Incantation Script Family/C84 Gongzhi Zhou Sunchong
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Incantation Script Family/C84 Gongzhi Zhou Sunchong
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C84 Gongzhi Zhou Sunchong

Zhou Sun-sun's eyes lit up, and he saw that the pavilion was the head of these people. He turned his body and let her into the house. Then he looked at her delicate skin and delicate figure. Although she was dressed in cloth clothing, she exuded a dignified air. He knew that she was not rich, so he said, "Have a seat, my dear brother." He helped up the chair that had fallen down and wanted to treat her to a wide seat.

Fu Zhizhi hurriedly stopped her. "Brother Zhou, you don't have to worry about me." He then pointed at his clothes. "Please go and change into these clothes first." He turned around and looked at Fu Xuanzhi, who had followed him. "Xuanzhi, it's getting late. Take out some of the things we brought. Make some food."

When Zhou Sun Zhongqing finished changing his clothes and came out, the hall had already been cleaned and parked. There was also tea on the table, and Fu Zhizhi was sitting peacefully. The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while before Fu Zhizhi brought out the set of words that he had prepared. He told them about their identities and origins.

During the night meal, the old man found a pot of freshly brewed Osmanthus Wine from somewhere. Everyone sat around the table and divided a cup.

Fu Hua was young. He looked at the wine cup in front of him and swallowed his saliva, but did not dare to drink it. When Fu Ting saw this, he smiled and said, "Brother Hua, drink a cup. It's also good to be tired." He first raised the cup and toasted the owner. "Thank you for your hospitality, Brother Zhou." After drinking a cup, he felt that the alcohol was very strong, so he didn't dare to drink anymore.

Everyone at the table first said some irrelevant words, and in the end, it inevitably fell on the situation, "According to Brother Zhou's information, the Great Zheng Army has already sent troops to station in Fan City." Fu Ting's worry was unquestionably revealed. "Fan City is only a few days away from here. Why haven't you left yet?"

Zhou Sun Zhong shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, my family originally lived in Liu Zhou City. Father already brought his family and family to the south a month ago." He turned to look at the endless night sky outside the window and said, "But this village... The farmland around the village is ancestral. My family relies on the income of more than ten acres of farmland to live." As he spoke, he felt sad again. "Along the way, you've seen bandits running rampant, but you haven't seen any soldiers." As he spoke, he let out a long sigh. "I couldn't stay in the Liuzhou City, so I brought my servant, Uncle Zhou, to live in the countryside." He called his old servant Uncle Zhou, and he should be a servant with the surname Zhou. He was also the most reliable.

"If this year's harvest is unable to enter the warehouse, next year..." Zhou Shengsun stopped here. "Everyone must have seen the desolate wheat fields along the way. The famine in the coming year is foreseeable."

"If you don't leave, I'm afraid your life will be in danger." Ye Qingcheng drank a few cups and couldn't help but say: "In less than a month, the wheat will be harvested. Your serfs obviously won't be able to defend against autumn rations." He shook the wine cup and poured himself another cup: "Let's not talk about the righteous army, even the starving bandits and peasants won't be able to stop them."

Zhou Sun heavily put down his wine cup: "That's right, after enduring for so long, the wheat will be ripe..."

No one in the room said anything for a moment. It was so quiet that they thought of going together. It was already mid-summer, and the wheat was full. It was time to harvest them when they talked. They could not let the ripe wheat die in the fields just like that.

"Bandits robbed it to survive the winter, and the hungry people seized it to live. As long as there are enough seeds to be planted next year, it will be fine." The old servant, who was squatting on a stool by the door and eating, spoke. "Who will take it to eat it? Won't they eat it?" After drinking a mouthful of paste food, he said, "Those who are starving to death can be saved even if they have sparsely eaten food." The old man was old and had bad teeth, but he also knew that his status was low. He ate the vegetable porridge that he cooked himself.

His words woke everyone up. "Elder is right." A rare joy finally appeared on Fu Ting's face. "It was originally such a superficial reason. We, the mistresses, are not as clear as this servant." Thus, he got up and poured a cup of wine for the old servant respectfully, "Old sir, please drink this cup of wine for me."

That old servant was so scared that he stood up. His hands rubbed a few times on his body before he received the cup and drank it while trembling. He then repeatedly thanked the old servant.

He returned to his seat and put the wine cup down: "Qingcheng?"

Ye Qingcheng looked up at her for a while before finally nodding his head: "I haven't found the boat yet, so I don't know what water is like." He paused for a moment: "I'll do as you say. We'll leave after we collect the wheat."

Hearing this, Fu Xuanzhi's wine cup almost fell to the ground. It was hard to tell if he was more excited or worried. After a long while, he hesitated and said, "But there is one thing. If the main army comes..."

"There are not many cavalry forces sent by King Ji Jiang in this direction. We have inquired very clearly. Each town only has a few dozen cavalry. " Zhou Sun Sheng stopped the conversation and said, "Twenty miles north, there is a manor owner with the surname Yi. He has more than a hundred people in his family. " Because he was in a hurry, he choked and continued, "The bandits do not dare to go that way. That area has never been robbed before."

" Oh? " Ye Qingcheng's eyes lit up at this point: "Then does the Hu Clan want to fight against the Grand Righteous Cavalry?" As the saying went: Birds of a feather flock together. At this moment, our Prince Ji Cheng seems to have forgotten his true identity. He had taken himself to be the protector of the Great Zhou people.

Fu Ting Zhi also understands the key. "The various towns are very far away, and the news of war is not up to date..." After thinking for a while, he said, "As long as we take down the dozens of cavalry, even if the news is leaked to the Liu Province... It'll take a few more days to send reinforcements from the Liu Prefecture, and it'll definitely work"

Zhou Sunchong was a smart person. When he said this, he stood up. He bowed towards Ye Qingcheng: "Virtuous Brother Ye, silver spear and crossbow will accompany you. The food and silver money you brought along are all well kept. I think it's because of your excellent martial arts skills."

Ye Qingcheng quickly stood up: "Brother Zhou, there is no need to be so polite. Just say what you want to say."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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