Jack's revenge/C5 I can teach you how to fight
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Jack's revenge/C5 I can teach you how to fight
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C5 I can teach you how to fight

When Jake got in the he took a few deep breaths.

"Hello young master."

"Thanks Jack for not exposing me"

Jake wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

"No need young master the others already told me that you like to remain low-key."

"Oh is that so."

"Yes, master also said ill be your bodyguard from now on and i must follow you everywhere. "


"Why is Dad so worried."

"Young master as the richest family's young master in the city you must be protected, many families young masters and young miss get kidnapped by the criminals and then they ask for a huge ransom."

"Oh that's why." Said Jake looking outside the window.

Jack looked at his young master through the mirror and see that he has a little bruise.

"Young master did you get into a fight in school?"

"No i bumped into a door while getting out of a class." Jake hurriedly said.

"Young master you dont have to lie i can see that you just got into a fight plus your clothes are full of dust."

"Why are so smart." Jake cursed a him a few times in his heart.

"Ok but don't tell Father."

"Dont worry young master i wont."

"Ok ill trust you."

"Young master do you want me to teach you how to fight?"

Jake's face changed*

"You can teach me how to fight?" Asked Jake in a happy voice.

"Yes as long as you prepare yourself to suffer a little." Jack smiled.

"S-suffer?" Jake trembled a little.

"Yes if you want to be strong you must training and feel some pain."

"Oh i almost thought you were going to take me to the wild or do something bad to me!" Jake exclaimed.

"Young master you are still young for me to take you to the wild and you dont have the strength to survive in the wild." Jack smiled

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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