Kill me Heal me/C2 Chapter 2 : Pretty coincidence
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Kill me Heal me/C2 Chapter 2 : Pretty coincidence
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C2 Chapter 2 : Pretty coincidence

A/n:Betrayal is a heart ache that no one can heal but love leaves a memory that no one can steal~


He is the guy who saved me two years back and also was in same couching class but.... then I left that class in hope of not meeting him again with a pain in my chest but..



He was my crush too ..

As I see him I feel like life is colored again cuz that phase of my life was the best I use to stay so happy

Enjoy little things

I dont know why as I saw him my time stopped feeling blissful as well as gloomy his chocolate brown hair falls on his face with a smile on his face ..the mole on his upper lip he is epitome of perfection ..

But but I don't deserve him I - I I don't know what to do earlier when we were kids life was so simple ..even

Kate was also good at that time

Well at least I thought she was

Then I ruined everything with my own hands I killed my brother

Yes I did ...

My chain of thoughts were disrupted by sir calling me ..

Sir : Ally ..Ally are your alright ?

Why we aren't you responding ?

Me: I'm fine sir just was a minor headache I'm fine please start the class

Sir : if you say so but wait let other come too as today I'm gonna do combined class with your seniors

Me : ok sir

Emir's POV

I think I have seen this girl somewhere well I can't remember..

Ig o yea see I'm such a dumb person she is the one stupid girl who came under a car to attempt suicide

I don't know why people don't value their lives its a blessing but all they do is complain about things its really annoying

Well I can't stare at her cuz she might take it in a wrong way maybe I even end of getting beaten

O my god it will be so painful and embarrassing..

I guess my imagination is really wild i should stop watching weird shows ..

So i took a deep breath and cleared my mind then took out my books and waited for my little sister and her friends to come they are always late for class I don't why she roams with them

I don't like them they might be a bad influence to her ..I remember how the girls tried to flirt me ..I don't know from where these girls get this much confidence where as me be being so handsome yet get nervous around girls .. It's getting late i have to go for baseball match and she knows i can can't leave her alone but daddy's little princess won't listen to anyone urg-

We were waiting for five mins then our sir said that he has some work hence we need to wait for 10 mins more really nice first because of my little sister getting late know sir will also waste time will I get time to play crick I mentally cry ...

We guys can't even cry properly in public and not even express our feelings cuz of some stereotypes

As sir went for work I was alone with that depressed girl so I started scrolling Instagram so that things will be less awkward but she is looks innocent and pretty because beaty lies in simplicity i unknowingly realised i called her pretty so i just awkwardly scroll Instagram

Ally 's POV

I sneak glaces over Emir making sure he never knows ...

I don't wanna do that but

Love is a memory no one can steal ..

I feel as if i have got a new energy..alive this feeling of being lively is soothing but my guilt is overshadowing that like the dark clouds overshadow the shining moon..

I truly wished that my time really stopped their as i don't wanna do anything except not wanting this moment to end

Even i don't know why i 'like' this guy so much like indeed he is handsome and tall but obviously not Kim Seokjin right ? Still I can't forget him since past Years ..I don't even realise how this guy has turned me into a hopeless romantic

Like even in my depressed times I remembered how he saved me with his smile his jokes, his laugh ,his personality

Sometimes my friends told me to stalk him but I just couldn't because I have never freed myself from the trauma I clipped my wings and closed herself in a cage of darkness from where their was no escape ...

But like every night ends and sun rises ..could this be the time of dawn ?

Emir discovers that I was practically staring at him I found it weird as he smirked and said

"I'm not that handsome my lady .."

I was flustered as I was caught

So quickly made an excuse telling

"But I was staring at the bug on ur shirt"

Emir got a bit scared he is so innocent to think that way I thought

Emir : where is the bug ?

I stood up and said well I can't find it know maybe flew away

We looked at each other for a moment

Then entered Shaika my senior and Emir 's sister

Shaika :hello ? Wht are u guys doing ?

I got so shocked and flustered by her so I stood up from the bench and because of being in haste I lost balance and ended up on Emir 's Lap making it really awkward for both of us ..

And the cliche awkward moment

I jumped of and apologized countless times

Me: I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry ..

Emir was red like a tomato shy guys are so cute

He just said : its -f-fine

Shaika : are we shooting a Kdrama over here ? You both as main leads and me being supporting cast ?

Ally :no sorry to disturb you senior

Shaika : stop apologizing it was an accident or did you did it on purpose ?don't tell me u have crush on this dumpster

Me : nooooooooooo I'm innocent senior

I'm sure I'm Tomato by now

Shaika starts laughing

OK okay I believe you Ally don't explain further ..

Then we sat in silence but weirdly it wasn't an awkward one ..

Then. .then.

All busted out laughing as to what has happened now ... It's been a long time i had a good laugh

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