Incantation Script Family/C68 Hiding from the Pursuers
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Incantation Script Family/C68 Hiding from the Pursuers
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C68 Hiding from the Pursuers

"I have rations here. Are you hungry?" He swallowed his anger and worry and asked, "Brother Ye?"

"Ye Qingcheng." Ye Qingcheng threw away all the distractions and tried his best to smile:" At the very least, let's have a life and death battle together. Don't call me an outsider. "

Considering that the servants had been separated, the crisis in front of him had yet to be resolved. He was afraid that their lives would be depended on this hero who suddenly appeared and brought the Grand Cavalry with him. He could only squeeze out a fake smile and say, "In that case, Brother Qingcheng greets you."

"You are too polite." The two cupped their hands together in jealousy. Ye Qingcheng inserted the silver spear on the ground and extended his hand: "Thank you."

"Ah?!!" Pavilion Lord didn't understand.

" I'm hungry, I'm eating. " Ye Qingcheng lifted his chin and pointed at the bundle hanging on the branch: "Why aren't you taking it out yet?"

He could only take out a piece of dry food from his bag: "We don't have much food with us, so we plan on replenishing it in the next county." He reluctantly handed it over: "You know how to hunt, right?"

"Hunting... Of course." The old man unceremoniously took the pancake over. "What's this?" He pulled the knife wound on his back when he pulled his hand back. It hurt so much that his mouth split open. "But hunting these few days is a little difficult. At least wait for the wound to scab."

"Risotto." Fu Ting handed over the water bottle again. "There are meat and mushrooms inside." After pondering for a while, those with strong bodies would usually scab after three days. However, it would take a long time for them to completely heal up. He could not bear it anymore. "That's not what I meant. You should rest assured and take care of it..."

Ji Cheng had not eaten properly for two days. He took three bites and stuffed a pancake into his stomach. "Not bad. Give me another one."

Fu Tingzhi took another pancake and handed it over. "This thing has meat in it. I don't care if it's full..." But the human body needed enough heat. Sneaking a glance at his head, he started to panic in his heart: This person can finish all the pancakes in my bag in one meal, right? It can't be, right? Sigh...

Ye Qingcheng could see the worry on the pavilion's forehead when he picked up the second piece of cake, but he deliberately pretended not to see it: "Your bag is full of pancakes?"

He suddenly pressed down on the bag: "This is everyone's food for ten days, so they won't dare to eat it all."

"Haha..." Ye Qingcheng was choked by the cake after laughing: "Pavilion is really stingy."

"Big brother is not petty at all." The few people who hid their tracks just happened to return. Fu Rong, who was young, spoke without any restraint. "Before we set off, we branded two baskets of cake. Big brother gave most of it to the Palace Soldiers, and we didn't even bring half of it."

"Now that we've separated from them..." Fu Tingzhi packed up his luggage and dusted off the dust. He stood up and said, "Let's go. Although it's summer, we have to find a shelter to spend the night."

Four of the five people in the group were the young master of Jin Gui. Only Ye Qingcheng, who was traveling alone, was injured. It was indeed unrealistic to sleep in the wilderness in the barren mountains. However, they could not find a suitable place to rest in a short period of time. After a while, Fu Hua, who did not like to talk much, mentioned that there was a grand newspaper temple in the south of Qi Mountain. When he was young, he had accompanied Great-Grandfather Fang to visit it.

Upon hearing his words, Fu Ting suddenly recalled that Qi Mountain, the capital's suburbs, had once discovered a natural karst cave. The entrance was very hidden. Then, he remembered that he had once brought a tour group to that karst cave. According to the guide's information, the karst cave was formed a thousand years ago, which meant that the karst cave had already existed in this era.

Now that he had lost his horse, Ye Qingcheng, the only one in the team who knew martial arts to protect everyone, was injured and unable to travel. He was afraid that they would have to hide in the mountains for half a month. If Dazheng led the army into the capital first, the army would enter the city in a few days. Based on Dazheng's nature of killing, killing, and plundering, he could only stay at Qishan Prayer Temple for one night at most. In the end, it was not a long-term solution.

Thus, he pointed to the mountain stream not far away and said, "If you want to meddle in other people's business, you can read that there is a live water karst cave ahead. We can go and look for it."

Although she had eaten two pancakes, she was still injured. At this moment, Ye Qingcheng felt that she had overexerted her strength and was floating under her feet. She just wanted to find a place to lie down as soon as possible, "Okay, I will do as you say." Without thinking about it, she brought the few of them and followed the direction pointed by the Talisman Pavilion.

Along the way, Fu Jiang noticed that Ye Qingcheng was not going to continue, so he quickly went forward to support her. Ye Qingcheng didn't force it and borrowed half of the river's shoulder to support him. Relying on the support of the long spear, he walked for another half an hour. Fortunately, even though it was difficult to go down the mountain path, it was easier than climbing. They quickly reached the stream.

The memory of seeing the river stream, the Talisman Pavilion, became clearer and clearer. The source of this stream was in the depths of the karst cave. Fu Huarong accompanied Ye Qingcheng and slowly followed. Fu Ting brought Fu Jiang along and used his memory to search the karst cave upstream.

"It should be here!" The Talisman Pavilion pointed at a stone wall that was about to pop out in surprise and said, "It's this stone wall that blocked the entrance..." The two of them quickly ran closer and pulled out the weeds and branches. How could the hole that was as tall as the two of them appear in front of them?

Fu Jiang was overjoyed when he saw this. "Found it, come here." He quickly ran back and helped Ye Qingcheng up. "Brother Ye, we can rest soon."

At the entrance, Ye Qingcheng saw that the pavilion was holding the fire piston. He stuck his head out to look at it and found that it was both angry and funny: "If you use it like that, then ten fire piston would be burnt out." He reached out and broke a branch, pulled a piece of his robe, and wrapped his head with it: "Take it and light it up." He handed it over to Fu Hua.

He turned his head and saw that there was a fresh patch of grass on the ground. He poked it with the tip of his foot a few times and revealed the bones of the animals. He understood that the hunter had done this on purpose and immediately felt relieved.

Animals were sensitive to the smell and danger of their own kind. Many old hunters would use the bones of dead animals to form a circle in the mountain habitat to block the attack of small beasts. Thinking that a few scholars would be afraid, they hid the bones again without leaving any traces.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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