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The clouds slowly dispersed as if nothing had happened. However, the scene below told us that something big had happened. Long Tianhao looked at the sunken island and couldn't help but smile happily. He had fulfilled his promise.

A wave of weakness overcame him and Long Tianhao also reached his limit. His body couldn't help but fall down. Just at this moment, Long Tianhao's left hand flashed a golden light and a golden dragon caught Long Tianhao who was falling down.

It just happened that this scene happened. Long Tianhao weakly opened his eyes and smiled in relief. The sky spirit had grown a lot longer than before and was as thick as Long Tianhao's thigh. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to carry Long Tianhao.

Long Tianhao reached out to touch the top of his head and said, "Take me down." The Sky Spirit clearly understood, and brought Long Tianhao to land on the dead body of the Occult Snake. Long Tianhao took out a bottle of healing pills from his ring.

Long Tianhao swallowed a few mouthfuls and let the Sky Spirit protect him as he started to get injured. Not long later, Long Tianhao stood up. The injury he suffered was not that easy to recover from, he had only temporarily controlled his injuries.

Long Tianhao rode on top of the top of the Sky Spirit and flew up to the head of the Occult Snake. Long Tianhao released three streams of True Fire and burned the head of the Occult Snake into nothingness.

Long Tianhao put away the remaining eight beads that were glowing with a different light. In the introduction Thunder Monarch gave him on Demonic Beast, he had mentioned that those who managed to cultivate to become a demon would have Internal Core in their bodies.

However, he didn't expect that there would be eight of them. Moreover, they were of different species. This was not a small harvest either. These were all treasures. Regardless of refining or refining, they were all useful.

Seeing that there was nothing left to collect, Long Tianhao called for his Sky Spirit to leave. He had to find a place to properly heal his injuries, otherwise, it would be bad if there were any hidden dangers.

At the same time, the entire world was in a state of tension. There were cultivators from the East, and there were also the Eight Primal Snakes from the Island Country. In the end, a Chinese divine dragon appeared.

All of this was so fleeting. Moreover, that mysterious cultivator had actually killed the Occult Snake, and even destroyed the entire island.

The world was in a mess and everyone was in a crisis. Only the Chinese people laughed, and they laughed happily because the Chinese god had won.

The disappearance of the island nation was only the beginning of the disaster. The tsunami caused by the island nation's sinking was invading the surrounding countries, so Long Tianhao couldn't care less. The people of the surrounding countries were all frightened, running everywhere for their lives.

Similarly, China was also the closest country to the island, so the impact would be the greatest. As soon as the battle ended, China's big bosses would order all the cities in the ocean to evacuate and send troops to rescue the island. Soon, the tsunami arrived.

The people of the Far Sea all felt helpless. Just when they were ready to accept their fate, a miracle happened. A white light rose from China's coastline, blocking the surging tsunami.

Letting China not suffer any losses, the people of China became excited once again. They believed that this was definitely the protection of the gods, the protection of China by their ancestors. There was no mistake, that white light was emitted by the Dragon Vein of the Nine Prefectures.

It was the protection of China. It was set up by the ancestors of ancient China to protect the peace of the future.

Hua Xia was fine, but the other countries did not have the protection of their ancestors' gods. It could be said that they were heavily damaged and suffered an unprecedented blow. After this battle, the world economy had become a little sluggish.

After all this, immediately annexing China would solve a huge problem that had been haunting China. Other countries also made statements supporting China to regain control of Taiwan, so who would dare to offend China now?

Didn't you see the other people's guardian gods and dragons appear? Also, this incident has an impact on many countries, but look at China.

If that mysterious man had appeared on your territory, there would be a few suffering. As a result, right now China has become the dominant country of Earth, even America and the European Union would have to stand on the sidelines.

Putting aside these things, Long Tianhao went to an overseas island under the guidance of the Sky Spirit. Long Tianhao prepared to rest before leaving, so he ordered the Sky Spirit to protect him around and called out the Zi Ling as well. Thus, Long Tianhao was relieved and started to heal his injuries.

As for the Spirit Beast, after seeing the boundless sea, it immediately became playful. It freely played around in the water, but the Zi Ling, on the other hand, carefully protected Long Tianhao and paid attention to its surroundings.

Honestly speaking, Long Tianhao was quite heavily injured. The Essential Infant in his body was a little sluggish, and the tendons in his body were riddled with injuries. It was quite troublesome to treat them.

It wasn't difficult to treat Long Tianhao's injuries. It would just take a long time. Long Tianhao swallowed a few pills.

Then he started to operate his martial art to break it down and spread it all over his body. Gradually, the meridians and arteries in Long Tianhao's body started to feel better after receiving the nourishment of the pill. Long Tianhao's face also started to turn red.

After a week of healing, Long Tianhao was finally back to his peak condition. There were even some improvements in the Cultivation Level. After checking his condition, Long Tianhao smiled in satisfaction.

When Long Tianhao woke up, he saw Zi Ling patrolling the surroundings. He was very pleased, "Zi Ling, come over here. I'm fine now. Where is the Sky Spirit?" The Zi Ling was still patrolling when it suddenly heard Long Tianhao call for him.

He immediately jogged over excitedly. "Big brother, you've recovered from your injuries. I just saw a Heavenly Spirit in the water. Where did it go now?" Long Tianhao placed the Zi Ling on his hand and intimately touched its head, then the little guy chuckled.

Bringing the Zi Ling with him, Long Tianhao flew up to the sky above the island and looked at the location of the sky spirit. After scanning for a while, he still couldn't find any traces of the sky spirit.

This was all due to Long Tianhao's worry. The sky spirit was a godly dragon, what could harm him in the waters of Earth? Concern would cause chaos.

After a while, the Sky Spirit appeared from afar. Seeing Long Tianhao in the air, it flashed back to Long Tianhao's side. The Sky Spirit has grown a lot now, so it's obviously impossible to get into Long Tianhao's arms.

This made the little guy very depressed. Long Tianhao lovingly rubbed the head of the Sky Spirit and jokingly scolded: "You little guy, asking you to help me protect me, you ran off somewhere in the blink of an eye. How worrying you are!

"If you do, I won't bring you with me." After hearing Long Tianhao's threatening words, the Sky Spirit quickly turned coquettish towards Long Tianhao, "Alright, then it'll act coquettish." Long Tianhao said helplessly.

Just as Long Tianhao was about to leave, the Sky Spirit suddenly pulled Long Tianhao in one direction. What appeared in front of Long Tianhao was a huge whirlpool.

Long Tianhao exclaimed in disbelief, "This is the Bermuda Triangle!

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