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Long Tianhao saw that every head of the Occult Snake had launched an attack. He knew that it was no small matter. He kept dodging, but the density of the attacks was too high. Long Tianhao couldn't dodge in time, so he had to take it head on.

As the impact was too great, Long Tianhao was directly pushed back more than a dozen meters. Then he felt something in his throat, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

This was the difference between the powers. Long Tianhao and the Occult Snake were only at the same level, so defeating them would be very difficult.

Seeing Long Tianhao dodge his attack, the Octadic Snake was enraged. It's body continued to grow bigger, to the extent that it was the size of a mountain. It hovered in the sky with its eight snake heads flicking their tongues.

Such a loud commotion had obviously alarmed the people below. When the islanders saw such a huge snake, they all quickly kneeled down and worshipped it, calling it "God's blessing" in the air. The same scene was being monitored by the various satellites of the various countries.

At this moment, the various countries were nervously looking at the gigantic demonic snake on the screen. They hadn't expected that the island nation's Occult Snake would appear after just learning about the existence of an immortal cultivator in Hua Xia. They didn't understand what was happening in this world.

In any case, the matter regarding the cultivators had already been exposed, so these countries simply put the images captured by the satellites directly on television. Thus, at this time, the people of the entire world were paying close attention to this century's great war.

Long Tianhao's expression became serious as he looked at the gigantic snake. He never thought that this huge snake would be so hard to deal with. If he didn't think of a way, he would be in danger. The Occult Snake became even more ferocious after it grew up.

Long Tianhao didn't dare to take the attack head on, so he could only rely on his movement technique to constantly dodge. Luckily, his movement technique was strange enough, he managed to dodge all the attacks of the Octadic Snake, and Long Tianhao would occasionally give the snake heads a Lightning Finger.

Although there wouldn't be much damage to the snake, it was still in pain from the electricity. The snake had been unable to deal any damage to the human after seeing him for so long. The truly angry one was that his body continued to grow bigger, as if he wanted to rely on its massive size to deal with Long Tianhao.

At this time, the Occult Snake had already become a super giant, its body size was the size of the entire island. Looking at the Occult Snake behind him, Long Tianhao couldn't help but be moved.

His aura also became even more powerful. It could be said that his strength had reached its peak. This should be the true form of the Octoterra Snake. It was truly terrifying.

Long Tianhao knew that the Occult Snake was hard to deal with now, so he could only unleash a secret technique. He made up his mind that he would kill the Occult Snake no matter what the cost.

Bolts of lightning also circulated on his hands. Long Tianhao spat out a mouthful of Blood Essence, "The Blood Essence is called, the Nine Dragons Thunder God, the Terminator Calamity appears." Long Tianhao was going all out, even sparing no expense to activate his Blood Essence and cause a calamity.

A snow dragon shot straight up into the sky, then turned into a blood cloud. The surrounding energy also began to converge on the blood cloud. The blood cloud became thicker and thicker, and the area became bigger and bigger.

"Human, what did you do? Do you want to die with me? "You madman." He wanted to leave, but the divine tribulation had already locked him down, making him unable to move at all.

The Octadic Snake was furious. It never thought that this tiny human cultivator would be so bold. The Occult Snake kept attacking Long Tianhao. He was angry, he was actually tricked by the human, he wanted to kill this human.

Long Tianhao's body was very weak as a result of the Terminator Tribulation. He was also somewhat helpless when faced with the attack of the Occult Snake. Helplessly, he was struck twice, causing him to spit out another mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the Octadic Snake wanted to attack Long Tianhao a few more times, but at that moment, he felt the pressure above his head grow stronger and stronger. He raised his head and saw that the blood cloud had become extremely vast, almost covering the entire sky of the island.

The island people were terrified. Could it be that they had really descended? They continued to kneel and kowtow towards the Bodhisattva, hoping that the Bodhisattva would be able to save them. What they didn't know was that the Bodhisattva wasn't even able to take care of itself.

The bloody cloud finally had enough power left. It began to roll about wildly, and a bucket-sized bolt of lightning struck down towards the enormous body of the Octoterra Snake. The octospider snake twisted its body repeatedly in pain, while at the same time, a protective barrier appeared around its body.

He wanted to take revenge on himself, but he underestimated the Terminator Tribulation. Long Tianhao only learned this technique after he reached the Essential Infant realm, and it was a move that hurt himself and hurt the enemy. Its power was more than a hundred times stronger than the calamity that Long Tianhao instigated.

However, the side effects of this secret art were also great. He could not use it unless he was in danger. At the same time, the divine tribulation was determined by the power of the tribulation. This time, with the presence of the Octoterra Serpent, the power of the divine tribulation had reached its limit.

Long Tianhao also received a share of the heavenly tribulation in the area covered by the heavenly tribulation. Although it wasn't as powerful as dealing with the Octadic Snake, it was still quite difficult for Long Tianhao to deal with it.

That was why Long Tianhao was in an extremely sorry state at that moment. There was not a single trace of blood on his pale face. Even his body had quite a few scars from the lightning. Fortunately, this heavenly tribulation was only aimed at those with Cultivation Level s and not ordinary people. Otherwise, Long Tianhao would have become an ordinary person who massacred the entire island.

On the other hand, after having suffered more than ten lightning attacks in a row, not a single part of his body remained unharmed. He was still struggling to survive. A total of 981 lightning strikes continuously struck against the body of the Eight Tribulations Snake.

That voice spread throughout the entire island, deeply shaking everyone who heard it. In the end, the lightning bolt was still brewing for a long time before it struck down. This lightning bolt was only as thick as a finger.

However, the destructive aura contained within it caused one's heart to palpitate. The moment the lightning struck the body of the Octoterra Snake, it immediately fell to the ground. After the final strike, the Octoterra Snake finally lost its life.

The massive body of the Octadic Snake landed directly on the island's territory, and the island immediately disappeared into the boundless sea. The entire island sank into the ocean, and the island, which had once been in the prime of its power, now perished just like that.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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