Invisible Murder/C2 Vague of the word, why!
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Invisible Murder/C2 Vague of the word, why!
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C2 Vague of the word, why!

"What?" he screamed.

"It's not What. It's Aaron Singh Roy." Constable Satya scoffed.

"She murdered her boyfriend?" he mocked.

"Also, you should reframe your question once," he smirked ignoring his sarcastic remarks.

"What does that mean?" one of the rogues was curious.

"Well, when you sit in jail, this is what happens, unaware of everything happening around you and the world," Satya snubbed.

"You police cannot reply to anything straight, can you?" he scoffed.

"Well, we're police for a reason," he shrugged.

Satya then went to the wooden and dusty cupboard and took out the newspaper.

"Read it. You'll get to know," he said, thrusting the newspaper in his hands.

They took the newspaper hurriedly.

And it read, "Invisible murder" on the front page. Katherine Gupta and Aaron Singh Roy's photos are printed on the front. Well, since both are reputed celebrities, it has to be sensational news and it gave the perfect chance for TV Channels to increase their TRP.

"Oops! Katherine Gupta is in serious trouble," he mumbled after having his read.

"True!" Vignesh agreed, peeking from behind.

"These rich people are always thirsty for money and power. Katherine Gupta is no different. She's damned," Somesh uttered, who let his eyes rest on the subject leisurely.

They shook their heads and soon started discussing another gossip.


Darkness reflected her hazels as it screamed a deep black hole. All she could think about was him. How did it even happen? She had no idea or perhaps, she did.

Blood on his chest, sweat on her face, a canvas made out of true sense, in her head.

Paranoid much!

What happened before that? How did she stab him? She remembered nothing or perhaps, she did.

She was still lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice when the cellular lock was opened and a few lady officers came in.

Inspector Maithili's voice sounded rough, "Ms. Gupta, get up."

But as Katherine was in deep thought she didn't hear it. Inspector Maithili was furious at the attitude the girl was showing.

"I said get up, Ms Gupta. Your dramas won't run here," she said picking her hand quite harshly.

"Ouch," Katherine squealed. She looked at the Inspector who was clutching her wrist roughly.

"Eyes down," commanded the lady officer gritting her teeth.

Katherine obeyed and let them drag her to wherever they were taking her.

"Ms Gupta, welcome," Inspector Ashish welcomed her.

As Maithili pulled a chair for Katherine to sit in the interrogation room, Katherine sat down silently without any reaction.

"So, Ms Katherine Gupta, the best-selling author and soon-to-be Mrs. Aaron Singh Roy, am I right?" Ashish took a seat in front of her. A table was the only thing that separated them.

Katherine nodded her head.

"God gifted everyone a beautiful mouth. You'd have it if I'm not wrong. Can you use it?" His sarcastic remarks did reach her ears but she didn't react.

"Nodding will not do, Ms Katherine," one of the Inspectors said.

"So, will you open your mouth?" Ashish asked and on seeing no response started, "Look, Ms. Gupta, if you don't open your mouth, our lady officers will have to handle you and that will not be good for your physical strength."

Katherine raised her eyes to meet his. "Yes."

"Can you say the same 'Yes' when I ask you the next question?" Ashish almost sounded vague.

"Depends," she blurted.

He scoffed at her honesty.

"Did you try to murder Aaron Singh Roy?" he asked straight without butchering.

"Does my answer count? I'm already a Murderer, and that is I am as you say, isn't it?" she whisk-ed his question.

"Did my question sound like a Bermuda Triangle to you?" he asked, keeping his patience in check.

"Maybe." She was nonchalant and Officers could see she made no effort to hide it.

"The writer you're, I must say. Hmm, you know the game with words well, I see!" He craned his neck to the left to avoid showing his grunt.

"Does it come naturally to you?" he asks after a pregnant silence.

She shrugs, "Nature vs nurture always gets me on my toes."

"So, you never know if the murder you've been accused of is natural or .....nurtured?" He raises his eyebrow in a questionnaire.

The palpable stunned face of Katherine Gupta didn't hunch him a bit, if it did, he acted nonchalant.

"Do you want to read the news, Gupta?" he asked.

Katherine sat in peace, yes, truly, Katherine sat in peace patiently hoping for the storm to not come. Only it was already late!

"No." She shook her head.

"Oh, how pitiful! You don't want to read how you murdered him," he smirks.

"You'd definitely like to read if you weren't mentioned as Murderer, wouldn't you?" Another Inspector butted in.

"If it has truth in it, I'd not need to read it. I'd have already known it. If it has flaws in it, I'd not need to read it. I can already guess it. " She shrugged.

"So, you know the truth," he questioned.

"I would like to deny if the particular truth is being in accusing me of Murder." Ashish made an unbelievable face.

"Being delusional, are we?" he grins.

"I think you should know the definition of being delusional before using it on someone," she mutters.

"And you know?"

"I'd not be the best-selling writer if I wasn't aware of what delusion is and what being in delusion is, Mr. Ashish Sharma," she completes her words after a brief second.

"I remember I haven't told you my name yet. Already done with a background check on me, I guess? But who's the mole here?" He turned around to look at his officers.

"I didn't know you had this badge on you for show-off," she mumbled and silence in the room prevailed.

Mr Ashish Sharma was stumped and recovered...quite soon!

"Denying the truth will not change anything, Ms Gupta," he made his words sound stressed.

"And I'd not like the change too, Mr Sharma," she said simply.

"Why did you stab him? Did you carry the knife with you all along?" he asked instead.

"I didn't carry any knife and no, I'd not answer for the why," she answered, calming her rising heartbeats.

"Oh, you should and must! Agreeing is the only option you're left with," he snickered.

"And who's being delusional now?" she asked instead.

"You've some guts to say that," he stated.

"And how can you question us - a police officer, such a thing?" Inspector Maithili butts in.

"Why not?" she counters.

"We're interrogating you if you remember," Ashish saves the savage.

"Oh? I didn't know that. I thought you were forcing the story down my throat," she looked surprised.

There's a brief period of silence. Nobody said anything.

"And why would you think that?" Maithili asked.

"I'm surprised you'd ask this." Katherine met the eyes of Maithili, honesty wouldn't be sure of.

And then Maithili's eyes fell on the paper.

She snatched it from the table and slapped it in front of her face. The headline met her orbs.

Has Katherine become a Villain for the Roy Family?

"Brutal Murder or invisible Murder. What do we call such a Murder? Crime rate is increasing day by day and so are mysteries. Looks like we have another unsolved murder case happened in Delhi.

Ms. Katherine Gupta, the best-selling author was allegedly reported for the murder of Aaron Singh Roy. It's heartbreaking to know Aaron Singh Roy is no more. No more?

Katherine snatched the paper from her hands and slammed it on the table.

"Won't you ask me how I stabbed him, it should be the first question if I'm not wrong," she leans on her chair.

Ashish exchanges a look with his other officers.


"Katherine didn't do anything," Zeba whispered.

"I hope she didn't but I couldn't cheat my eyes."

"I won't believe it," Kavya followed her daughter's words.

"I so wish I share the same belief as you, Aunty," she said.

Zeba and Kavya were silent.

"Or maybe you were made to see the thing they wanted you to see," Shravan broke the silence.

"And who must they be? What reason would they have?" she counters.

"And what reason does Katherine have? She bloody loves my brother," Zeba gritted her teeth.

"We don't have any proof. Only Aaron could save her, which isn't ....possible," she stated.

Once again, silence prevailed in Roy Mansion.

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