Incantation Script Family/C78 Hard Way Back
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Incantation Script Family/C78 Hard Way Back
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C78 Hard Way Back

It was only when the youths had fallen asleep that the pavilion leader pulled Ye Qingcheng out of the room. "I'll have to trouble Brother Qingcheng to bring me some cold water. There's no need for hot water."

"Let me take a look first." Ye Qingcheng squatted down and lifted her feet:... "This, I can't even take off these shoes... Why are you..." Even though the foot was wearing shoes, one could still see its swelling, especially when one couldn't see the ankle at all.

"That's why I need to soak in cold water first." Fu Ting said tiredly, "Brother, if you don't go and get some water, I'm going to be in so much pain that I'm going to die."

Hearing her say that she was in pain, Ye Qingcheng's hand trembled a little, and she hurriedly went to the well and twisted the water. He did not take off his shoes and soaked his entire foot in, "This shoe of yours must not be taken off." She pulled out a dagger and cut open the shoe gang. She had just released her suffering foot. A low moan came from above his head. "Feeling more comfortable, right?"

"Yes, I feel much better." The general of the Talisman Pavilion tried his best to reach into the water with his numb feet. "I don't even dare to look at it myself. What do you think?"

The cloth that had been soaked in water softened and Ye Qingcheng tried his best to remove it layer by layer: "We need to rest for a few days..." He looked at his feet, which were not even the size of his palms, that were swollen like steamed buns. The blisters on his feet and toes revealed his tender pink flesh. He endured it for a while before stopping the words that were about to come out of his mouth: "I saw that you had two taels of silver with you, so I'll have to trouble you to leave with a few pairs of shoes."

At this moment, his foot was in the other party's hand. Other than the shame of the Talisman Pavilion, he had already lost all of his imposing manner. " Yes." He had nothing else to say but to find something to say. "I'm not worried about anything else. It's just that I don't have enough clothes to wear after the fall."

" From tomorrow onwards, I can't follow the route you set. " Ye Qingcheng changed into clean water again. He cleaned the wound on her feet and said: "I'll go and find out how to get to Fan City from here..." He went inside to get some medicine and continued: "You have brought a few inner garments to make bandages. Let's go to Fan City to buy some clothes first. Then we'll go to Fu Wen River from the Liu Province. "

"I'll listen to you. Ah..." Just as she agreed, she was already in the air. Ye Qingcheng did not say a word and picked her up, "Do you want to walk barefoot? Our medicine is not enough for you to waste. " He directly carried her into the house and put her on the big brick bed. "Go to sleep."

Only then did he realize what he had just experienced. Fu Ting's breathing became uneven as he thanked her. He buried his face into the bag that was used as a pillow. When he heard that person talking to the farmer again, he seemed to be talking about shoes in a trance. He could not help but feel lucky that he had met him. Otherwise, he really did not know if the four of them would be able to walk down the river alive.

In a daze, he felt as if his feet were being pricked by needles. At the same time, he also felt that the heat was unbearable. He thought that it was too hot for the brothers to squeeze on the brick bed. After a while, he felt cold again. He grabbed a handful of the blanket beside his hand, but there was no blanket. Subconsciously, he leaned against the warm area and continued to sleep.

When he heard the call, he woke up with his mouth parched and his mouth parched. His whole body was hot as he leaned against the warm embrace. "Ting Zhi, Ting Zhi, come, drink the medicine."

Soon, he understood that he was sick again. He moaned and propped up his head to drink the bitter medicine. "How long have I slept?" Looking to the side, he saw that he was leaning against Ye Qingcheng's embrace. Even the tip of his ear was red, "Look at my bones..."

"There are no doctors here either." Ye Qingcheng saw that the person in his arms was blushing and his eyelashes were trembling. His heart was beating crazily. He handed the finished bowl to Fu Hua and hoarsely said: "Brother Hua, you have read a few medical books and probably wrote a prescription. I wonder if it will work." However, he forgot to answer Fu Zhizhi's question.

Fu Ting lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice, "It'll definitely work." With a slight thought, he understood that it was the high heat caused by the inflammation in the areas where his feet had been ground. It was not a major illness. "I also know about the medical books that Brother Hua has read. As long as we follow the prescription and prescribe the medicine, it will not be wrong."

Fu Hua put the bowl to the side and said, "The medicine was picked by Brother Ye and uncle in the mountains. They did not prepare all of it. Fortunately, we found some of the key ingredients." He turned around and tested his body temperature. "The medicine left by the government doctor was also given to you. Now, try to lower your body temperature a little." Then, he told Ye Qingcheng to let him lie down.

Ye Qingcheng saw that he had already drunk the medicine, so he didn't want to hug him anymore. He leaned against the head of the bed and said: "You even said that you would rush down the river in the middle of the autumn. It would be difficult for you to enter the winter like this." He subconsciously rubbed the remaining warmth on his arm and clenched his fist. It was as if he could preserve that person's body temperature forever.

"Where is Xuan Zhizhi and the others?" Seeing that Fu Xuanzhi and Fu Rong were nowhere to be seen, he immediately became anxious. "Where did they go?" After leaving the man's embrace and returning to his main body, he immediately realized that two people were missing.

Ye Qingcheng held her hand to comfort her. "They are in the kitchen watching the medicine and the porridge. Don't worry."

"They know how to brew the medicine?" Fu Tingzhi opened his eyes wide. "Making porridge?"

Ye Qingcheng pulled a blanket over her and said, "Your brothers should learn to take care of themselves. They can't always rely on you for everything. Now that you're sick, you should rest in peace. " He then covered his hand outside the blanket and said, "Cover it properly. Take the medicine and don't let the wind blow."

Fu Tingzhi nodded obediently and said softly, "That's right. If we continue on this journey, it will be extremely difficult and dangerous..." He then looked at Fu Hua who was sitting by the side with his head lowered and did not say anything. "What happened to Brother Hua?"

Fu Hua slowly raised his head when he heard this. "Eldest Young Master is actually younger than me, but..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Now that we cannot compare to being at home, Fu Hua should not rely on Eldest Young Master for everything. He should have the appearance of an elder brother."

Hearing Fu Hua say this, Fu Zhizhi glanced at Ye Qingcheng, who was sitting beside him. Seeing his expression as if it was only natural, he immediately understood that he must have taken advantage of the fact that he was unconscious to teach a few youths a lesson. After all, they were all fourteen or fifteen years old children, so he could not bear it. Then thinking about how things weren't the same as before, he had to let them grow up as soon as possible.

Then he smiled and said, "It's great that Fu Hua can think like this. I can also take half of the responsibility." From now on, he would no longer call Fu Hua brother, and would truly treat him like an adult male.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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