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The morning sun was always bright and the air was also always fresh. Long Tianhao let out a long breath and retreated from the night training. It had become Long Tianhao's habit to persevere in training every night.

After training, the effect would be much better than sleeping. Although the spiritual energy on Earth was very weak and wouldn't be of much use for cultivation, it could lay the foundation for future cultivation and allow one to cultivate in such an environment.

In that case, Long Tianhao's reaction towards spiritual energy would also continue to become stronger, and the speed at which it absorbed spiritual energy would also be much faster than that of ordinary cultivators.

To be honest, he didn't make any progress in his training the whole night. On the contrary, the spiritual energy in his body was reduced a bit. This was something that couldn't be helped because there were two kids living in Long Tianhao's body right now.

The two of them needed to eat and drink, so all the spirit energy Long Tianhao absorbed was divided between them. Not enough, but it also swallowed some of Long Tianhao's own spirit energy.

Of course, Long Tianhao didn't care, he still had a lot of Spiritual Stone in his Sky Dragon Ring, so he wasn't afraid that the two little guys would not have enough to eat.

After the two little guys entered Long Tianhao's body, unless Long Tianhao told them to come out, they wouldn't come out anymore. Staying inside Long Tianhao's body was much better than staying outside. That was not something to worry about.

Long Tianhao didn't buy a house right now, since he was alone anyways, there was no one living with him even if he bought one. Therefore, Long Tianhao just stayed in the company.

In any case, the top few floors of the company building were all reserved for Long Tianhao, so there was no one working inside. Long Tianhao just turned these floors into guest rooms.

After eating a little, Long Tianhao no longer had a problem eating. He had so many Spiritual Stone s that could replenish his spiritual energy.

If he was hungry, he just needed to absorb the spiritual energy. However, Long Tianhao wasn't that luxurious. Besides, it was a habit to eat. According to Long Tianhao: "Are you still human even if you don't eat?"

Long Tianhao got his subordinate to report the current business situation of the company to him. Overall, after Long Tianhao's powerful destruction a few days ago, the Thunderclap Group has returned to normal and is operating well in all aspects.

Seeing that there were no problems with the company, Long Tianhao was ready to carry out his plan ahead of time. He got the leaders of the company to discuss some of the more promising industries before reporting to him.

Two days later, the company's leaders finally came up with their proposal. It involved aerospace, military, biochemical materials, new materials, genetic science, numerical control, electronics, and more than 50 other projects.

They were all relatively advanced industries, and many of them were new industries that required a large amount of capital and technology.

Long Tianhao looked at the plan that his subordinate had brought out and said with a serious expression, "I don't care what method you use, start preparing these projects immediately. You must master all the high and new technologies in every field."

"But the chairman needs a lot of money and talent. With our company's current situation," Long Tianhao raised his hand to block the other party's words.

"You don't have to worry about the funds. I'll give you the trillion dollars as the starting fund, and if it's not enough, I can think of another way. As for the professionals, that's not something I need to worry about. "What other questions do you have?"

"Chairman, with this amount of money, I think it should be enough as a starting point, but as a later stage, it might not be enough.

And some of the items in our list are more tightly managed in the country, and I'm afraid there will be some problems. " A department manager boldly and carefully said.

"I know the situation you're talking about. You don't need to care about that, you just need to do what I tell you to do. I'll take care of the rest myself." Long Tianhao said indifferently.

Hearing Long Tianhao's words, the managers didn't say anything else and just went to prepare the new project.

Long Tianhao couldn't help but smile as he watched the managers leave. Wasn't it easy for him to get as much money as he wanted? Even if they used legitimate methods, Long Tianhao could still get a lot of money. As for the country they were considering.

Long Tianhao didn't care if he revealed his identity as a cultivator to them. After Long Tianhao reached the Aurous Core stage, he also went to check if there were any other cultivators, but as he expected, based on the current situation on Earth.

The cultivation civilization had already declined a long time ago, and there should not be any other cultivators in this world other than himself. It could be said that Long Tianhao had become an absolute treasure, even more precious than national treasures.

He believed that after the Chinese government learns of his identity, they will be willing to agree to his request. Therefore, Long Tianhao wasn't worried at all. Although Long Tian was a cultivator, he was still a Chinese and had the blood of a dragon in his body.

Long Tianhao knew that after he had reached the Essential Infant stage, he would think of leaving Earth. After all, on Earth, he couldn't let his Cultivation Level get any closer, so he had to leave.

Therefore, before he left, Long Tianhao had to solve some problems for Hua Xia. Dealing with the island nation was one of the most important aspects.

The island nation had always wanted to destroy China, but had always wanted to take over China. It could be said that it was a disaster for China and Long Tianhao wanted them to pay the price.

Just when Long Tianhao was thinking about how to deal with the island nation, Long Tianhao suddenly felt a murderous intent attack him. Long Tianhao couldn't help but sneer: "Hmph, it's the island nation's ninja. He's really reckless. I haven't gone to find you guys yet, but he dares to attack me."

Long Tianhao's figure easily dodged the opponent's killing move. He did not attack immediately. Instead, he turned around, and Long Tianhao was already surrounded by the ten Ninjas. Each of them firmly locked onto Long Tianhao, releasing their own murderous intent.

Long Tianhao glanced at the ninjas that came to kill him. They were all pretty good, they all had the strength of the ninja that escaped last time. It seemed that the other party had taken a liking to them and had actually sent out such a huge force to deal with him.

If Long Tianhao was really an ordinary person, he would definitely die this time. Unfortunately, Long Tianhao was not one of them, so it was destined that these ninjas would die this time.

Looking around, Long Tianhao suddenly moved. However, his movements were too fast. In a blink of an eye, Long Tianhao was already back where he was.

The group of Ninjas maintained their previous posture, but at this moment, something inconceivable happened. The ten Ninjas fell to the ground at the same time. They were completely lifeless, completely dead.

Long Tianhao didn't even look at the dead bodies on the ground. With a flick of his finger, a ball of blood-red flame with lightning on it appeared out of thin air and pounced towards the dead bodies on the ground.

Long Tianhao stretched out his hand and the flame entered Long Tianhao's body with a swoosh. After doing it, Long Tianhao acted as if nothing had happened, as if he had just killed a few animals.

Long Tianhao sat down on the sofa and said loudly to the air, "Tell your master not to waste his energy. I will personally visit him at Island Country later." There was no one around.

No one knew who was listening to Long Tianhao's words, "After a while, Long Tianhao smiled," Did you leave already? "island nation, just you wait. I will come back very soon to take back the shame you gave us."

So there was someone hiding in the dark just now. Long Tianhao didn't kill him, but told him to go back and report. It could be seen that he wanted to scare the island nation.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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