Interstellar Legend/C21 Capture Mission
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Interstellar Legend/C21 Capture Mission
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C21 Capture Mission

For the next six days, the brothers stayed in Professor Meyer’s spaceship and used the virtual pods inside to practice their new mechas.

Lu Gang really liked this kind of life. Although the angel-shaped mecha brought him a heavy body burden, Lu Gang, who had mastered the Body Refining Spell, needed this kind of high load to stimulate his physical body and the universe’s Qi.

It had to be said that piloting the angel-shaped mecha above his level was really helpful to Lu Gang. The Body Refining Spell was actually slowly approaching the fourth level without any use of any medicine. The fourth level of the Body Refining Spell was the Blood Refining Realm. Currently, Lu Gang had no clue about it.

"You are indeed a monster. You need five levels of universe Qi to control the angel. He is only at the third level, but he can actually use it to such an extent. Amazing!" the professor said with a sigh.

"Of course, this silly boy has a strong will. He also takes good care of me in the army. He is just a dull person. The few brothers I chose are all outstanding. You will know when you see their performance." Kellis said happily.

Meyer, who was really cunning, smiled and said, "It seems that this silly boy has something to take advantage of. He actually made our Eldest Princess praise him so much. Young man, you have a promising future!"

Kellis seemed to have been seen through. Her small face was red as she said, "These brothers are all very good. He, he is too stupid!"

"Let's not talk about this anymore, girl. You have to properly control the model of your mechanical suit. This mechanical suit has been condensed from my fifty years of hard work. I wonder how high your psychokinesis level is. You must not use it if your psychokinesis level is lower than level 6!" Mayer said to Kellis seriously.

"Don't worry, dear Uncle Meyer, I can divide my psychokinesis into eighteen parts two years ago. Even those old guys can't compare to me, let alone me, who have already reached level eight in the universe!" Kellis proudly boasted.

"Hey, as expected of the number one genius of my empire. Uncle is really old. My universe gas is too disappointing. After cultivating for 900 years, it is still level 11. If I can't break through in 20 years, I can only take the risk and use the level 3 evolution fluid. At that time, little girl, if anything happens to me, remember the bank password I told you. Go to the Lance Empire to take the things I gave you!"

In six days, with the help of Dr. Meyer, the members of the team were able to modify the performance of their mechas.

The third brother, Ma Zi, chose the same mecha as the boss. However, he had modified a right front paw and turned it into a right hand. There was a large storage box on his back that could store all kinds of traps, such as mines, needles, steel wires, and so on.

The fourth brother, Camel, had a pulse pistol. The power of close-range shooting was huge, not inferior to an ordinary assault cannon.

Kerry's mecha was a god.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, but since the fifth brother had always performed miraculously, everyone accepted it. After all, there was a psychic in the team, which was a very fortunate thing.

Lu Gang's mecha was the most troublesome. There were two more boxes for storing energy.

Not only was the laser gun on his chest enlarged, but there was also an assault cannon on his back that could shoot at Lu Gang's head without any blind spots.

This cannon was usually hidden under the shield on Lu Gang's back. Due to Lu Gang's strength, two sets of three-unit missile launchers were installed on his shoulders.

The brothers' mechas were engraved with ancient red words.

There was a big word: General on Kerry's chest.

Lu Gang's mecha was: Battle.

The other four brothers were: Defense.

No one explained what these words meant, nor did they ask. Everyone only thought that they were written for the sake of their appearance.

The lightweight mechas of the Knight Squad were different from the other mechas. The biggest difference was that their mechas used grade S energy blocks, and they could form energy shields outside the mecha. This function was too powerful. One had to know that only mid-sized or above mechas could have a shield.

The six brothers finally welcomed their mission, which was to attack a laboratory guarded by a strong force 1,300 kilometers away.

The laboratory was located on a island called Rhodes. It was said that this island used to be the Kaka royal family's courtyard.

Kerry held the tactical board and solemnly announced the battle order, "Tonight at 12 o'clock, we will take five Nighthawks to land 120 kilometers away from the target area. The elite Wolf Fang Squadron of the Light Mecha Squadron will be coordinating with us. Tonight, I will be the commander. The investigation and cleaning work will be carried out by the boss, third brother, and fourth brother. The fire support will be carried out by the second brother. The fourth brother and sixth brother will be the fire assault team. The ultimate mission is to capture the scientist from the Yboif Empire in the laboratory. The secondary mission is to destroy this base! "

"Why don't we use the Sky Force to destroy the defense measures around the base? I saw the map that marked the base with anti-air missiles and a Light Mecha Squadron stationed there." The boss, Randy, asked.

"As expected of the boss of our team. You have a good idea. If we implement an air strike, we will only leave the laboratory. The purpose of the battle is too obvious. Even if we occupy the laboratory, the enemy will not leave anything valuable." Kerry smiled and explained to the boss.

The Nighthawks was a fighter aircraft equipped with excellent performance. It had a maximum speed of Mach 2 and a capacity of 30 people. It was a multi-functional fighter aircraft with a propeller design. There was a retractable propeller above the plane. When the plane flew to a designated area, it could be suspended or landed.

A total of 66 light mecha combat troops, each carrying three Nighthawks, set off amidst the roars of the Nighthawks.

The sky above 8300 meters was brightly lit. Everyone sat in the cockpit, each of them thinking about their own matters. This was a habit that the soldiers had developed over the years. Before the battle, they had to adjust their mental state and focus on the upcoming battle.

The more experienced the soldiers were, the calmer they would be before the battle.

After a flight of 30 minutes, Lu Gang, who had nothing to worry about, felt a little drowsy. The red lights in the cockpit flashed, and the short alarm sounded, waking Lu Gang up. They were about to arrive at the landing site.

Lu Gang saw the Nighthawks diving through the thick layers of clouds through the window.

As they dove through the thick layers of clouds, the raindrops fell from the window.

As they dove lower and lower, the raindrops kept falling from the window.

Through the tightly sealed cockpit, Lu Gang could hear the sound of the raindrops hitting the plane.

The fear in Lu Gang's heart made him worry about tonight's operation. Ever since he had started cultivating, he had become very sensitive. Every time he felt this fear, something bad would happen.

At 11:35 AM, two Nighthawks were patrolling the area silently. Three Nighthawks carrying mechas unfolded their propellers and landed at two different locations.

The plan was perfect. Everything was going according to plan.

"According to the original plan, after the Knight's team leaves, the Wolf Fang Assault Team and the Owl Squad will attack the designated targets. There are two missions. First, destroy the enemy's air defense equipment. Second, distract the enemy. The countdown begins!" Major Kerry shouted in the team channel.

"Yes, sir!" "Yes, sir!" The two captains responded at the same time.

"Arrive at the laboratory in 20 minutes. When the joint forces launch their attacks, the team will attack the laboratory. The team will spread out. Boss, Third, Fourth, and Sixth will be in the front to detect the enemy. Second, Second will be responsible for the long-range fire support. Move!" Kerry shouted in the team channel.

"Yes!" "Yes!" As soon as he finished speaking, the members of the team quickly headed towards the target area.

"Left front, we have spotted the Kaka's anti-air missile field! Right, we have spotted the enemy's conventional artillery field. There is a 2 square kilometers area of primitive anti-tank landmines between the fields!" The boss shouted in the team channel.

"Boss, Third, quickly clear the mines and provide cover for the team. The electronic map has marked the route and the location of the landmines." Kerry said in a deep voice.

As expected of a trap. With the help of the boss and Ma Zi, they could hear Ma Zi's voice within a few minutes.

“We’ve already cleared out a path. Everyone can see it on the map. Be careful when you pass through the lightning zone. Otherwise, these primitive weapons will cause us a lot of trouble!”

The path to the center of the island was filled with all kinds of Kaka soldiers. The empty space between the lines was filled with mines and traps. To the master of traps, these traps and mines were nothing but a joke.

After a few minutes of marching, the team arrived at the mountainside. There was a gentle slope there. As long as they passed the slope, they would reach the lab that their mission was to find.

“Stop! There’s an enemy’s fortress on the other side of the slope. I just noticed a few lights. Second, use your super-long-range night vision to scan the area!” the boss suddenly shouted in the communication device.

Lu Gang also climbed to the ground and used his own night vision to scan the slope. Sure enough, he noticed that there were some lights from time to time. They should be the enemies in the fortress. From time to time, they would open the watchtower to monitor the situation outside.

“The slope on the other side is a group of fortresses. The density is very high. The enemy should have night vision. Everyone, be careful!” Second Brother said.

“Sir, what should we do? Should we attack?” Boss Lande shouted.

“No, according to the original plan, the Owl Squad will attack in eight minutes. They will provide cover for us. Our mission is to sneak in.” Kerry said anxiously.

"Boss, Third Brother, are you confident that you can cross this hill without being noticed by the enemy?" After a moment of silence, Kerry asked.

"No problem, the two of us in the leopard form can do it!" The boss replied.

"Very good, boss, Third Brother will first flip over and search for a favorable location to hide. Report the situation at any time. Second Brother will hide here as a reserve team. We cannot expose the target before our team starts fighting. Fourth Brother and Sixth Brother will immediately meet up with me. Move!" Kerry decisively ordered.

Lu Gang and Benjamin quickly followed the directions on the map and met up with Kerry.

Kerry took out four long, one-meter long sabers from the mecha and handed them to the two of them. "You each step on two Saber Heavenly Shuttle and pay attention to your balance. I will send you up with psychokinesis! Fourth Brother is at the front, and Sixth Brother is at the back!"

Benjamin stepped on the Saber Heavenly Shuttle and flew up smoothly, quickly flying to the opposite side of the hill and hiding.

Lu Gang quickly placed the Saber Heavenly Shuttle under his feet. He felt a force rising from under his feet. He had just flown up and landed on the ground. Luckily, Lu Gang reacted in time and the sound of landing was not loud. He heard Kerry's voice, "Sixth Brother, why is your mecha so heavy? If you do it again, I will use all my strength. Be careful!"

This time, he flew very successfully. When he saw that he was already on the opposite side of the hill, the Saber Heavenly Shuttle under his feet suddenly decreased in strength. Lu Gang decisively borrowed the small increase in strength under his feet and quickly pounced forward. He grabbed onto a protruding rock and stabilized his body with great danger...

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