Incantation Script Family/C57 Divine Punishment
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Incantation Script Family/C57 Divine Punishment
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C57 Divine Punishment

If you want me to die, I have no choice but to die. Emperor Wen wants Fu Shen to leave. Even if he was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave. After this separation, the distance between father and daughter was already the corner of the Heaven's Cliff and Earth. After a year, they would meet again. At that time, the Great Zhou would be in a corner.

Fu Shen's heart finally became cold after being demoted this time. He did not enter the Imperial Court for the rest of his life, until he passed away.

Outside the pavilion, by the ancient road, the green grass reached the sky. The wind blew the willow flute in the evening, and the mountain outside the Xiyang Mountain... Standing beside the pavilion, Fu Tine looked at the fleet of carriages that were leaving and felt sad. She did not want to leave for a long time.

Fu Jiang did not try to persuade her. He just quietly waited by the side, guarding the elder brother who was supposed to shoulder the heavy burden of the Fu Family even though he was his daughter. He was even more speechless.

It was only when the sky was dusk and the sun was setting in the west and the setting sun filled the sky, that the Qiu persuaded the two mistresses to each get on the carriage and slowly walk back to Zhongyi House.

Arriving at the Southern Magnificence Sect, Fu Tine thought of how the capital had been bustling with activity when she first entered the capital that year and could not help but raise the curtains once more. Sweeping her gaze out, she happened to see a small dao attendant standing in the twilight not too far away, dressed in an extremely clean green robe.

He was most likely waiting for her master, but the little boy had a thirty percent Dao Bone and a twenty percent immortal disposition. Fu Tine thought about it for some reason and called for the car to stop. She did not pay attention to anyone and pushed the door of the carriage and walked out.

The Dao child by the side of the road was not surprised when the car stopped by his side. He steadily looked over and said, "Go down the river and Fu Sheng follow the trail." Gu turned around and walked away. He did not turn back to look.

Qiu Dong saw that Mistress was about to get off the carriage and hurriedly lifted a stool to support her as she got off the carriage. Before he could ask what he got out of the car for, Fu Si entered the alley beside like a gust of wind. He could only hurriedly catch up. Fu Jiaxin, who was at the back, also hurried over and ordered four soldiers to follow him.

Fu Tine followed the errand boy to the end of the alley and saw a small courtyard separated by a fence. There were a few bunches of green bamboos planted in the courtyard and a few coloured fruits and vegetables were circled around. They were also moist and tender, like a spiritual place full of vitality.

When she looked again, the errand boy was nowhere to be seen. He did not feel that it was rude in his heart. He seriously straightened his clothes and raised his voice: "Jiang Fusheng came to pay a visit. Does the owner of the courtyard wish to see you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wooden door opened wide. The fairy-like, child-like Daoist walked out. "Ben? I've come specially to invite you in. Hurry up and come in. "

Fu Tine did not hear clearly what Ben said, but subconsciously, she did not have the mood to delve into it. She only felt that her entire body was light, and in her confusion, she was already in the room. In front of her, there were two cups of green tea, and a few cups of fragrant tea.

Suddenly, all the experiences from her previous life returned to her mind, "Dao Immortal greets you." He hurriedly bowed: "Fu Sheng, how dare you trouble Dao Immortal to come and find me personally"

That Daoist stretched out his hand and invited Fu Tine to sit opposite him. He only said that following the order of the King of Hell, he came to explore the souls of reincarnation. He said, "The merit you have accumulated is far from enough. You should work harder."

Fu Tine slightly tilted her face and thought about it. She remembered that in this life, the greatest responsibility was indeed to accumulate merit for the descendants of the Fu Family. "Fu Sheng remembered that when he was reincarnated, Lord Judge Lu had said that not for evil is the greatest merit. Fu Sheng wouldn't dare to forget."

The Daoist smiled when he heard that. "You only know that not for evil is for great merit, but you do not know that not for evil is the most difficult thing to do in your life." The horsetail whisk in his hand lightly waved and the sage-like air poured out. "Fu Family's blessing has lasted for nearly a thousand years. It is all because of the accumulation of your life. Otherwise... "

"I understand, Fu Sheng." Fu Tine hurriedly replied," It is just that accumulating great merit is not as simple as giving small favors. I have yet to find a way to do so. "

"It is good that you remember." The Taoist pushed the tea bowls on the table, "Drink it."

Fu Tine did not dare to delay. She respectfully picked up the teacup and drank it. However, she heard the Taoist saying, "Kicking the widow's door is already a big crime. Today, I will give you a small punishment. If you offend me again, you will bring disaster to the Fu Family."

Fu Tine was so scared that she could not hold the teacup firmly in her hand and the teacup rolled down. Before she could argue, her throat was like an iron hoop and she could not catch her breath anymore. She struggled to grab and pull a few times. There was even a wave of pain coming from her lower abdomen. He only heard the Taoist ramble on and on about something, but he did not hear a single word clearly. He completely turned a deaf ear.

When Fu Tine woke up, she was already in the Solitary Pavilion. The prefectural doctor, Qiu Dong, and Yanzhi, who were waiting for her, all exhaled deeply. "Eldest Young Master has woken up. Eldest Young Master has finally woken up -" Immediately, Fu Jiang also came closer. "Does Eldest Brother still feel pain?" Because there was a difference between men and women, they did not dare to get too close. Suddenly, they stood awkwardly by the side of the bed and did not make a sound.

He reached out his hand to rub his somewhat dazed head. Everything that he had experienced in his daze was like a dream and it was too unreal. Only after listening to his brother's question did he realize that the discomfort in his body came from the pain in his lower abdomen. Then what he had experienced before was really not a dream?

"It's already..." The moment he said those words, his voice changed completely. He no longer had the childishness of a youth, and he no longer had the roundness of a young girl that he had to be wary of at all times. "What happened to my voice?"

"Today, Eldest Young Master was haunted by nightmares, so it was only natural for him to shout until his throat was broken." Gui Er hurriedly comforted him with a soft voice, then blinked her eyes and said, "That's how a man's voice should be. Eldest Young Master is old, so it's only right that he changed his voice."

Fu Tine naturally understood what Gui Er meant and did not say much at that moment. She only propped up her body and drank the bitter medicine. After the physician and the rest of the outsiders dispersed, she said in a hoarse voice, "This is the only thing I can do in my life..." When she said those words with an incomparably desolate expression, the few people who were close to her could not help but feel heartache. However, there was nothing they could do.

Fu Jiang, who was at the side, could hear the meaning behind his words. He actually could not resist letting out a long sigh. "Big Brother, it's been hard on you..." The pain in his eyes was not any less than Fu Si's.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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