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C95 Promise

It was almost noon, and the Hu family finally heard the cheers: "They're back! Master, they're back!"

Ao Hong's eyes suddenly jumped up from the chair and rushed out: "Qingcheng -"

Outside the manor, there was chaos. Those who carried the wounded and their family members gathered together. Fu Zhizhi was short and short, but his eyes were blocked once again. He was extremely anxious. "Qingcheng, Ye Qingcheng..." He heard someone report to the Manor Master, "Martial Master X was shot to death by an arrow, and XX died in battle..."

Very soon, the wounded were brought into the manor by Fu Hua and the military doctor, but they still did not see any familiar figures. Fu Ting's mind was in a state of panic, and he hurriedly squeezed into the crowd. "Qingcheng - Qingcheng -"

"Young Master of the Fu Family." His arm was grabbed by someone. "That..."

Fu Ting's eyes widened as he forcefully shook off the hand that was grabbing him. "Let go, don't delay me from picking up Qingcheng." He turned around and wanted to continue searching. At this moment, an ominous feeling had already started to rise in her heart. If Ye Qingcheng was fine, then... The first thing she would do when she returned was to look for her. How could she allow herself to be called out like this?

"We have separated from the Twelve Young Masters!!!" A bolt of lightning struck the top of his head. "He didn't come back."

"What?" Fu Xuanzhi, who was accompanying Elder Sister, grabbed the person who spoke. "You said Brother Ye didn't come back? What do you mean he didn't come back? "

When Fu Tingzhi, who had been struck by lightning, heard this, he maintained his previous movement like a block of wood. He only moved his mouth mechanically. "I'm asking you. What do you mean by not coming back?"

That person was also somewhat flustered: "I saw Twelve Young Masters at the end, he was shot... Later, I heard them say that the Twelve Young Masters went to chase after the barbarian general on their own."

"And then?" Fu Xuanzhi took a step forward. "You came back on your own? You left Brother Ye behind?" He grabbed the man's collar. "Why didn't you chase after him? Why didn't you wait for him to come back?"

" We waited. " A martial master next to him said guiltily, "We waited for more than two hours after cleaning up the battlefield. We even sent people to search the surroundings a few times, but they didn't find Twelve Young Masters. Otherwise, we wouldn't have waited until now before returning to the village. "

" What do you think... "Fu Ting grabbed the hand of his brother beside him with great force, as if only then did he have the strength to speak." He was shot? "

The martial master nodded. "We saw it with our own eyes. The enemy general shot him." He pointed at the corpse in front of Zhuang Qian. "My friend was also shot by that general arrow. He's gone."

"Where did the arrow hurt? Fu Ting trembled and asked, "His chest?" Or somewhere else?"

" An arm, a left arm. " The martial master said very precisely, "We saw it before it hit the vital parts."

Fu Ting suddenly buried his face and muttered in a low voice, "Qingcheng used a spear and injured her arm. She chased after the enemy on her own..." He suddenly raised his head and said, "Manor Master..." He shook off Fu Xuanzhi's support and rushed up the stairs to the front of the Manor Master. "I beg the Manor Master to send me ten riders to fetch Qingcheng back to the Manor."

Although Manor Lord Hu was standing on the stairs, he could see the conversation and actions on the side. "Alright!" He turned around and called for a martial master. "Quickly bring the horses over. Bring ten more people with you to the Date Village to pick up the Twelve Young Masters."

"Not the Date Village!" The Young Time Talisman Pavilion mounted the horse. "Pointing in the direction of the river, she said," Qingcheng is not familiar with this region's route, but she knows the direction. " After being nudged by the horse, he continued," If he rides back on his own, he will definitely find a way to return to the village along the river. "

At this moment, Fu Xuanzhi also regained his senses, "Yes, we often go to the river to swim. Brother Ye will only be able to find the right way back to the village after going to the river."

The group of people galloped on horses. Before they reached the river, they saw a horse galloping over. Although they could not see clearly who it was from afar, they knew who that silver spear was.

"Qingcheng..." Fu Xuanzhi fiercely waved his horse whip, wishing he could grow a pair of wings.

"Everyone, don't go." Fu Xuanzhi's horse galloped in the middle. "Since he has returned, let's go back first."

Ye Qingcheng saw a man and a horse flying over from afar, and his heart couldn't help but beat wildly: "Tingzhi, is that you?"

After running to a certain place, Ye Qingcheng reached out and grabbed him from his horse and hugged him: "Ting Zhizhi, it really is you."

The pavilion head jumped into his arms and wrapped his arms around the person: "Of course it is me, who else would it be?"

"What? Scared?" Ye Qingcheng could feel the person in his arms trembling. Although the little guy didn't want to look up, his shirt was already wet: "Sobbing nose?"

"You were shot?" Ye Qingcheng raised his head from his embrace, but his face was covered in blood stains. He turned his head to look at him and said in a buzzing voice, "You're quite obedient. You know how to bandage your wound first." After saying that, he started to punch. "Who told you to chase the enemy alone? Who allowed you to go alone?"

She let him fight until she was tired, then helped him to sit in front of her. She put her chin on the little guy's shoulder and said, "I listened to your instructions and killed them all. Otherwise, the main general would have run away."

"That person killed a martial master..." Fu Tingzhi said with lingering fear, "Your arrow wound was also because of him, right?"

"My face is ruined..." Ye Qingcheng didn't want to answer this question. He only held her chin and looked at her for a while before saying: "Tingzhi, can we just live like this for the rest of our lives? Ignore other people's gazes and ignore what others say?"

The moment the confession that had been waiting for a long time suddenly came, the pavilion didn't have time to react. After being stunned for a while, its bright eyes started to spin again: "When have I ever cared about others? Could it be that Qingcheng still has obstacles in her heart?"

Just this sentence alone was already more than a thousand words. Ye Qingcheng's heart, which had been hanging on for many days, finally came to fruition after hearing this. He happily waved his horse whip: "Go home and eat the risotto."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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