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At this moment, in the manor, the ninja who just came back from Hua Xia was reporting something to Yi Teng Ying Island. At this moment, Yi Teng Ying Island's expression became more and more unsightly.

Furthermore, he didn't even see how he made his move. In the end, he even released a weird flame that burned their corpse into nothingness, and even said that he was here to visit us. How is this possible? How can he be so powerful? "

"You may leave." This was the mysterious figure who had sent out the message, the Ninja who had sent out the message.

"Ito Jun, calm down." Seeing the state of Ito Ying Island, Yamamoto Miche didn't need to shout out loud.

"How can I be calm? That Long Tianhao is that cultivator and this time he is even stronger than last time. He even said that he wanted to visit us. What do you think we should do?" Ito Ying Island roared at Yamamoto Miche.

Yamamoto Michio remained silent for a while, then said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect him to be that cultivator either. It's hard to avoid trouble after provoking him, but we still have a way to deal with him."

"What can we do? He is an Immortal cultivator, and not someone us mortals can deal with. " The entire island seemed to have aged quite a bit at this moment.

"Remember that last time when I told you about the existence of Great God Octavus. Not only is that true, I can also contact him. With him here, the immortal cultivator is nothing to worry about." Yamamoto Micawa said mysteriously to Ito.

"Are you saying that the Great God of the Eight Trigrams is the strongest god in our empire? Can you really contact him?" It was obvious that Ito Eagle Island was very suspicious.

"There's no need to doubt. All of this is real. Let's go. Right now, I'll bring you to meet the great god of eight divisions." Yamamoto Micawu paid no heed to Ito's doubts and instead asked Ito Eagle Island to accompany him to see the great god of the Eight Trigrams.

Although Ivy Hawk Island didn't really believe him, they still followed him. After all, this was his only hope of survival. Just like this, Ivy Hawk Island disappeared into the darkness as well. They were about to go meet the great god Bajie.

At the same time, in Shen Nong Jia Nature Reserve in China, Long Tianhao was among them. This time, Long Tianhao came to Shen Nong Jia, not to look for something, but to get to the Essential Infant realm and reach the peak of the first level of the Thunder Divine Spell.

The reason he chose to stay in Shen Nong Jia was because it was said that this place was where the Huang Emperor, Shen Nong, cultivated in the ancient times. Long Tianhao also hoped that Shen Nong would help him smoothly ascend to the Essential Infant realm.

In order to reach the later stage of the first layer, one had to go through the baptism of heavenly lightning. However, most lightning and thunder couldn't reach this requirement, so Long Tianhao had to think of something else.

This was the Nine Dragons Thunder Subduing Technique. When practiced to the end, it would achieve the effect of nine Dragons in the sky. Using it properly could lead to heavenly tribulation.

However, using the secret methods recorded in the Nine Dragon Thunder Technique, it wasn't difficult to attract small-scale heavenly tribulation. As long as Long Tianhao absorbed enough thunder tribulation, coupled with the help of Spiritual Stone s and elixirs, reaching the Essential Infant wasn't a big problem.

If other cultivators were to find out that someone had attracted the divine retribution for cultivation, they would definitely be scared to death. Although it was a small-scale divine retribution, it wasn't something an ordinary person could withstand.

But don't forget that Long Tianhao is Thunder Monarch's descendant and he cultivates the most orthodox lightning cultivation technique. How could he be afraid of such a small heavenly tribulation? The answer is no.

Long Tianhao picked an open area and was ready to use a secret technique to attract heavenly tribulation. He did not plan to hide anything this time, he wanted to let China and the entire world know of the existence of cultivators so that he could intimidate the countries and organizations that had intentions towards China.

The Seal in Long Tianhao's hand continuously changed, becoming faster and faster until it could no longer be seen clearly. When it reached the final moment, Long Tianhao suddenly shouted: "Nine Dragons Thunder God's Thunder God, Ten Thousand Thunderclap returned to One, the divine tribulation appears."

Long Tianhao suddenly shot out the lightning from the relic after hearing the "discovery" sound. Long Tianhao wiped the sweat off his forehead and waited for the arrival of the heavenly tribulation.

The previously clear and cloudless sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds. Soon, more and more dark clouds appeared and the color became darker and darker.

It was as if the clouds had descended, and everything was not over yet. There were even more dark clouds approaching. These dark clouds were not just ordinary rain clouds, but were filled with streaks of lightning. It was extremely strange.

Of course, the sudden change in Shen Nong Jia could not escape the surveillance of the satellite. At this time, many major countries had already received the strange scene of Shen Nong Jia.

In China, the government immediately informed the local authorities to seal off the area and prevent anyone from entering.

Long Tianhao did not have the time to care about these things. At this moment, he was fully focused on observing the changes of the tribulation clouds and was ready to receive the baptism of heavenly thunder at any time.

The sky above Shen Nong Jia was completely shrouded in black tribulation clouds. That black and shiny tribulation cloud seemed to be nurturing something terrifying.

Finally, the tribulation cloud stopped absorbing energy and started rolling. Long Tianhao knew that the heavenly tribulation was about to begin, so he got into a stance and started activating his lightning Divine Spell, preparing to absorb the heavenly tribulation.

With a "chi" sound, a bolt of lightning as thick as a child's arm aimed straight at Long Tianhao, "Okay." Liu Da shouted. Instead of retreating, he rushed forward and with a step, he rushed into the sky. The heavenly thunder struck Long Tianhao's body, enveloping his entire body in lightning.

After completely absorbing and refining the lightning on his body, Long Tianhao landed back on the ground. Long Tianhao felt that the lightning energy in his body increased a little more and could not help but look forward to the arrival of the next lightning tribulation.

Heavenly thunder kept falling down, and Long Tianhao kept jumping up in the air, absorbing the rich power of the heavenly thunder. At the same time, he was constantly building up his body and making it stronger.

At the same time, all the satellites in the world recorded this scene, and all the countries in the world were shocked, "God, how is this possible?!" To think that there would be someone who is unharmed under the constant attacks of the lightning, is this an emissary sent by God? "

A representative in America saw this scene and couldn't help but to cry out, the same scene happening all over the world. Including China, at this time, in China's Zhongnanhai, the big shots in China were all staring at the images sent over by the satellite.

"What do you think of this?" The old man who was sitting at the top seat asked with a serious expression.

"President, I believe this is the legendary cultivator of China. This is unbelievable, to actually be able to withstand heavenly lightning." One of the bosses spoke up, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, that's true. I just don't know what his views on our country are. I hope that he will side with our country. Let's continue watching and see what the results are like." The old man who was known as the Chairman said this with concern.

No one said anything. They just stared at the screen. It was too shocking.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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