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C58 Tofu Feast

Fu Tine waved her hand to let Fu Jiang get closer. She didn't have the strength to speak and only grabbed her brother's hand. With this grip, she realized that Fu Jiang had really grown up. She could not hold her small hands anymore and was instead wrapped within them.

The brother and sister did not speak, but their hearts were interlinked. Fu Jiang held the elder sister's hand, and only after a long while did he get up to help her lean against the wall. He then instructed Yanzhi and the others to take good care of her, and only then did he leave.

"Eldest Young Master, don't be anxious." Gui Er waited for Fu Jiang to walk far before she leaned over to the bed. "Now, this voice is indeed hoarse from shouting. That's why it's so unpleasant to hear. It won't be like this if I recover from my recuperation for a few days. " By the side, Fei Er also said, "This servant also thinks the same. When I return to the manor, Eldest Young Master was already occupied by Meng Qian. Although the voice at that time was not right, it was not unpleasant to the ear."

"Right, right." Qiu Dong, who had always been by his side, also hurriedly proved, "We heard it with our own ears, although it was no longer..." Because he did not dare to say the word 'woman' out loud, he said, "It is not as pleasant as it was in the past, but it is also quite clear. It is not like what it is now."

At this moment, the pain in her abdomen rose again. Fu Tine bent her body and shrank into a pile of soft pillow. Her pale little face was indescribably pitiful, "Forget it, this is my life, I cannot blame anyone." Closing her eyes, she clenched her teeth and cried. She was no longer able to reason with anyone.

Just like that, after being tormented by the pain for a few hours for three days, the government doctor continued to take a few doses of medicine. On the fourth day, he got better. The pain in her abdomen was gone. Fu Tine only thought that her throat had been destroyed. A few days of pain in her abdomen was a punishment, but she did not know that the hidden pain was behind it. How could there be a girl who did not love beauty? Which woman would be willing to drag a thick and rough voice for the rest of her life, even if the voice was no longer as unpleasant as it had been at the beginning. In the end, it was still unpleasant to the ear.

She had been reborn into this world for more than thirteen years. Most of the time, she had been spoiled by Fu Shen, and had lived a life of luxury. It was not an exaggeration to say that youths did not know how to feel. If the ruler was not in her hands, she would probably not have realized the difficulty of being a woman and having to pretend to be a man. When he realized that he was truly a woman, and that love, marriage, and many other important matters in life had to be returned to his daughter to do, it was already too late.

In this era, such a social form, she! Fu Tine Fu Si could not be allowed to live in this world.

Perhaps it was the merciless flames of war and the undeserved punishment that woke up the drunken ignorance, Fu Tine had never been truly happy ever since. Fu Tine, who only knew how to read, had experienced the changes of two lifetimes. At this moment, her mind could be considered to be truly mature. That unparalleled face also lost the playful and carefree look that she should have when she was young.

If Fu Tine's side was good, she would discuss it with Fu Jiang. He would postpone the tofu feast for a few days and start planning it. Second Master saw that all the high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital were busy secretly migrating to the south. Even though Zhongyi House had made preparations beforehand under Fu Si's instructions, it was not chaotic. There were indeed many things that needed to be prepared, so he suggested that they return the favor. There was no need for the feast. Tofu Feast: A banquet to thank family and friends after the funeral.

Fu Tine, however, did not comply. Fu Jiang also stood by the side and helped to respond. Second Master thought that even Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother had passed away. Now, these two represented the legitimate Fu Family. He should be considered as the person in charge of the second room, so he could only comply.

Thus, he took Fu Jiangtong to write a post and then sent people to send him to the various residences. Following that, he called over the old butler and handed over all the foreign affairs to Fu Jiang. "With the old butler's help, Brother Jiang should be safe and sound."

Fu Jiang did not delay at all, and all the matters were asked in detail. The next day, together with Fu Si, they earnestly held the last banquet of the old lady's life. On the morning of the sixth day, everything was settled. All that was left was for the princes and officials to attend the banquet.

The officials with some power in the capital all knew that they would move to the capital at midnight the next day. Emperor Wen also ordered a group of ministers and officials to follow. There was also a decree that could not be made public, so the various marquises and Public Houses were all extremely busy. Who would have the time to attend this banquet? Coincidentally, this group of ministers was the ones who were qualified to enter the Zhongyi House.

The entire Fu House did not expect many people to come. They sent over a hundred threads, and only ten tables of tofu pudding were prepared. When the time came, there were only three seats. It was still far beyond their expectations.

"Last year, at this door today, the peach blossom fragrance of the sun was reflected in the red. No one knows where one's face went, but the peach blossoms were still smiling and the spring breeze was still there. " Looking at the bleak scene in front of her, Fu Tine could not help but recall the glory of her grandfather's death. She could not help but feel sad. "There are not enough people, but the banquet has to be opened. Let the banquet begin."

After the Second Master represented the host for a moment of pleasantries, the head young master who described his grief suddenly stood up. When he walked to the middle step, he suddenly knelt down on his knees. "All the uncles who are able to come at this time naturally treat father as a friend. This bow of nephew can be considered to thank all the uncles on behalf of the father who has gone on a long journey. " After saying that, he bowed down.

Of course, this bow wasn't to kowtow, but to bend his body to a position where his hands could support the ground. The kowtow was not needed here.

Everyone was inexplicably shocked when they saw him like this. There were a few who had seen Fu Si before. They had a very good relationship with Fu Shen, so they hurried over to help him up, but they were stopped by Fu Jiangyan, who was standing beside them.

"My father left the capital under the orders of the Emperor, and only took one book with him. I'm sure all of you know that." Fu Tine, who was wearing a mourning dress, kneeled on the ground with a solemn expression. She suddenly heard a sad voice before her throat had recovered. "Fu Si kneeling today, please spare three cars for each family. Bring some books with you and take the books with you..." When she said this, her voice actually sounded a little whimper, "Fu Si this carriage greets you." After he finished speaking, he bowed again.

"Rest assured, nephew Fu." One of the elders was the first to respond. "Before Brother Boyan left the capital, he had already instructed that all the servants and maids in my residence will receive a book. Take it with you. " After a pause, he said, "Brother Boyan, this is what nephew Fu had planned." (Fu Shen is Boyan)

At this time, Fu Tine had already stood up. "I am so grateful..." Calculating quietly, these 24 families could at least take away half of the books. As for the rest, she would think of a way to save them. Perhaps she could really save all of them. (In the old days, there were only eight people sitting at each table at the banquet)

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