Incantation Script Family/C99 Humble Man's Integrity(1)
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Incantation Script Family/C99 Humble Man's Integrity(1)
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C99 Humble Man's Integrity(1)

And then the water doesn't run into any danger. Seeing the beautiful scenery, the boat worker docked. Fu Zhizhi thought that when he arrived at the Metropolis City, he would have to join the army. In his heart, he hoped that he would be able to walk a little slower. Ye Qingcheng remembered that it was convenient for Qii Liufeng to contact him, so it was time for him to return. He also hoped that they would be able to walk slower. He quietly stuffed the silver taels into the boatman's hands and told him not to rush.

Since the boatman had gotten the silver, they naturally had to go wherever they went to survive.

Initially, Fu Hua was somewhat anxious, but it did not take long for him to figure out the thoughts of the two of them. So he let them be. Without anyone to bother him, Fu Rong was even more excited. He followed Ye Qingcheng and learned how to ride a boat. When he got tired of it, he and the boat worker dived into the water to catch fish, and there was no end to it. Originally, they could reach the Dragon Covered Beach in three days, but they played for ten full days. After the white dew, they arrived slowly.

They originally wanted to buy the boatman's small boat, but the boatman relied on this boat to support his family. They could not be greedy for a moment's wealth, so they could only give up.

It was definitely unrealistic to travel along the river. Even if the weather was cold, they still needed to add a jacket. Along the way, the few of them had already inquired about the situation in Dragon Tuoxiang from the boatman, so they packed their luggage and bid farewell to the boatman as they entered Tushan County to search for the boat.

Although Tushan County was desolate, the streets were neat and tidy. Occasionally, it could be seen that the blade-wielding bailiff was patrolling back and forth. Although most of the shops on the streets were closed, there were still a few shops that insisted on doing business. Since they escaped, it was rare for them to see a business store. They were extremely happy.

After asking around, they found out that the county magistrate had not run away and was still working in the county magistrate office. This news was enough to make them jump in joy, and they quickly found a place to stay. Fu Zhizhi took a bath, took out his old clothes, and put them on. They hung the only jade pendant they had with them, and the hairpin was a pearl hairpin. With the seal of the Count's Office, he wrote an invitation letter for Ye Qingcheng to guard him. He brought Fu Hua to pay a visit to the county magistrate. Fu Xuanzhi brought Fu Rong to the streets to buy rice noodles and dry goods.

On the way, Fu Xuanzhi bought a gift box. When he arrived at the government office, he put down an invitation and handed over a piece of silver. "Sir Jiang, Fu Sixi, pay a visit to the County Magistrate, Lord Tao. Please send a message."

"Who do you think you are?" When the person who received the letter heard Fu Ting mention himself, his hand trembled. "Who is Jiang Shizi?"

"Jiang Shizi Fu Si." Fu Zhizhi typed out a thousand words. "Wanted to your esteemed place and wanted to pay a visit to Lord Tao."

The servant opened his mouth for a long time before stuttering, "That's... that's... that Fu Si?" Regardless of whether it was a high-ranking official or a minor official, the door was always the one with the most timely information. How could he not know the name of the current number one scholar?

Fu Ting straightened his chest and said, "Isn't that just that Fu Si?"

"Fu Si of the Zhongyi House?" Actually, the door had already believed him since a long time ago. When he saw Fu Ting's head, he already knew that it had a history. The pearl on the hairpin was something that ordinary people had never seen before. He then looked at the guards behind him who all had extraordinary bearing. "You -" Slap! Slapping his own mouth, he said, "Please have a seat in the flower hall first. This lowly one will go and report to the old master right away." He led the three of them to the parlor, but when he was serving tea, he gave it to the head of the pavilion alone. After that, he quickly left to report.

"The reputation of the pavilion is like thunder in my ears." Fu Hua saw his attitude and knew that he and Ye Qingcheng were both treated as servants. In fact, he didn't mind and joked about it since he had nothing else to do.

Ye Qingcheng also hypocritically snatched the tea bowl from the pavilion's hand and stroked it: "How is my guard? It's good to use. "

The pavilion was about to retort when they heard footsteps and hurried footsteps. They knew that their master had arrived and quickly straightened his clothes. When the person stepped forward and bowed, he said, "Later on, Fu Ting will pay his respects to Lord Tao."

"No need for formalities!" Lord Tao was around forty years old and was in the prime of his life. He took a few steps forward to support an arm before letting go. "Quick, please take a seat."

Fu Ting was not in a hurry to take a seat. He opened his luggage and took out his official scholar's certificate. "This is the official document for the late birth of a scholar. Lord, please examine it."

"There's no need to treat it as an outsider." Although he said so, he reached out and took it. However, the handwriting of the document was clearly printed, so it was definitely true.

This was a necessary procedure, so naturally, Fu Zhizhi would not mind. After the County Magistrate finished reading it, he put it away and said, "It should be done." Otherwise, it would be a complete mess if a person who was dressed nicely said who he was.

"Didn't the earl's residence move south with His Majesty?" Lord Tao's words were not doubtful, but rather puzzled. "Why did Fu Sheng end up here?"

"I won't hide it from you, Lord." Fu Ting bowed and gave up Fu Hua. "This is my big brother, and this is Ye Qingcheng, the man who fought against the enemy. I think you have heard about the twelve young masters and the Hu family protecting the grain in the past few days, my lord? This is the Twelve Young Masters of Qingcheng."

" I have heard of them. " Lord Tao sized up Ye Qingcheng and sincerely praised, "Young heroes are truly hard to come by."

When Fu Ting found out that he had yet to move south, he did not need to say much to know that he was a loyal and upright official. Hence, he focused on the matter of saving the book. "It's a pity that the last book was burnt to a torch. It's truly hateful and annoying!"

"What? !" When Lord Tao heard this, he was so excited that he stood up. "How can the books of these barbarians be burned?!!" Enraged, he slammed his palm on the table, causing the tea bowl to clink.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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