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Long Tianhao shouted out this name in shock. He did not expect that the Sky Spirit would bring him here. This place was notorious for being unorthodox. There were too many mysterious things, but the Sky Spirit would not bring him here.

Long Tianhao was afraid that the Sky Spirit would encounter a mysterious danger, so he quickly covered the surface of his body with a layer of zhen qi barrier.

Then he dove into the water. Under the water, the Sky Spirit looked back at Long Tianhao and gestured for him to follow him. Long Tianhao did not hesitate and followed closely behind the Sky Spirit. He knew that the Sky Spirit would not harm him.

Following closely behind was a few large sharks that were taken care of by Long Tianhao as they dived further and further down.

The pressure was getting heavier and heavier. If Long Tianhao had not reached the Essential Infant realm, he would have been unable to hold on for a long time. Long Tianhao couldn't help but sigh.

When they were about 5000 meters underwater, the sky spirit finally stopped. Long Tianhao quickly arrived beside the sky spirit to see what was there. Although the water was pitch black, it didn't affect cultivators at all.

Long Tianhao looked at it and saw nothing, but it looked like there was something in the Sky Spirit Beast. Long Tianhao could only release the Spiritual Consciousness.

Long Tianhao carefully thought about it and finally realized that there was something similar to a Barrier array in front of him. Long Tianhao stretched out his hand and felt the wall in front of him; this must be the reason why the Sky Spirit had brought him here.

Since he was here, Long Tianhao did not plan to go back empty-handed, so he called the Zi Ling and the heavenly spirit into his body. He was going to rely on brute force to enter, and the hand seals Long Tianhao had were constantly changing.

After reaching the Essential Infant stage, Long Tianhao was already able to release two lightning dragons. The two lightning dragons gradually formed on Long Tianhao's hands, "Go." Long Tianhao shouted and the two lightning dragons charged towards the Barrier in front of them. The lightning dragons struck the Barrier ruthlessly.

However, he did not break the Barrier and Long Tianhao was not discouraged either. He continued to operate the lightning dragon and continuously rammed it. After a hundred hits, a crack finally appeared on the Barrier.

After expanding the area of the crevice, the Barrier began to automatically repair itself after clashing open again. Long Tianhao did not hesitate and retrieved the two Thunder Dragons into the crevice. After Long Tianhao entered, the Barrier also recovered to its original state.

Upon entering the Barrier, it was simply like a paradise, filled with birdsong and the fragrance of flowers. Long Tianhao tried calling out: "Excuse me, is anyone here? Junior Long Tianhao has no intention to barge into the mansion.

However, after a while, no one replied. Long Tianhao knew that he had entered another senior's cave and the same seniors had already left.

Long Tianhao let out his Heavenly Spirit and Zi Ling and started to explore the cave. To be able to build this cave on the seabed, it could be seen that this person was not simple. Long Tianhao found that the plants on the ground were all rare herbs, like some tequila.

Ten Thousand Poisonous Flower, Ten Thousand Year Vermillion Fruit, Soul Continuing Flower, Black Jade Fruit, and other top quality spiritual medicines. Although Long Tianhao didn't know how to refine pills right now, he could still learn it in the future.

All the mature spirit medicines were swept away by him. Luckily, Long Tianhao still had a bit of conscience, he took the mature spirit medicines and didn't cut off their roots. These things would grow in the future.

The thing that made Long Tianhao most excited was that he found a ripe Sky Demon Fruit among these elixirs. One must know that it was in the information Thunder Monarch told him.

This kind of Sky Demon Fruit was rare in the Divine Realm, it was necessary to refine a lot of top quality divine pellets, and this was a true treasure.

After collecting the spiritual medicines, Long Tianhao walked towards the only thatched cottage. It was a very ordinary thatched cottage, but it was also extraordinary because there was something hidden within it …

It was truly miraculous that it was completely free from dust. After entering, he could see the things inside the thatched cottage with a single glance. There was only a cushion for cultivation inside.

There was nothing else, which made Long Tianhao curious. On the seat cushion, there was a Jade Chip and a black ring, Long Tianhao was depressed, all these senior masters were the same, they all liked to do this.

Long Tianhao shook his head helplessly. He first picked up the Jade Chip and brought it into the cave. Long Tianhao immediately understood the origin of this place. According to the introduction of the Jade Chip, this was the cultivation place of Scattered Immortal named Ghost Valley.

They may not be able to fly up Immortal Realm, but they possess the strength to dominate Cultivation Realm, but Scattered Immortal was also very pitiful, even though they had escaped death.

However, Scattered Immortal's heavenly tribulation that only happened once every thousand years would make him stronger and stronger, until he was completely annihilated. However, if he was strong enough, he could reform his body once he crossed the tenth heavenly tribulation, obtaining proof of his Daluo Golden Immortal. Of course, this had never happened before in the Cultivation Realm.

However, Long Tianhao was shocked. Senior Scattered Immortal of the Ghost Valley had actually survived ten heavenly tribulations, and this cultivation abode was something he was about to ascend to. Oh god, this Ghost Valley Senior was too strong. He could be said to be the strongest person in all of history.

The Jade Chip also mentioned that he gave the medicine garden to the fated one, but hoped that it wouldn't be extinct. This Senior Ghost Valley Zi had flown for a thousand years already, and most of these spirit herbs were already ripe. And that Storage Ring called Mo Jing, he would also send it to the other person.

Inside it were his cultivation technique, some insights into formations, as well as some alchemy refining materials and a few magic tools that he had previously used before.

Now that he saw Long Tianhao's interest, he didn't lack anything, just weapons were lacking. He finally found it.

Long Tianhao could not wait to bind the ring called the Ink Crystal with blood. This Ink Crystal Ring was not bad either, it was a top grade spirit beast.

With a move, several magic tools appeared in front of Long Tianhao. They included a set of armor and a flying sword.

A strange brush and a huge knife. Long Tianhao directly bound the flying sword and the armor with a drop of blood without even thinking and kept the rest into his ring.

Long Tianhao carefully examined the flying sword floating in front of him. After blood was dripped on the sword, Long Tianhao found out that this sword was called Ghost Tooth.

It was a top-grade Spiritual Artifact level flying sword, and the armor he kept in his body was also top-grade Spiritual Artifact called Snow White. It was a little feminine, but it was indeed as bright and clean as snow.

Long Tianhao excitedly controlled Gui Ya and flew around him a few times. Then, he jumped onto Gui Ya and finally experienced the feeling of riding a flying sword.

This is today's second chapter, and Soul Sage has promised everyone that he will do it. Soul Sage has a cold today, and his head is aching. He's been working on the computer for a long time, but still hasn't written a chapter.

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