Kill me Heal me/C1 Chapter 1 - I'm not a nerd
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Kill me Heal me/C1 Chapter 1 - I'm not a nerd
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C1 Chapter 1 - I'm not a nerd

The class is about to start am sitting with everything I need and people here are talking abt the exams vacations stuff .

I'm least interested cuz I'm not sitting with my friends yes might find it weird but in our school or specifically in our class we aren't allowed to Sit with who so ever we want its height wise and Also house wise as we have a system of dividing students into house accordingly in colours a typical convent school drama ..and I'm in Red house doesn't matter as I'm not very sporty also me being unlucky as fuck all my friends are in different house ..

Nevermind nothing new but at least I'm free from toxic People

Our teacher came in and gave us a sum which ofcs I thought I can't solve still tried for sake of trying and got an answer which obviously I won't show to my teacher and was acting as if I'm still solving and prayed hard that she doesn't ask me ..

I prayed the way Juliet prayed to stay with Romeo and we both have a similarity we both didn't got what we wanted so the teacher called me she is truly doing is purposely she knows I'm poor at this shitty subject

Miss : Ally tell the answer

She said with a viscious smile plastered on her face while the only thing I was chanting in my head was : why why me ?what have I done wrong god ...

Miss : will you tell

Her shrill voice sending chills down my spine as I stood up and in a nervous and really low voice I began

Her voice echoed in the silent room as wind gushes in corridors of our school i was having an avalanche of emotions in my mind messed and nervous

Me : as- mi-ss x =5/2 and y=-1

I had mentally prepared myself for a nice insult ..

But the unthinkable happened

Miss : its wrong as expected no wait it's it-its correct.. but how ? did u copied from your desk mate ?

Me : no I d-di-didnt

Miss : stop stuttering and sit maybe just by coincidence

Me inside my head : a donkey like me solved this

Can I actually be of some use ?

My desk mate : you little shit you solved it unbelievable your useless nerd

Me : fuck off

Yes even though I'm depressed as fuck I never let my weakness prone to others because we should remember one thing first

Either they will show unnecessary sympathy and pity

Or then don't care

Maybe they will use it against u too ..

Well how i know it its a long story but let me cut it short i was betrayed by my only and most precious friend because I wasn't a cool kid not that i complain i won't change my personality but low key it still hurts because i never knew how to interact with people but thankfully I have learnt to live alone now I'm too scared to trust again

Wow ! Think of satin the satin appears i said in Alas as I saw Kate was walking out of classroom

She waved at me

Kate : hi how are u?

Me : I'm fine ..I'm getting late I'll talk later

Kate : your are so rude

Ally : I see

I walked away thinking

I dont know why but I wanna talk with her despite differences but no its better to be without a best friend then being in toxic friendship so I pull myself together as I was on verge of crying..I shrugged of my thoughts as met Rose..she is a sweet heart sometimes savage and a total tomboy i don't know what to do with her ..

But then i saw my friend Rose someone who cherishes me

Rose : tell what's up drama queen ?

Me : yaaahhh

Rose : NAaaaSAaaaa

Me : -.......-

Rose : my cutie got angry ?She said in a serious yet concerned tone

Me : yes very angry I'm so angry that I can punch you ;)

And we started laughing as we walked

On school gate I waved by at my Friends

They make life beautiful indeed ♡♡

I started walking towards my couching class yes I told remember I'm dumb so I need extra class ..

I dont know why my life has changed so much sometimes I think I wanna go back to the time when we were care free joyful and enjoyed life I wish I wasn't a burden on my parents the never say that but I can't see them overworking so much..why ? They are doing it just for me. .a nobody who doesn't even give them the happiness they deserve..I'm not the idol child they wanted yet they exhaust their self for me why ? Why aren't they selfish...

I shrugged these thoughts off my head ..and walked down the streets to my couching classes ..

And then as i sat for class I was a bit happy from within today because I got ray of hope yes maybe I should try be more of optimist..let's just try to see brighter side of things ..can't I ?

We never know how little things changes our day but still I thought one sum can't help me be useful huf-

As I sat silently then sir came wished us cheer fully .

He is a really pleasant person

Chubby tall and dark ...he is the ideal son anyone would want but his mother always likes to tease him and his little brother they are both opposites she called sir Doraemon and his brother Nobita and students laugh their asses out in class but sir never dared to disrespect her he truly is a gentleman

As he started class the door suddenly opened and guy entered he was tall and slender as I saw his face his clear brown eyes smooth skin

His deel voice sounded sexy and familiar wait familiar

Holy moly he is h- I -a -I

I recognised him...

What in the world is Emir doing here !

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