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Long Tianhao had an evil smile on his face as he tapped on the keyboard. He was planning to teach Island Country a lesson.

They must know the pain, or else they won't remember it for a long time. This time, he was not only going to attack the Ito Group, he was going to attack the supporting industries of the island nation as well. Since the island nation dared to provoke him, he would not let them off lightly.

"Hmph, do you think that strengthening the defense system of the internet is useful? You guys are really underestimating me, you guys are nothing in my eyes." Long Tianhao commented in disdain when he saw the island nation's internet system.

He was belittling the island nation a little. Although the island nation was very annoying, its network technology was still the leading technology in the world. Of course, Long Tianhao, this monster, was an exception.

Long Tianhao was the big one, so he didn't want to sneak around like he did the last two times. This was clearly an attack and Long Tianhao had already upgraded his computer system.

Compared to the United States' national system network, it was not inferior at all, and it was even more outstanding. At the very least, no one was stronger in anti-tracking, which was why Long Tianhao dared to directly attack, because the other party could not even track him.

Faced with Long Tianhao's frontal assault, the island nation boiled over. Since when have they ever experienced such a thing? At the same time, the countries of the world were also shocked because Long Tianhao's attack was not blocked at all.

Due to the Ito Group suppressing the lightning, Long Tianhao first pointed his gun at the Ito Group, "Hmph, didn't you guys want to play? I'll let you go crazy. " Long Tianhao completely ignored the layers of defense of the Ivy Corporation.

This time, Long Tianhao did not download Ito's confidential documents, but spread them to the internet. He wanted Ito to make the documents that he regarded as top secret public one by one.

He wanted Ito to lose everything. At the same time, Long Tianhao wantonly destroyed Ito's internal system, preventing it from working properly for a short period of time. It could be said that he was completely paralyzed.

At the same time, Long Tianhao didn't forget to hack into Ito's financial system. This time, he was determined to destroy Ito Group, so he transferred a lot of money out of Ito's system.

After the last incident, Ito was also intrigued. He had transferred one-third of the money, so Long Tianhao did not notice it.

After doing all of this, Long Tianhao did the same thing to the large corporations on the island, looting them according to how they dealt with Ivy. This was the end of Long Tianhao's invasion.

When Long Tianhao logged out of the internet, his laptop turned to scrap with a bang. After such a high-intensity attack, Long Tianhao's laptop finally completed its mission and ended up in ruins. Long Tianhao didn't care at all.

It was just a computer, he could just ask Wang Kai to send another one instead. Long Tianhao could even design a better one himself if he wanted to.

Long Tianhao smiled evilly. That look showed that he was smiling with evil intentions. Yes, he had succeeded, and this time he had collected as much as a trillion dollars worth of money.

It was enough for him to become the richest person in the world. At the same time, he ruthlessly repaired the island country. This was the result of offending Long Tianhao.

While Long Tianhao was happy, the island nation exploded into chaos. After Long Tianhao's barbaric invasion, the island nation was still in chaos. Inside the Ivy family's manor, Ito Ying Island sat on the seat dejectedly.

He kept mumbling, "It's over, it's all over, how did it turn out like this?" When they heard the news that was coming from their men, the hearts of the entire island started to bleed.

The foundation of the Ito family, although a third of the funds had been left behind in case of a rainy day, it was clear that the Ito family was no longer what it used to be.

After sending off his subordinates, Ivy Hawk Island spoke with grief. "What kind of enemy is this? He's not a human, he's practically a demon. Yamamoto Miche, our Ivy clan is finished!" Ah, Ito, don't be too sad.

The Ivy clan wouldn't fall so easily. This person was highly likely to be that cultivator. The enemy this time was too terrifying. Ito Lord, don't worry, I'll send a few Heaven Ninjas to scout it out.

"If he isn't that cultivator, we'll find an opportunity to get rid of him. If he is …" The hoarse voice paused, "What should we do?" "If he wants to deal with my Ito Family, then my Ito Family is in danger." Ito Ying Island said with a trembling voice.

"Lord Ito, don't worry. Even if he's a cultivator, I still have a way to deal with him." The mysterious person called Three Books comforted me again, "Really? What can you do about it, Yamamoto Miche? "

Ivy Hawk Island anxiously asked as if they were grabbing onto a lifesaver, "You can rest assured. You will naturally know."

Obviously, Yamamoto Michio didn't know too much about this island. After he finished his sentence, he stopped talking and started to think about how to deal with that cultivator. As for Ivy Island, after they heard Yamamoto Miche's promise, they also fell into deep thought.

The Ito family of the Island Country were scheming against Long Tianhao, but Long Tianhao was drinking coffee in his office with no news about it. Even if Long Tianhao knew about it, he wouldn't care. It was just a small ninja.

It was easily dealt with. After his invasion of the island's internet, the Ivy League was already in a difficult position. They didn't have the energy to deal with the Thunderclap Group anymore. The Thunderclap Group had already passed through the crisis and was now operating normally.

However, Long Tianhao's revenge did not end there. He not only wanted destruction, he also wanted to completely wipe out Ivy League. This time, he would not use the internet.

He had to kill Ito properly in the business so that he could feel the pleasure of revenge. He wanted to hurt the island.

While the island nation was carrying out its plan to assassinate Long Tianhao, Long Tianhao was also planning to deal with the island nation. The two of them actually went together and when the two fought, it was clear who would win and who would lose.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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