LADY MAFIA/C10 Chapter 10 - Mission Accomplished
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LADY MAFIA/C10 Chapter 10 - Mission Accomplished
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C10 Chapter 10 - Mission Accomplished


(Mission Accomplished)

“Moonlight do you copy… you copy” Jayden’s voice sounded through the ear pod on her ear

She rolled her eyes

“Speak dimwit”

“You should have just replied..anyway, I got the footage covered. The entrance is heavily guarded; it will be too risky to go through those armed men. So I tried to find an easy way; you will go through the walls from the south.

There is only one guard roaming that arena..he shouldn’t be a case to you though, so just get on with it and wait for my next command” He stated. She breathed in, staring at the gigantic walls in front of her.

They are made of solid building materials, and won’t be penetrated easily with bullets, except from that of a machine gun. At the top of the walls are well sharpened knife-like object stuck to pierce any intruder that succeeded in climbing the walls; but that will be used to her own advantage.

“Fine…copy that..i’m on it” She whispered into the mouthpiece connected to her ear, making a move to her next plan.

Bringing out a rope from the little backpack, she made few noose on it, swinging it higher. The sharp arrow like object connected to the noose end of the rope clicked the bars, as she made her way up, with the aid of her boots which has a little knife beneath the sole meant for climbing walls.

Trying to avoid the knife bars from striking her feet, she swings her body to the other side, landing gently on her feet. Without wasting much time, she surge forward, hiding at intervals to prevent being seen by the guards.

She doesn’t wanna alert anyone yet, not like she couldn’t handle them all, but that will be after the job is done; and that’s if there is a need for that.

“Damn..this one is gonna be a chicken soon” She smiled, walking to the back of a guard who was parading that area, she tapped him from behind

“Huh…” he muttered trying to look but was shortened by a punch; she picked him up before he could regain consciousness, gagged his mouth and twitched his neck, spraining his cord.

She dropped his lifeless body on the ground, and proceeded to the inner building.

“Dad, ain’t you gonna read me a bedtime story” A little girl’s voice stopped Moonlight, as she peeked her ears further to hear more. The voice is coming from the direct opposite of Flint’s room; that might be his daughter, she thought, lurking behind the dark wall.

“No baby, come on, it’s time for bed” he replied

“Come on dad” She whined

“Darling, free daddy for tonight ok..I have a very important thing to do tomorrow, really needs to rest..hmnn..pretty please” He pouted


“Goodnight baby”

“Yea…kiss her goodnight, because this will be the last night you will see each other” Moonlight whispered to herself.

She heard the door bang as she watched him go into his room, she followed suit. He was about going into the bathroom, when he heard the door open. Thinking that it was his daughter, he didn’t bother to look

“Charlotte come on…you should go to bed”

“It’s not charlotte” Moonlight replied. He felt his heart triple its beat, as he turned slowly to check out the intruder

“How did you get in here?” He asked, folding his fist

“It’s none of your business, and don’t even try making a move, cause I will blow off your head right now” She threatened, pointing the gun to his face. He scoffed

“You think you can threaten me with that…i’m gonna call in the security now, and they will kick your ass out off here”

“The same people I escaped from being seen?” she croaked a smile

“What the hell do you want from me” he yelled, banging his fist on the close by table. Moonlight was not moved by his tantrum, she kept watching his every move indirectly waiting for Jayden’s order.

He was having problem with hacking into the CCTV system; they had managed to restore it when he switched off the scenes earlier. He wants her to buy him some time.

“Trying to create a scene right..haaha, I think you have forgotten that this room is sound proof. Shout as loud as you can, no one will hear you, not even those bull dogs, you call guards” She chuckled

“How did you know about that?” he shivered

“I did my assignment”

“Please don’t kill me…i..i will give you anything you want…”

“Not here for interrogations”

“Why the hell are you here then…then kill me all you want, you will never get to know the truth, you think I don’t know who sent you?” He roared

“Your daughter will go with you too” She smirked

“No…no…don’t touch her…don’t…”

“Now Moonlight” Jayden stated through the ear pod

“Goodnight” she whispered

“Na..hhh…” She fired two shot into his forehead, tucking in her gun as she walked out of the building.

“Mission accomplished”

“You got just five minutes to get out of there and your time starts now”

“I will be out in three”


“I found a shorter route…his daughter’s window is closer to the exit, and the walls there are less high”



State Chairman Office~


“I should be leaving now, I think we are done with whatever we are here for” Kyla muttered, placing her hands on the table, as she watch the old man, shook his head a little

“Come on Kyla, it’s late already; you should at least wait till dawn”

“I don’t sleep out, and even so, not the office of the state chairman” She mentally rolled her eyes

“Why” He asked, perplexed

She shrugged, surging closer

“You gat enemies lurking around” She whispered. He nodded; sure, he can’t trust anyone, that’s why he needed her around. He had been receiving threat from some unknown fellows for a while now.

“And that’s why I want you to stay.. just for tonight..look Kyla, I can’t even breath this air in peace. Right from when I signed this project, the threats were getting too much. I had to leave home for the office to do any work, because this place is more secured”

She flipped her fallen hair backward, behind her ears, swirling the swivel a little

“Look, I got a spare room here, and your man here can stay with my guards” He suggested. She didn’t say a word for a while, before turning to look at Kelvin who stood behind her.

She smirked, facing the chairman again

“Fine…just for tonight.”


“Are we just gonna sit here all day” Autumn whined, from the back seat. They are currently at a close distance to the location where the exchange rate is to take place.

“We need to survey the whole arena; Larry can be tricky” Bruce replied gruesomely. She wasn’t actually directing the question to him though; but it’s weird for him to reply.

Bruce is known for taking things seriously, his aura commands respect, that was what earned him the position of second in command.

“Cleared boss” Mica muttered after a brief silence, she was working on her system before Autumn spoke out.

“Fine…I think you will make a call to Larry now, he is to come meet us at this exact spot”

“Roger that” Mica cooed, bringing out her phone, she placed a call to Larry and he answered at the second ring.

“Change of plans man..we are gonna be meeting in another location”

“What!!? I thought we had an agreement..”

“I will send you the address now” She cuts in, ending the call before he could reply

“Did you track his location?” Bruce asked

“Yes….he has not moved from the former location we choose” She replied, unlocking her seat belt

“Good. You can make use of the backseat for now. I will go with Autumn, then you can come in if there is need for an emergency, got it?”

“Sure boss…” she smirked. He turned to face Autumn who seem to be ready to alight the car. She was holding the briefcase containing the substances. She had set on her back the arrows, holding the automated bow in her right hand, while the left is the briefcase.

“Good to go?”

“Ready boss” Autumn replied, as they both stepped out, taking the route that leads to the deserted bridge.


Bruce watched steadily with an Ak47 riffle placed on his shoulder, as Larry and some of his boys came forward. Their cars were packed few meters behind, while they decided to cover the rest meters on foot.

“F**k you man, why change plans when the deal is almost carried out”

“Don’t question me Larry, where is the money” Bruce replied, keeping his eyes on the boys. He mentally counted them; they are all five in numbers, each of them holding a gun.

“Five Mica” Bruce whispered into the mouthpiece, oblivious of the men in front of him

“That’s not possible, they should be eight..” she thought. She hacked into the street cameras of the previous locations, and was quick to count the figures she saw, but she lost connection.

“Some are lurking behind” She replied him through the ear pod

“I spoke with a lady just now, don’t tell me you are playing games with me, and where is the damn stuff” Larry roared. He was still fuming, annoyed at the change of location. He had everything planned out, but this gang seems to be too smart.

“She is behind you” Bruce replied huskily, as Autumn walked out of the pillar behind them, holding the brief case firmly. She walked towards Bruce, as Larry stared at her perplexed. This gang won’t stop with their wonders, how did she get there? He thought.

Shrugging his thoughts off, he gave a signal to one of his men who held the briefcase containing cash. He walked towards the duo, as Autumn stepped forward

“Wait” Bruce stopped her

She paused, Larry’s boy also stopped as silence took in

“Open the briefcase” he said to the boy who seems shocked at his question

“What the hell is going on, take your money and give me what I want” Larry yelled from behind. His men were already getting ready for open fire, as they cork their guns. Bruce smirked, corking his gun too while it is still on his shoulder.

“Open it” Bruce yelled again, as a gunshot was heard from afar; a bullet running directly into the empty briefcase. Rains of bullet began flying from different angle as they all took cover behind the pillars of the bridge.

‘Damn it, we were fooled” Bruce cursed, raining shots on his opponent. He killed three of Larry’s men on the spot, as Autumn sent a shot to two at a go. They were left with Larry and the invisible three, who were shooting from different angles.

The whole environment became calm after a while of ceased fire; Larry stepped out of his hiding place, running with the briefcase which Autumn had mistakenly dropped.

“Oh my God, he got it….damn” She cursed, nursing her bruise wrist

“I got him..” She muttered, trying to position her bow, but a bullet from nowhere went towards his direction, bursting his brain out.

“Shit…” Bruce cursed, reloading his gun

“That wasn’t me” Autumn cooed

“Yea I know..we ain’t just fighting Larry’s men, I think there is another gang that knows about this operation” he groans, tearing a piece from his shirt as he help her tie her bruised wrist, to prevent it from bleeding

“Thanks” She muttered

“We need to inform the Clan..Mica will be here any moment from now. She might walk into the trap”


Kyla was already ready to have a night rest, she had taken off her clothes, left in just a short to cover her butts when the door flung open, with Kelvin barging in.

“Damn” he cursed seeing her in that state, as he quickly turned to face the other direction

“Sorry boss” he pleaded

She had quickly picked up her shirt, wearing it on, before he could see all. Although, she wasn’t expecting anyone to come in that way, so she decided to leave it unlocked

“It’s ok…what’s going on?” She asked, puzzled at the way he barged in; at that moment she heard gunshots.The room has been sound proof all along.

He tried to calm his breathing, pointing outside the room

“We got intruders” he managed to say. She didn’t wait for him to complete his sentence. She pulled up her trousers, picking her guns as she cocked it; she plugged on the ear pod for communication and headed out.

They were yet to reach the hot scene when a bomb exploded, shattering the walls, as they both fell to the ground, with bullets flying their way in.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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