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C8 Lies(1)

A corner of the white cloth was lifted, revealing a cold corpse.

The two old men held hands and slowly walked forward, their eyes filled with fear. The woman's name was Han Xiuying, and the man's name was Li Shuigen. They were the parents of the deceased Lee Lifaang.

Han Xiuying's face was as pale as paper. With every step forward, her body would become even more powerful. If it was not for Li Shuigen supporting her by the side, she could have collapsed at any time. In a short distance of more than ten meters, as if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, they finally arrived in front of the corpse. Han Xiuying took a closer look and felt that the world was spinning. Her entire body went limp and she laid on the ground.

"My son!" Han Xiuying took a long time to catch her breath. She lost her voice and cried. She was in so much pain that she wanted to die. Li Shuigen sat on the ground dejectedly. He covered his face with his hands that were like withered vines and cried. Two streams of muddy tears flowed down.

Han Xiuying and Li Shuigen lived in the countryside. They received a phone call at noon and left from home. They sat in a car for two hours before arriving at the South Lake Branch. In order to prevent any accidents from happening on the road, Jiang Feng only vaguely said over the phone that Lee Lifaang met with a car accident and wanted them to rush over as soon as possible.

When the two of them reached the branch, they were directly taken into the car by Jiang Feng and drove all the way into the funeral home. Only then did they realize that things were not good.

"God, are you blind? Fang Fangfang is still so young. Why didn't you take me there?" Han Xiuying's hair was disheveled. She rolled on the ground and cried for help. Li Shuigen stopped crying. He sat on the ground in a daze, as if someone had taken away his spine.

Those who had died had been completely freed, but those who were alive still had to endure endless torment. They could only wait for time to slowly heal their wounds.

Jiang Feng stood at the side with a solemn expression. He didn't say a word. A white-haired man sending a black hair to another person, the cruelest thing in the world was none other than this. At this moment, as a bystander, any consolation to the loved ones of the deceased seemed powerless and hypocritical.

Since he was a police officer, Jiang Feng could not remember how many murders he had committed. He had seen a lot of corpses, and he gradually became numb to them. In his eyes, the bodies that had lost their lives were no different from other physical evidence. He once thought that he had become stone-hearted, but whenever the family members of the deceased came to identify the corpses, the heart-wrenching pain always made him unable to get out of trouble.

Jiang Feng was afraid to see such a scene, but he could not avoid it. This was the job of the police.

Legal examiner Tang walked forward, pulled up the white cloth, and covered the corpse again. Then he gave Jiang Feng a look.

Jiang Feng helped the two old men to their seats and said to Han Xiuying, "A dead person cannot be revived. Take care of your health. "

"How did my daughter die?" Han Xiuying used her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"The specific situation is like this. At around 11: 40 p. M. Last night, there was a traffic accident on the welcome street. Two cars collided and one of them was unfortunately killed. We invited the two elders here today to ask you to help us confirm the identity of the victim. " Jiang Feng tried his best to avoid saying the word" victim. "

"It's my daughter Lee Lifaang. " Han Xiuying nodded with certainty, as if she suddenly remembered something important. "Police comrade, who hit my daughter to death? Did they catch her?"

"The driver of the accident has been detained. The cause of the accident is under investigation. "

"Isn't this obvious? There's no one left. Is there a need to investigate?"

Jiang Feng could see anger and distrust in her eyes. "Please rest assured, the police will investigate the case according to the law. They will never let a bad person go, and they will not wrongly accuse a good person. " Jiang Feng hated to ask questions, but he often did not mean what he said.

The identity of the deceased had been confirmed. Jiang Feng took the two old men into the car and drove to the branch office.

When they returned to the office, Jiang Feng poured Han Xiuying and Li Shuigen a glass of water. There were a few questions that he wanted to further understand.

"Is Lee Lifaang's husband called Lei Ren?"

"It's him. " Han Xiuying looked disgusted when she mentioned Lei Ren.

"Can you help us find Lei Ren?" Jiang Feng explained, "I went to their house this morning and did not find anyone. There are some legal procedures that need to be done by him. "

"God knows where he died. "

"Just tell me Lei Ren's phone number. "

"We don't have his number. "

From Han Xiuying's tone, Jiang Feng could clearly feel that the relationship between this family was not normal, so he simply said it clearly. " Is Lee Lifaang's relationship with her husband not good?"

"Sigh!" Han Xiuying heaved a heavy sigh. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to let Fang Fangfang marry him. "

"I heard that Lei Ren and Lee Lifaang were colleagues. They both worked in the Second Hospital. "

"They were dating and getting married in the hospital. Later, Lei Ren got into a fight and went to jail. He was fired by the hospital. He did not do proper work after he came out. He was fooling around outside all day. Not to mention us, even my daughter often can't find him. Our Fang Fang is so pitiful. She married the wrong person and now something like this has happened. . . "She did not finish her sentence. Han Xiuying's tears came out again.

Jiang Feng roughly understood. It seemed like it was not easy to find Lei Ren. "Lee Lifaang seems to have a daughter, right?"

"This child is very smart. " Han Xiuying sighed again, "Her father did not go home for a long time and her mother often had to work the night shift and did not have time to take care of her, so this child has been living with her grandparents. "

Li Shuigen sat by the side, looking a little stiff and didn't say a word. It seemed that Han Xiuying was the one who had the final say in the matters of their family. Jiang Feng secretly guessed.

Jiang Feng called a technician over and used the oral test paper to gather Han Xiuying's saliva to compare with the deceased's DNA.

The sky outside was getting darker and there was no longer a bus to return to the countryside. Considering that Li Shuigen and Han Xiuying were too sad, and their emotions were still unstable at the moment, Jiang Feng was afraid that there would be an accident on the road, so he specially arranged for Wang Sanniu to drive them home.

Before getting into the car, Han Xiuying suddenly grabbed Jiang Feng's hand and knelt on the ground, "Police comrade, please, shoot that driver. She killed my daughter, I want her to pay with her life!"

Jiang Feng was unprepared and hurriedly helped her up. "Elder, please don't do this. Please believe us. We will definitely follow the law. "

Watching the two elders leave, Jiang Feng's heart suddenly became heavy.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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