LADY MAFIA/C12 Chapter 12 - Failed Mission
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LADY MAFIA/C12 Chapter 12 - Failed Mission
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C12 Chapter 12 - Failed Mission


(Failed Mission)

“Mercury??” A voice sounded from behind, but she didn’t turn to look. She still held her gun pointed at Mica, who was finding all possible means to get her distracted.

Scar, who had called her name, came forward. He squinted on seeing Mica

“Blow her damn head off and let’s leave. Pascal has gotten the briefcase, we lost the other two. We need to move now before we get trapped” he stated.

“Don’t you think we should take her along?” Mercury asked

“What do you mean?”

“Her boss captured our boss’ son, we can take her along as a payback…..”

“That is not our job to do, we are done here” Scar gritted, bringing out his gun as he tried aiming at Mica, but was caught off with a bullet running into his arm

“Arghh…he groaned as Mica pulled him away, shooting back at where the shot came from. Mica used that chance to get up, sending a hard kick into her stomach.

Her gun fell, but she sent a blow to Mica’s cheek, sending her to the ground. She picked her gun and fired a shot into Mica’s shoulder, before facing the unknown gunner who was tackling Scar in a gun fight.

Bruce and Autumn heard the gun battle and went into the scene, shooting at their opponent, who managed to dodge their bullets, and went into hiding. Autumn ran towards Mica who was bleeding profusely as she pulled her up.

Mercury and Scar, who were still hiding behind an abandon truck, fired back at the intruder but couldn’t get a glimpse of where he is shooting from.

“We need to leave, I think they are more than one shooting now, and you are bleeding” She said to Scar, who cursed in pain

“Where the hell are you guys, I got the car ready” Pascal voice sounded through the connected ear pod

“Track our location and come behind the large abandoned truck, we are caught in a gun fight and Scar has been hit

“Ok…” Pascal replied. He ignited the vehicle, driving furiously into the scene, with his gun pointed out; he fired several shots into the air, waiting for his crew.

Mercury, aiding Scar, stepped out of their hiding place, sending numerous shots towards their opponents, as they got into the car, which zoomed off in a twinkle of an eye.

Bruce stepped out with his gun, firing several shots at the car, but it didn’t penetrate, because it was bulletproof.

“Damn…” he cursed, walking towards where Mica lay with Autumn.

The unknown gunner, who happened to be Wizard, also came out from his hiding position, walking towards them.

Bruce scoffed on seeing him.

“She is losing a lot of blood, I have been trying to keep her conscious” Autumn spoke out in panic, with her hands covered in Mica’s blood. She had tried covering the wound with a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding.

“We need to get her to the clan immediately..come on” Bruce muttered, as he picked her in a bridal style. Mica was already unconscious. Wizard ran towards were the car was parked, raising it to life.

He drove towards them in haste as they placed her at the backseat with Autumn. Bruce took the passenger seat beside the driver, as Wizard drove it off.


“Why are you here?” Bruce asked Wizard with a frown on his face

“We got Mica’s signal from the clan, that you guys needed a helping hand.”

“You were supposed to be on a mission with Moonlight..” Bruce yelled

“Her mission has been carried out already. Jayden reached out to me to come here, I left immediately” he resorted furiously, trying to pay attention on the road, being that he was driving recklessly.

“Guys we need to get Mica to safety, now is not the time to argue” Autumn yelled from behind.

“Stay with us Mica…you are gonna be alright” She cooed, holding her closer

The two guys glared hard at each other before continuing the journey in silence.




I no more stay in the cells, since I am now automatically a cleaner; I am to stay with the servants who work for the clan. Their block is a bit separated from where the clan members lives, or carry out their duties.

Every servant is usually assigned to a particular place of work. Some works in the general kitchen, some in the club house, sites, game house, ammunition store, while my work is to clean the gym.

We got maids too, who works for the female clan members, doing their laundries, keeping their rooms intact and so on.

Early this morning, Jade had come to my cell to tell the good news, well I will call it a good news, because the cell is the worst place to stay. I will be sharing a room with two guys, who I am yet to know.

Getting dressed in my overall, I picked up the broom, mop and every other necessary thing that I need.

The gym was a bit rowdy when I got there, which shouldn’t be, because I made sure I came here very early. I later got to know that some trainees are having their gym lessons that morning.

Was I a bit late? I thought

“Hey…you there…are you in charge of cleaning the gym” A well built man asked. He seems to be their coach. I felt my blood going dry as different eyes peered at me from the trainees.

Most of them are guys with few females, who were clearly drooling, but the guys cast disgusting glares at me. I gulped down my saliva

“Don’t you know how to talk” The man’s voice peered again into my ear drum

“Perhaps he ain’t got a tongue” A lad muttered from behind as everyone busted into laughter

“Silence…do you think you are in this clan for jokes..huhn…now you who made that joke..come here” he pointed at the young guy, who came out with fear in his eyes.

“Frog jump, now…fifty times…that’s your punishment..and you..get this gym cleaned up in time or you join him.

Outside everyone, we will be back in twenty minutes. Read my lips feller, clean up in twenty minutes” He ordered, and left as the others followed one by one, leaving the joker to his punishment.

I sighed out, walking in fully, as I dropped my cleaning equipment, and faced him, standing akimbo.

He glared at me, and continued the jumps, despite being alone without his coach watching him

“You can stop now…your coach isn’t here to watch….” I was saying when he cuts me off

“Get out!!!!” he yelled in fury, turning to another direction

“Damn you Evans, you got just twenty minutes and you are here talking to some idiots who doesn’t deserve your words, gosh” I said to myself and went about the cleaning.

In no time, I was done, and the joker was also through with the fifty jumps, he was looking all sweaty and tired. He staggered out of the Gym to meet the others.


Night time~

Today’s work was a bit hectic, I didn’t even get to see Jade again after meeting with her that morning. Someone else was now in charge, and that’s the head of the maids and servants. She is a woman in her late fifties, but is as wicked as a lion. She is known as Ms. Copper, I wonder why they called her Ms. instead of Mrs.

She made me work double time, cleaning not just the gym but also the club house; and I kinda assisted in the general kitchen, working as the only male there in the midst of those annoying females, who don’t know more than to gossip and all that.

“Here is the room you will be staying in….get in” Ms. Copper growled, as I hurriedly opened the door, which wasn’t locked by the way. She stepped in after me.


I met a lad on one of the beds, staring intently at us; he had a smirk on his face on seeing me. The room is a bit spacious with three beds, a set of TV on the wall, three wardrobes besides each bed, a table and chair at the extreme, a rug on the floor and other fancy piece of arts on the walls. Well this doesn’t look like a room for servants, I mean…damn..

“Hey boy, this is your new roommate..i hope you treat him well” She stated and left, leaving me to stare back at the guy

“Hi..” I muttered.

“Hey…are you just gonna stand there huhn…come in, that’s your bed over there” he stated politely, having this grin, which I’m yet to point my finger on


“You are welcome..”

I notice a running shower from the bathroom I think. Perhaps the last guy is in there

“I’m Evans…” I stated

“Yea....I know” He replied, I squinted


“The tag on your overall” he stated, smiling. I nodded

“Oh yea….”

“I’m Justin”

“Ok…nice to meet you Justin..erm..are we the only ones here” I asked, despite knowing of the presence of someone else in the bathroom

“Nope….we got another buddy the bathroom.” he stated, going to turn on the TV, he dropped the remote on a side stool and plopped on my bed.

“Hope you don’t mind, you bed is more comfortable when watching TV” he smirked. I shrugged

“You guys enjoy all this luxury things despite being servants?” I asked

“Hell no…we are trainees” He chuckled. I paused, staring intently at him



“Then why do you stay in the servant’s quarters?”

“Well, this is the best room in the servant quarters, as you can see for yourself. And the fact that we are staying here is because there are no more rooms for us in the trainees’ quarter. It got filled up, so we have to move down here” He explained.

Oh now I understand. No wonder the room is a bit far from the others, and well kempt.

“But I prefer it here though” he said


“Because I got the chance to do a lot of f**king you know” He smirked, I chuckled

“You guys are allowed to f**k despite being trainees..”

“Yea…kind off, but it depends on the situation, like when we go clubbing we can have anyone to ourselves, but I aside that…no”

“Then how do you do yours”

“Hey guy..this is a servant quarter, we gat maids here too, and they can give you anything as long as you give them what they want. We gat free p**sies here bro” He winked

“So what do they want?” I asked

“Money…just a tip, and you gonna here mo@ns from this room..haaha..though the others can’t get this opportunity, except I and that idiot in the bathroom”

And just as he said that, the bathroom door opened, revealing the guy I met at the gym, who was given punishment. Wow..what a coincidence?

“Hi..” I greeted, but he only glared at me and scoff, walking into the close

“Perhaps he is still pissed at you for making him go through that punishment, and trust me, his day wasn’t good today with the coach. He was damn tired before the first training and got to do more punishment; to him, you were a bad luck for his day” Justin explained, laughing at intervals

“He started it first..I didn’t do anything” I defended myself

“Yea I know… Raphael is just that way. He is a crook, joker and a snub, but he could be nice at intervals”

“Oh..Raphael..that’s his name?”


“Were you also at the gym when I came in?” I asked, getting free with him. He seems to be a nice guy

“Yes..and I also laughed at his joke though…” he chuckled

“I don’t mind..I lost my tongue on hearing the coach’s voice…”

“Yea..the coach is such a scary human being, his voice alone is..arhh…scary too” He replied, changing the channels on the TV

“How old are you?” he asked

“I’m twenty three..and you?”

“Twenty two”

“Well, that makes me older” I smiled

He rolled his eyes and chuckled

“Raphael is twenty three too, you guys are gonna get in a hot time agreeing to things being age mates”

“Whatever..I don’t have his time”

He shrugged

“Would you mind if I say something annoying?” he asked. I furrowed my brows


“Ok…I think you should make use of the bathroom..damn stink so offences please” He stated, keeping a straight face, as I busted into laughter.

“Yea I know..I have been working all day” I pouted

“Oh sorry… he replied, with the same expression, as we both busted into laughter. Raphael came in already in his pajamas; he rolled his eyes, tucking himself under his bed.

I stood up to go into the bathroom when a knock sounded on the door. Justin opened it, revealing one of the clan members. I think I have seen him with the boss once.

He stepped in as his eyes wandered round the room before landing on me.

“Hey you…the boss needs you now is her suite.” He stated, not smiling

I looked at Justin as we both spoke at the same time

“The boss…she is back?” We said in unison

“You need to go guy, the bathroom can wait…you won’t want to keep the boss waiting” he whispered. I nodded, and stepped out with the guy, trailing behind him. But different thoughts kept coming into my mind. What does the boss wants from me again?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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