LADY MAFIA/C1 Chapter 1- The genesis
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LADY MAFIA/C1 Chapter 1- The genesis
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C1 Chapter 1- The genesis


(The Genesis)

“Just get down on it, kill me you f**king bastard” spat a bald head man, with a pot belly. And just as he spitted out the last word, a heavy punch landed on his face, making him groan loudly, his head was being forced to go backward, as he spits out blood.

The man punching him smirked, retying the little piece of cloth round his hand, as he made to give him another punch. This time, the blow had a greater effect on him, breaking his nose, as blood gushed out.

“No…no..stop hurting my papa” The voice of a little girl rang in the air, as her mouth was immediately gagged by one of the men in black.

“If you make any other attempt to speak I will rip your head off in front of your papa” threatened a weird looking guy, as the little kid repeatedly nodded her head in fear. Her eyes were stuck with tears, which gave a little glitter before tickling down her cheeks.

She glanced at her mother, who was gagged and held by another man. She was also in tears, with fear clearly written on her face. She tried to stiffen in her sob as she watched her father being traumatized by the heavy looking man, whose looks is like that of a wrestler.

If care isn’t taken then her father won’t survive the numerous blows being sent towards him. He will pass out soon.

“Just tell me what you want..and let my family go” The girl’s father yelled, spitting out more blood. The guy smirked, landing him another blow before speaking up

“We will continue your torment as we wait for the boss” He replied chuckling, seeing a little fear crept up the man’s face.

The others in the room joined in the laughter which suddenly died down as the door flung open, revealing a petite woman, in cobra black suit, having a feathery hat on her head. Her lips were painted red, its color looking more like blood, as a smirk appeared on it.

She had gloves lying intact across her hands, as she gently swung the gun she held with her index finger. The sounds of her heels steadily kissing the floor, was the only sound heard, as she made her way in.

Just behind her, is a girl of about fifteen years, looking timid; she trailed behind her. She stopped just in time as her mistress, rubbing her palms together to ease her panic. The sight before her isn’t what she wants to experience, but she has no choice than to learn.

Her eyes wandered round the room, starting from the number of men from her clan down to the man being tortured, his wife who is clearly gasping for breath, more like she is experiencing a seizure, and lastly, the little girl whose eyes were peering into hers, like she was gonna be her savior.

She saw the pain in the little girls’ eyes, but hers is more than that. She didn’t want to look further, so she bowed her head facing downward as the woman in front of her spoke her first word.

“Well…well..well…Williams..long time no see” The woman stated, placing the gun in her hand on the close by table, as she made herself comfortable, on the couch. She crossed her legs, fixing her hat in a better position, so as to see her victims clearly.

“Luna…..” Williams grunted, trying to steady his breathing; he glared hard at her

“Yes…you got my name correctly, meaning your remember me…perfectly” She smiled

“What do you want from me…” He muttered, rather harshly

She frowned

“You know what I want..Williams. take a better look at that picture placed before you on the table, and tell me where to find him”

“I already told your men, I don’t know where to get him” He yelled, as the man torturing him landed a punch on his nose

He groaned

“Arggh…can’t you just stop this for once…I am telling you the truth” he cried out bitterly

Luna stood to her feet, walking towards where he was tied to a chair

“You know me Williams, I hate liars…I won’t hesitate to pull off their heads, from their necks. You know where ‘The Mask’ is, but you are trying to cover up. Mind you, your family is at risk” She let out an evil smirk

“Leave my family out of this..Luna, they are innocent. You want me not them…” He gritted

“Then f**king give me the information that I need” She seethed

“And I said that I don’t know” he yelled in her face

“Damn…..f**k this” She slammed, banging her fist on the table; she picked up her gun. And without much effort, she cocked it, directing her aim to his wife and pulled the trigger.

“Arhhh,..mum” The little girl screamed, as she watched her mum go down; blood gushing out of her forehead, where the bullet met her.

“No….no…no…you b!tch…you shouldn’t have killed her…she was innocent of all this…I hate are a beast..” Williams cried out, as tears rolled down his cheek. He watched his little daughter cry as she struggled to free herself from the man holding her, but his grip was too strong for a ten-year-old to escape from.

Luna kissed the tip hole of the gun, licking her lips before speaking up

“You dragged her into it, so she needs to pay for your sins. And she was gonna die anyway, I just made it faster; thank you for hating me” She winked, annoyingly

“Just get over this Luna…you will never get to ‘The Mask’, he is many steps ahead of you” Williams snapped

“Oh….too bad, you won’t be able to see me win..because you are joining your wife soon…and your daughter will follow..”

Williams’ face hardened; he couldn't imagine a bullet running through his little daughter's head. She is too innocent for all this; he wished he hadn’t married his wife and given birth to her. He wouldn’t have dragged them into his mess, but it is too late, he has to finish what he has started.

“Don’t kill her, she is too young to die ... .please” he mumbled the last part, still groaning in pain for the death of his wife.

“You know…Williams…I ain’t the type to keep promises, or show mercy..I keep to my words…you have three seconds to say your last prayer” she muttered. Williams couldn’t look at her face, he was clearly depressed, but her next word made his head jerk up

“I won’t kill you….” She stated, his eyes were about showing a glee of joy, but she isn’t done with her sentence

“She will,” Luna muttered, pointing to the teenage girl who had come into the room with her. Williams'eye popped out as he quickly recognized the girl, the resemblance is clear. She is the Wolves Ex-leader’s daughter, before Luna took his place after his death.

He could see fear written on her face as Luna beckoned on her to step forward, stretching out the gun towards her

“N..No…i..i can’t do it…I can’t” She stammered, shivering

“Kyla…I believe we have talked about this” Luna’s stern voice rang into her ears


“Take the f**king gun and blow this bastard’s head off” Luna yelled, as she hurriedly took it from her hand.

Kyla took a deep breath in before cocking the gun; she pointed it directly at Williams face. She could see the panicking and sad look in his eyes as he watched her. She diverted her attention to his little daughter, who was giving her a pleading stare.

She didn’t want to do this, but she had no choice. If she does not kill him, Luna will; and her punishment will come afterward.

She took a step forward, with her hand still shaking and with one last breath, she pulled the trigger; the bullet flying out in a quick pace, landed on Williams left eyes; his head fell backward and he gave his last breath.

“…why…why…why will you kill him too” cried the little girl, but no one paid attention to her. The only sound Kyla could hear is the sound of Luna, clapping her hands

“That’s a good target for a start…now I want you to do the same on his daughter, but be confident this time” She smirked

Kyla raised her head to see the little girl whimpering on the ground where she knelt. The man holding her has released her already, to prevent the bullet from hitting his head.

The look on the girl’s face is making her heart ache; she is just too young to die. She tried placing her hand on the trigger, but her fingers kept betraying her. Her body also doesn’t want to do it; the girl doesn’t deserve to die.

“And why the delay Kyla, I think you want me to spank you” Luna’s enraged voice came up again. And with a loud scream and ears shut, she pulled the trigger; the bullet flew out, hitting the wrong direction.

Her legs wobble, unable to keep her standing, as she fell to her knees, and the next thing she felt was a stinging slap across her face.

“Bastard” Luna spat



“Arghhh” I gasp, jerking out of my bed, as I tried calming my breath.

“Shit” I cursed; my eyes wandered to the wall clock, it’s just 3am in the morning. Why the hell will that freaky nightmare wake me up? Though, the event was actually what had happened in reality, it has a way of repeating itself in my dreams.

Kicking the blanket off my body, I step down from the bed, making sure that I wear my flip flop before proceeding to the cellar.

I picked out a new branded wine, uncorking it, as I drink directly from it, not bothering to use the glass.

I feel so hot inside; all I need is to calm my nerves. I took another long gulp, before corking it, placing it on the side stool beside my bed.

I lay back on the bed recollecting all that had happened in the past, how I got to become who I am today.

Well, let’s say Luna made it possible; too bad she is lying nine feet beneath the earth. Let’s take you all back to how it all started; and that was ten years ago.


Ten Years back~

“Kyla…Kyla…” I heard Luna’s voice as she barged into my room. I jerked from the bed I was laying on, dropping the novel I had in my hand, which I was actually engrossed in before she decided to ruin the moment.

“Don’t tell me you heard me, and decided to snub me” She yelled, walking closer to where I laid. I rolled my eyes, pulling off the blanket, as my feet kissed the cold floor. I stood akimbo with my hands folded, facing her. Lest I forget, I use to be a very rude kid to begin with

“What do you want Luna…” I snorted

“And what happened to mother” She snapped, I scoff

“Fine ... .mother” I resorted. I could feel her blood boiling hard, but I think with her demeanor, she isn’t ready to start a quarrel with me.

“I want you to pick up a few things you consider necessary..we are leaving” She dropped the bombshell; I felt a pang of headache hitting my head.

I scoffed

“You are joking right?” I asked

“Do I look like a clown to you” She snapped, already looking pissed

“Yea…because a normal person won’t just barge into my room, and tell me to start packing up, like seriously, where are you taking me to?” I questioned

“You don’t need to know…we don’t have much time, just get on it” She yelled, and this made me more angry. I mean, who gave her the nerves

“Does dad know about this…in fact..I wanna speak with dad now!”

“You can’t …Kyla you are making things hard for me right now”

“No…you are the one making things hard right here…I wanna speak with dad first”

“You can’t speak with him…don’t you get it?” She slammed, coming face to face with me

“And why can’t I get it…huhn…you wanna take me away so that you can make me your slave completely or what…where is dad..and why can’t I talk to him about it first?” I yelled in frustration

“He is dead…your dad is f**king dead..he was shot dead some hours ago” She resorted, ruffling her hair. I couldn’t process what she said at first, and when realization hit me, I felt a surge of ice hitting my spine, as a cold from nowhere struck my skin, bringing out goose bumps.

“What….what did you say?” I croak

“You heard me right get your ass into your wardrobe and pick out the few clothes you need, before I kick your ass” She snapped, leaving the room before I could mutter a reply. I sunk into the bed, allowing the tears in my eyes to drop out.

“No… can’t be gone…it’s not true. How will my life be with Luna, she will surely rip me apart.”


Right now, we are in a car heading to where I don’t know. Sitting in the driver’s seat is a man I usually see with my father, and someone else who I don’t think I have ever seen, sat at the front seat. Beside me is Luna, puffing out balls of smoke from her mouth and nostril as she takes more drag from it.

I wasn’t comfortable in my seat either; the fact that I didn’t get to see my dad or even know if we are gonna organize his funeral is still pissing me off, and Luna hasn’t shown any sign.

“Can I at least know where we are heading to?” I asked. She turned to look at me, not saying any word at first

“We are leaving for your dad’s clan” She simply replied, as I scoff

“And dad’s corpse…ain’t we gonna bury it. Damn, you are acting like you ain’t even his wife for goodness sake…” I snapped, as she tilted her head side ward to glare at me

“Look here Kyla, the only thing stopping me from giving you a hard slap now is the fact that we are still mourning your dad…and if you don’t mind the way you talk to me..I won’t hesitate but give you one” She seethed.

I sigh, looking out of the window. I know that Luna meant what she said, and I know how she gets whenever she is angry. I didn’t bother to push it, as silence took in

“Your dad’s corpse is already at the clan, we will bury him where our clan members are being buried.” She replied, but I’m no more interested in her explanations.

“And one more thing Kyla..I really hate the way you disrespect me, from now on, I am in charge of the Wolves Clan, and you alongside other members will refer to me as ‘Boss’” She stated. I turned to look at her, as she puffs a large ball of smoke into my face.

I don’t know what life has for me in the clan, but with the look of things, and with Luna being in charge now, then it would be nothing but hell.


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