Incantation Script Family/C54 Fu Si Wept Tears of Blood
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Incantation Script Family/C54 Fu Si Wept Tears of Blood
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C54 Fu Si Wept Tears of Blood

"After the relocation of the capital, Father is a minister of His Majesty. Not to mention, not for the child - - - for the child... " Because he was worried that his father would be angry and want to leave, and that he was worried about the Great Zheng Cavalry. Worried about the lives of hundreds of people in Zhongyi House, Fu Tine spoke quickly and urgently. She choked on her breath and suddenly choked.

The sound came and went again. The sound was as tight as the one before. She could only cough until she was out of breath and her eyes were dizzy. He vomited and spat out a mouthful of bloody sweetness. He also fell down.

Fu Shen, who had been stubborn a moment ago, immediately panicked when he saw this. He couldn't help but feel fear when he thought about how the young man spat out blood. After all, she was his daughter, and his heart had pampered her for fourteen years. He even regretted that he should not have sulked. However, he had harmed a good child who had always been respectful and sensible.

The servants who stood guard outside the door watched the father and son bicker and did not dare to go forward before they surrounded him. Fu Shen did not allow anyone to touch him and personally carried Fu Si back to Lone Silence Pavilion. Following closely behind, the prefectural doctor also arrived. It was not difficult to perform an acupuncture treatment.

After waiting for them to recover a little, Fu Shen called the prefectural doctor and Qiu Dynasty to the side to inquire. He only left Yanzhi by his side to serve them.

Qiu Dynasty did not dare to hide anything. During the period after the old lady was gone, many accidents in the prefectural residence said, "There are crazy rumors that the barbarians are going to attack. Everyone in the prefectural residence is afraid. It's all because of the Eldest Young Master's concern and comfort. " He carefully explained how Fu Si woke up early to sleep at night and settled the various courtyards in the residence. He also explained the details of the funeral arrangements and so on: "Second Young Master is in charge of external affairs. Eldest Young Master, you should know that as well." What he meant was that the Second Old Master could not interfere in the matters of the Inner Palace.

After a pause, he continued: "Second Madam's identity is clearly displayed there. Who doesn't know about the rooms and courtyards? When the old lady is around, she can still help support her face. When the old lady left, Second Madam lost her support. There was no long wife in the house, and each wife was about the same age. This, this second wife..." Speaking up to this point, he still stuttered. After all, it was the mismatch between the mistresses. As a servant, it was hard to say," She actually can't even support the most ordinary daily life. "

Big Autumn raised its eyes to look at the Old Master again. It saw that he listened carefully and did not blame him. Only then did it bolster its courage to continue replying: "Everything in the Inner Palace has to be decided by the Eldest Young Master Zhang Luo. The Second Madam is just following orders..." After thinking for a while, he said: "Because Eldest Master is at home, it is not convenient for Second Master to make decisions himself for many things. Thus, the matters outside also go to the Eldest Master. In the past few days, the Eldest Master had been like a wheel that kept spinning. Everyone will be exhausted."

When Fu Shen heard that the Qiu Dynasty had returned with such a huge mess of troublesome family matters, he felt even more vexed in his heart. How could Uncle Zhong Yi's household funeral be so simple? If it wasn't for pure filial piety, if it wasn't for his understanding, he would have died. At such a young age, there was no need to be greedy for such troublesome matters. "Since you all know about it, why didn't you come back earlier?"

When Qiu heard this, he bowed to the end. "The servants have long wanted to go back and forth, but the Old Master has even been walking up and down the Imperial Court for the past few days. It was always late at night when he returned home. Every time he returns, he and the young master will deal with the official matters in the mansion, and it is already too late for them to finish the official matters. How would the servants dare to stir up trouble again, this is one of the reasons." The Qiu Dynasty had followed Fu Si for many years, and it was also the person Fu Shen personally chose. The reply came from an orderly manner. "Eldest Young Master is filial and has issued a strict order that most small matters must not be disturbed by Eldest Young Master. Secondly... "

"This son of mine..." As a father, when he heard that his son was so sensible and sensible, he no longer had any thoughts of blaming him. While sighing, his blame for Fu Si's previous mistake was reduced even more.

The doctor behind him also told him the cause of the illness, but he was worried too much. If he thought too much, it would cause his Qi and blood to attack his heart. This doctor had a reputation, and had been in the Count's estate for many years. Some of them were honorable and respectable, unlike other doctors who only said nice things. It was not good to just honestly say that it was not good for the young man to vomit blood. He had to take care of him in the future. It was best not to stick to this troublesome matter, or else it would be worrying about the future.

The phrase the sun is worrying made Fu Shen's heart palpitate. After the Imperial Physician left, his daughter was still unconscious and did not want to stay any longer. He walked step by step out of the Solitary Pavilion.

Along the way, he carefully recalled what had happened earlier. He thought of Fu Si kneeling behind him, crying and begging to bring a few carriages of books back to the river. His heart ached even more. He thought about how all the civil and military officials gathered livestock everywhere. If he obtained a dozen or so large cars... He would only remember to carry more valuable items over the Changjiang. Other than his daughter, who else would really remember those scrolls and illustrations at this moment?

He also thought that since he was still young at the age of fourteen, it was understandable for him to ignore the other end of the book. As he thought about this, his blame towards his daughter disappeared completely. His worries were gone, and he felt relaxed all of a sudden. He ordered the car to go straight to the afternoon door.

One mile outside the afternoon door, as expected, Second Winter was escorting a large group of cars to wait by the side of the road. Seeing that Uncle Zhong Yi's carriage had arrived, he hurriedly came forward and said, "Greetings, Eldest Master. According to Eldest Master's instructions, the carriage, horses, and other things have already been prepared. The soldiers have also brought their luggage and are waiting. They are just waiting for Eldest Master to bring them to the yamen to pack the books."

"What is Master's order?" Fu Shen lifted the curtain and asked, "I will only be able to get up three days later. Why did you all bring your luggage?"

Second Winter shook his hand and bowed. "The young master said that he will buy cars and move books these few days. Every ten cars will be a team and thirty soldiers will be sent to escort each car and a servant from the Toto Family. Pack them up first and transport them to Count Jiang's old house as soon as possible. "

Regardless of whether it was the head of Fu Sifu Pavilion, or Fu Tine, the PhD of the Orthodox Academy, there were not many things that she was obsessed with in these two lives. Because the world has no choice but to give up a lot of persistence. Saving a book for all the students in the world was the only thing she stubbornly wanted to do. Even if they could not do it, they had to be self-motivated. When he was alone, he had thought about the reason, but he could only conclude that he loved books. He didn't know how ordinary people could think of such a thing.

Why was a person different from the rest of the world? Why was he different from the rest of the world? Why did his descendants write books for him? It did not depend on his appearance and wealth. Rather, it was because of what this person had done, for the sake of this world. What contribution has he made to the humans that live in this world? What the Talisman Pavilion had done was not only worthy of praise, but should also be remembered by later generations. However, at this moment, she did not know nor had she considered this aspect.

Save the book! Must save the book! Must save the four treasuries of the Jolin Academy! This was the only tragedy that she could save after being reborn. Fu Tine's thoughts were so simple.

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