Incantation Script Family/C74 He Couldn't Help It
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Incantation Script Family/C74 He Couldn't Help It
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C74 He Couldn't Help It

As Ye Qingcheng listened to Fu Hua's explanation from the pavilion, she picked up her tattered coat and undergarments and roasted them by the fire. Hearing this, she became curious. She couldn't help but take the Fu Hua book and flip through it. It was indeed the 'Ya Ya' that she had read before. What the talisman didn't understand was that it was the eighth volume. Shi Tianzhong's star name: "The explanation of the pavilion, why is it so interesting? I thought that Brother Hua was reading some idle books."

Fu Ting's usual explanation was like this. He integrated what he had learned in his two lifetimes, striving to teach the most scientific and most correct knowledge to people. He was also a good teacher, always talking and leaving, so Ye Qingcheng found it very interesting to hear it.

"It was all read in the miscellaneous books." Only then did Fu Ting realize that he had run off again. He smiled a little awkwardly and said, "Speaking of astrology, I went. Hehe..."

"No matter, I find it very interesting when I hear it. You can say more." Ye Qingcheng was listening with interest. Beside him, Fu Rong and Xuan Zhi were also listening with their ears pointed: "Look, everyone is waiting."

Fu Rongzhi pretended to be serious and casually picked up a few stones: "Then I'll tell you about the stars we usually see." He then waved his hand for Fu Rong to pick up more stones: "Doesn't this look like a sheep..."

He talked about the horoscope all the way to the twenty-fourth cycle and talked non-stop for more than two hours. "Every change in season has a corresponding rhythm, including when spring rains and when frost falls. Our ancestors are truly great. "

Everyone was happy to hear that. They asked many more questions about the horoscope. Only Ye Qingcheng sat by the side and did not say anything. At the same time that they were amazed by the profound knowledge of the Talisman Pavilion, they also felt a great sense of admiration.

"What is Brother Qingcheng thinking about? "The Talisman Pavilion Master noticed that the person's thoughts had obviously slipped away, so he smiled and said, "It's getting late. I'll have to trouble you again for the night meal." Considering that they would have to leave the mountain sooner or later, the risotto in the bag had to be eaten along the way. Thus, he planned to stay in the mountain for the time being to gather materials on the spot.

"Of course." Ye Qingcheng stood up: "My clothes are dry, so I'll have to trouble you to make up for it." He handed the clothes over.

Pavilion Master recalled the wound on his back: "Let me see your wound..." He patted the stone next to him: "Unfortunately, there is no medicine to stimulate the skin." He took off the cloth and looked at it. "It's a scab... Fortunately, your body is strong." He changed into a clean cloth strip and wrapped it up. "Brother, you'd better not move. Just teach them by the side."

Ye Qingcheng nodded in agreement. She put on the clothes that did not fit her and brought a few kids into the shallow stream.

Fu Xuanzhi and the others were all sensible. They heard from their boss that Ye Qingcheng could not move too much. They forcibly snatched the fork in his hand and only let him look for fish by the side.

Starting from dawn, he had already taught them the trick. Even if they looked at it from the side, they would not be able to help much. He simply went back to the fire and sat down, then peacefully accompanied Fu Xuanzhi in sewing. "Fortunately, Ting Zhizhi took care of the Brotherhood to sew clothes, or else I would have to wear torn clothes."

Looking at the stitch that looked like a centipede, Fu Ting Zhi smiled and handed it to him. "Take a look. What does it look like?"

He moved closer to it and a strong smell of plants and vegetation entered his nostrils. "Ting Zhi smells good..." He picked up his clothes and smelled it again. "If it's the smell of charcoal, why don't I smell it on my body?"

Fu Tingzhi was stunned for a moment and his face immediately turned red. It was obvious that praising a woman's scent was a joke. Then, he saw Ye Qingcheng's expression, "I think it must be the smell of a pile of grass being dyed after sleeping for the whole night. Brother Qingcheng, you are making a big fuss out of nothing."

Ye Qingcheng saw his blushing face and knew that he was being rude. He laughed dryly and grabbed a tree branch to poke the fire: "I was just saying. Hehe." He then remembered that he was here to see him sew his clothes, so he leaned over and said: "Aiya, he really looks like a bug."

" Can you lower your voice a bit? "Fu Ting rolled his eyes." It's already not bad if someone stitch it for you, and you still dislike it? " He threw the sewn inner garment over. "Hurry up and put it on." However, he did not know that his expression and tone had already quietly added a few traces of coquettish pranks.

How could there be such a good-looking man in the world? At such a close distance, Ye Qingcheng could see each of his eyes. His chest suddenly stopped moving as he quickly threw a piece of clothing over and forgot to dodge. He put it all over his head.

Ye Qingcheng was in a mess as he thought about putting on the inner clothing. He saw that Ye Qingcheng had already picked up the outer clothing to sew: "My mother hasn't repaired my clothes yet..."

This sentence brought up the sad part of the pavilion: "Xuan Zhi's mother and I have both died." He faintly sighed: "Xuan Zhi is still fine. He was only three years old before he lost his mother. But I..." He thought again, if his mother was still here, how could he be raised as a man? His eyes immediately turned red.

"Zhizhi..." Ye Qingcheng saw that her eyes were filled with mist, so he didn't know what to say to comfort her. Seeing another teardrop rolling down, he hurriedly reached out to wipe it away: "Don't cry, don't cry." His fingers touched her tender face, but it was as if he was struck by lightning. He was completely stunned.

The pavilion master was also stunned when he noticed this person's strange behavior. His jet-black eyes stared at Ye Qingcheng, who seemed to have lost his soul, and he forgot that he was still sad. He even forgot that he was still holding a needle in his hand: "Aiyah..."

"It pierced him? !" Ye Qingcheng didn't think about anything else. He grabbed his bleeding finger and put it into his mouth before taking a deep breath. Then, he licked his tongue:" Why are you so careless... " He looked up and saw a red face: "I... I..."

Fu Ting hurriedly pulled his hand back and pressed it against his fingertip. "You... go and take a look at them."

"Oh, okay." Ye Qingcheng stood up in a daze: "Zhizhi, I didn't mean to..." Offending you.

"I know." The pavilion lowered his head and carefully sewn his clothes: "You were just in a rush." Then, he raised his head and said, "Go, pack up the fish and roast it."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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