives of the people of the capital. She also knew that there was no such thing as Emperor Zhou's decree. It was truly too heartless of her to say such words.

Therefore, Fu Shen did not dare to help her up. He continued to kneel on the spot and said, "My child..." He did not know what to say. He only looked up at his father, whose face was gradually turning pale, and did not dare to say another word.

At this moment, Fu Shen only felt a fire burning from the inside to the outside. The one kneeling in front of him was his daughter, whom he had pampered since he was young. But why did this daughter suddenly become so heartless...

"Today, His Majesty suddenly granted Ding Yu the right to do so. He said that all the generals of the country should be simplified, and he ordered his father to carry the coffin back to his hometown three days later..." Fu Shen said in a mentally exhausted manner. He slowly covered his forehead and said, "A few days ago, he discussed with a few officials and borrowed the opportunity to carry the coffin. Try to move the books in the four treasuries away as much as possible. " He let go of his hand and looked at Fu Si. "Don't worry about it."

"Father -" Fu Tine suddenly kowtowed. She knew what kind of books her father had taken away. The books that were passed down in the future should be the ones that Fu Shen had taken away with the coffin. The ones left in the capital were the only books left in the future. "Father, I beg of you, father..."

"Fu Si!" Fu Shen suddenly stood up. "I remember that you lost your mother when you were young. I taught you with great care, but I did not expect you to... You are... " He could not curse at the end of the sentence. "Don't say too much." After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Seeing her father leave in anger, Fu Tine fell and chased after him. She followed behind Fu Shen and shouted, "Si-er will listen to your father -"

She threw herself over and hugged Fu Shen. "Si-er will not argue. Si-er will listen to father." She hugged Fu Shen's leg and slid down. "Si-er let Second Winter prepare a large car and parked it half a mile away from the afternoon door. Daddy will only use it..."

Fu Shen's chest felt like it was pricked by needles. After a period of pain, another wave of warmth mixed with coldness came and went. For a moment, he could not say anything. He only stood in the courtyard and allowed Fu Si to kneel behind him while hugging his legs.

"The tarpaulin and whatnot have been properly prepared. The constabulary has also arranged for the luggage to be packed." Fu Tine grabbed her father's clothes and tried her best to control her trembling. "Father, this child is not vicious. You will understand in the future. Si'er's actions are to save more people." After she finished speaking, she let go of her hand and knelt on the ground before retreating and kowtowing three times in a respectful manner.

She thought in her heart that if Fu Shen left with a flick of his sleeve today, she was afraid that he would no longer pay attention to her before leaving the capital. Thinking about how the Great Righteous Cavalry would surround the capital in a few days, the lack of Fu Shen was equivalent to the loss of the backbone of the family. Emperor Zhou was about to move to the capital, so he specially ordered his father to carry the coffin back to his hometown. In other words, his true intention was to be considerate, but his true intention was to avoid the group of scholars led by Fu Shen.

Previously, he had not allowed Fu Shen to worry about Ding Yang because Mt. Mang was still there. Emperor Zhou Wen had even held a glimmer of hope. Everything could not be without this loyal official. Now that Mt. Mang was gone, Fu Shen had become a stumbling block in the relocation of the capital. By using filial piety to send people away, Emperor Zhou Wen no longer had any objections. He also had his tail between his legs as he prepared to escape.

These thoughts had been obtained by Fu Tine, and Fu Shen's heart was even clearer. That was why he would cry and curse after returning to the manor.

It was precisely because of this departure that on the day of the relocation of the capital, Emperor Zhou Wen would remember the size of the Zhongyi House, and whether or not he would follow them was uncertain. When she thought of this, Fu Tine felt a wave of fear, sadness, and despair in her heart.

"I wonder when I will be able to see Fu Si again after my father leaves. I hope father will take care of himself along the way." As he spoke, he choked on his words again. His heart was in a mess and he immediately had no idea what to do. "Mt. Mang has already been defeated. Zhang Prefecture can only hold on for a month at most..."

A bolt of lightning flashed across his mind and split the chaos apart. Fu Shen's mind finally cleared up, and he immediately blamed himself. With such a difficult situation in front of him, he shouldn't be sulking with his beloved daughter. Emperor Wen had given him three days to leave the capital and move south from the Ju family. Who would be in charge after he left?

When the war broke out, the head of the ministers, Emperor Qi, ignored the fact that he had left the capital without permission and regarded it as a great rebellion. Without the emperor's permission, the officials of the capital could not leave the capital even half a step. The deadline of leaving the capital was now in front of them, and it became a favor.

If it was in accordance with Fu Shen's wishes, he would definitely not be willing to leave. Not only would he not leave, he would also lead a group of scholars to stop the relocation of the capital. Unfortunately, Emperor Wen directly issued an Imperial Decree to drive him away. If he did not leave now, emperor Wen could follow them in the relocation of Zhongyi House, but his mother's coffin was a taboo, but he could not follow.

In the future, when the Great Righteous Army invaded the capital, it was only right for him to be completely loyal. If the old lady's coffin was poisoned, how would she face her father in the underworld? He couldn't help but sigh when he thought of forcing his father to take away his imperial edict.

Her mind went through seven or eight twists and turns, thinking about how she had left. The Second Master naturally couldn't bear it, and the size of the entire family was pressing down on the young Fu Sisi. At that time, how would Fu Si face it... Thinking of the key point, he forgot about his daughter, who was full of grievances and was full of attachment. He could only stand straight on the spot.

It was a pity that Fu Tine tried to persuade him half a month ago, but it did not work at all. From this, it could be seen that Fu Shen was loyal and upright. It could be seen that in the ancient books, it was true that noble scholars would rather die than surrender. It was truly admirable.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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