LADY MAFIA/C4 Chapter 4- Dragged into mess
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LADY MAFIA/C4 Chapter 4- Dragged into mess
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C4 Chapter 4- Dragged into mess


(Dragged into Mess)

The atmosphere in the room was already tensed, as beads of sweat covered the victim’s temple. They could be seen shivering and writhing in pain, as they watch the human predator hovering over them.

Kyla relaxed her body comfortably on the couch, as her men dragged the two women closer to her. Juliet could be seen boiling in rage, while Grannie Louis gently sobbed.

“Do you know me….Juliet?” Kyla asked, with a soft smirk, caressing the gun in her hand. Juliet frown

“What do you want from me…the last time I checked I didn’t owe you anything?” She snapped

“Yea…you are correct about that…but someone really dear to you did…hunmm” Kyla cooed, leaning forward, so that their heads were just few inches

“What do you want from me?” Juliet spat angrily. This pissed Kyla, but she tried to remain cool

“Fine…I’m not here for negotiation, so I will like you to answer my question straight away. Where is ‘The Mask” She questioned, with a slight frown on her face

Juliet let out a snicker

“Don’t tell me you came all the way from your clan just to ask me that freaking quest…” She was yet to complete her words, when a loud and stingy slap landed across her face. It came directly from Kyla, who pulled her face closer with rage; her fingers piercing into the woman’s skin, making her let out a frail cry.

“Do you think I’m here for jokes…I will ask you for one last time…where the hell is your damn husband” She yelled

“I don’t know..” Juliet snapped

Kyla raised her hand to give her another slap but it hanged in the air when she heard a voice

“Stop…don’t hit her” Evans yelled out, a little groan escaped his mouth. He struggled to lift his head up, casting angry and weary glance at the lady on mask.

Unlike the others, whose faces were completely covered, hers was just a nose cover. Her hair was allowed to fall freely, her golden brown eyes held fury as she glanced at his direction.

She chuckled briefly, getting up on her feet. Her steps were taken gently; she walks like a predator, ready to pounce on its prey. Evans was still pinned to the ground, his hands already tied to the back, with his chest facing the floor.

She bent low to his position; scrutinizing his face; she smirked

“What did you say?” She asked, he sighed, shrugging

“You heard me…you…you don’t have to hit her..” He tried to keep a bold voice, but the fear in his heart betrayed his voice as it left his mouth. He didn’t bargain for all this, why the hell did he have to come here in the first place? He thought.

“Hmm….you sounds like you have my answer, since you don’t want me to hit her. So…if I may ask, where the hell is ‘The Mask’?”


She gave him a hard kick on his lifted chest, making him groan

“Damn….arghh..what the f..”

She punched his nose hard, pulling his jaw closer. He could see the burning rage in her eyes, as he tried not to keep contact, but that’s not exactly what she wanted. She forced him to remain staring at her as she speaks

“You know what..I think you have just made my plans easy…bastard” She spats, pushing him to the ground.

“I think we are done here…” She noted

“Bruce…they are all yours” She muttered referring to the women, as she gave him a curt nod. He quickly understood what she meant, bringing out a knife from his side pocket, walking maliciously towards the scared looking women, who could do nothing but plead for their lives.

“And the guy?” Jade’s voice came up, as she waited for Kyla’s reply. She let out a smirk, using the edge of her gun to hit him hard. He fell to the ground, passing out almost immediately

“We are taking him along” She replied, before walking out of the building.

The next thing heard in the silent night, was the dying screams of the two women as their necks were being slashed.



The reflection of light suddenly clouded my face, as I tried to open my eyes. I was forced to close it back before flickering it open again. A small groan escaped my lips as I tried moving my body, but it seems to be held by something hard that I still can’t process.

I tried recollecting how I ended up this way, but got stung by a banging headache

“Damn…what’s this pain” I hissed, trying to move my neck, but it wouldn’t bulge. Instead it came along with a striking pain which seems to paralyzes the veins on my neck.

The room I found myself is unpleasantly dark, as the only light available was the sun ray from the little window just at the house lintel, which points directly at my face making me partially blind, unable to see any other thing.

I looked down at my hand, wondering why I couldn’t move it, and noticed the fact that I was being tied to a wooden chair, fastened with strong ropes that I can’t even imagine escaping from.

At this point, realization struck me. I felt numb, remembering the scenes of last night, well, that’s if I haven’t been gone for more than a day.

It replayed itself vividly in my mind; the gangs on masks, storming the house; killing the guards, and a heavy object hitting my head, before I passed out. What the hell happened afterwards, were the women let go, or…hargh…I think they were killed, or perhaps being held up just like me.

But what do they want from me, jeez..this is bullshit

“I thought you were never gonna wake up..too bad you did..huhnn..” A voice muttered, as I was forced to look at the direction where it was coming from. Someone had been in the room all along, but my vision was too blurry to get a glimpse of the fellow.

I tilted my head forward as my heart thumps harder. And just as if he read my mind, he walked closer towards me, stopping just opposite where I was tied. The emptiness of the room, made his voice echoed. This must be a cell or something.

“Why am I held up here” I managed to speak, this time hearing how bad my voice sounded. It was croaky, and my throat hurts badly; perhaps due to the countless blows I receive on my chest and also lack of water for the past hours.

I heard him chuckle. I could now see his face clearly. He is a well built man with muscles, abs and all that. His beards were not yet trimmed making him look old beyond his age. He has a small scar on his forehead, looking like a wound from a cut or so.

Looking at his height, he isn’t someone I can compare myself with. He also look tough and even his smiles is enough to make one whimper.

“Do I look like a detective to you…you shouldn’t be expecting me to answer those questions…do you” He asked. My lips went numbed, as I watched him loosening and re-tying the long piece of cloth which was wrapped around his hand.

If my instincts are correct, I think I have a clue of what he is about doing. Looking at the position I find myself in, stuck to a chair, and a Mike Tyson like him, getting prepared to cast out his wrath, makes my body shivers.

“You know…I love this job so much. I love seeing people panic, just the way you are doing now, especially when they see me with this piece of cloth, wrapping it around my fist.

You watch Hollywood right, you should know what this is used for” He smirked, and before I could reply, a heavy punch landed on my already broken nose, as blood finds its way out

“Argghh…” I groan, pushing my head backward. I tried locking contact with him again, but another blow sent me off. My vision became blurry for seconds as I tried to gasp for breath

“Why are you doing this… for goodness sake” I spits out blood, earning a glare from him, as he hold my face, tilting my head, as it let out a crack sound. I yelp in pain, forcing my head back to its normal position. He laughed hieratically

“You know why I’m doing this..”

“If it’s all about ‘the mask’, then I don’t know about his where about. I haven’t seen him for five years now. He is a ghost to me….oh God..please just let me out of here. I didn’t do anything wrong..i..i need to go back to school..i need to go back to my normal life. I promise not to get in any of your ways..please just let me go” I cried, letting out the tears I had been holding back.

But my pleas seem to be falling on deaf ears, the more I pleaded, the more his laughs and hit me. My world began to hover round, as I could not keep my eyes open any longer. Is this the way my life wants to end? Is this how death feels like; I wish I could just wake up from this dream, that’s if it isn’t reality, but the truth is that, it is.

I wonder how the look will be on my best friend’s face when he hears about my death; and how devastated my mum will be, well, that’s if she really will feel my demise. The only vision I could see now is that of my mum, wearing the skimpy gown she do wear whenever she wants to go for her stripping job, or perhaps a date with one of her boyfriends.

I fell off to the ground still stuck to the chair, after the last blow. He had indeed beaten me to pulp that I won’t even be able to recognize myself. I let out a last light sigh, muttering a word that even my ears were too heavy to hear.

“Mum..” I whispered, and that was all I could remember, as darkness engulf my senses. I passed out


Walking into Kyla’s office, Bruce met it empty, which means that she will be in her room. He thought and proceeded there without much hesitation. On getting to the door, he knocked on it, and waited to hear her order.

“Who is that?” Her voice pricked through his ear. Kyla doesn’t ask of who is at the door, except if she is…well, he simply shrug

“It’s Bruce” he muttered, as she ordered him in. And just as he had imagined, he met her standing in front of her dressing table, wearing nothing but a flimsy see-through dress, which clearly reveals her naked backside.

He gulps down nothing, trying to keep in the bulge in his pants, as he views her endorsement.

This is not the first time he is seeing her n@ked, neither is it the first time he is seeing a n@ked woman, as a matter of fact, he had seen the nudity of almost all the women in the clan. But he just can’t help but get turned on whenever it was hers.

She turned to face him, folding her arms, as she gave him the sign that means, he should tell her why he was there. He cleared his throat, pretending not to have been staring

“Boss..he still wouldn’t talk about his location. He claimed not to have seen him for the past five years”

Kyla chuckled

“The Mask has a way of hiding things from his sons” She stated, walking over to a drawer as she pulled out a file.

Bruce squinted

“This isn’t Donald..boss”

“Yes I know…but he is also his son, born out of wedlock. I made my research Bruce; got it few days ago. I wasn’t expecting to see him there though. He was supposed to be at Los Angeles.”

“Oh” was all he could mutter, as he continued to stare at her backside, at any opportunity

“His name is Evans Marshal. And I believe there isn’t any other Marshal that will have a similar look to The Mask.”

Bruce nodded

“So what are we gonna do with him. He doesn’t seem to be involved in his father’s shit.”

Kyla smirked

“But a parents’ sins will always befalls their children, when it comes to term of consequences” She stated

“We will just keep him here until we get to his father. But before hand, give him something to keep his nerves working” she handed him the file, which he quickly glance at. It was about something they had discussed earlier that day.

“Just like a hard labour” She smiled, walking back to the table. He heaves a sigh, knowing that she is done with him, as he takes his next steps out of the room.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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