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After bidding farewell to the family of the old man, Long Tianhao sighed endlessly. He also felt reluctant to part with them, even though the matters with them were not that long.

But Long Tianhao felt like he had found home. He liked the old man's benevolent care, liked Ying'er's innocence, liked the two of them working so quickly, unwilling to part with everything. However, no matter how reluctant he was, he had to leave, because he still had a mission to complete.

Long Tianhao flew all the way towards Mount Kunlun. This place was once the legendary training hall of the Western Queen Mother, and it was filled with too many mysteries. Long Tianhao felt that if he wanted to leave Earth, he would have to pass through Mount Kunlun.

Mount Kunlun stretched for tens of thousands of miles. It could be said to be extremely vast. Long Tianhao flew on a flying sword in Mount Kunlun, looking for the mysterious place within.

Right now, Long Tianhao's Spiritual Consciousness could cover an area of 5000 meters, so the search speed was very fast.

However, Long Tianhao did not find anything after searching for a long time. Even the sky spirit and the Zi Ling were sent out by him to search. At this moment, Long Tianhao started to doubt his guess.

At this moment, the cute Zi Ling rushed towards Long Tianhao. Long Tianhao caught the Zi Ling in one go, "Brother, I found a strange place over there."

The Zi Ling said with a smile, "Oh, let's go take a look." Long Tianhao recalled his Heavenly Spirit and flew towards the Zi Ling.

Very quickly, Long Tianhao arrived at that place under the guidance of the Zi Ling. It was a place filled with fog, and there were no plants around.

Long Tianhao knew the Zi Ling would not lie to him, so he released the Spiritual Consciousness to check. After Long Tianhao's careful inspection, he finally found a door behind the large stone in the fog.

If it wasn't because of Long Tianhao's meticulous search, it would have been easy to miss out on it. Since he found some clues, Long Tianhao definitely wouldn't miss it.

Long Tianhao sent out a bolt of lightning and directly shattered the huge rock. A black door appeared in front of Long Tianhao. Long Tianhao walked in without hesitation and moved a huge rock out of thin air to block the door.

The moment he entered the door, Long Tianhao felt as if he entered another space. As he walked along the tunnel, light gradually appeared in front of him. Long Tianhao knew they were at the exit, so he quickened his pace.

Soon, they arrived at the end of the passage. In front of Long Tianhao was a completely different world. The scenery here was picturesque, as if they had entered an immortal secret location. A flight of stone steps led straight to the palace at the top of the mountain.

Long Tianhao didn't look at the surrounding scenery. Instead, he walked along the stone steps and headed towards the palace at the peak of the mountain. He didn't ride on his sword, showing his respect to the seniors here. Soon, Long Tianhao arrived at the top of the mountain. A grand palace appeared in front of Long Tianhao.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that no one had lived here for a long time, but the palace was covered in dust, which did not affect its beauty. The plaque above the palace had the words "Hollow Jade Temple" written in large golden letters.

Long Tianhao walked into the main hall. The hall was empty, so it could be seen that when the people from before left, they took everything with them.

Long Tianhao, Spiritual Consciousness released and carefully searched for possible items. Suddenly, Long Tianhao jumped onto a beam and took out a piece of the dusty Jade Chip.

Long Tianming carefully examined the information recorded by the Jade Chip. He immediately understood that this was the Kunlun Immortal Realm of the Karakorum, and five hundred years ago, Earth was no longer suitable for cultivators.

Thus, the various big sects left Earth through the Transfer Array s of the Karakorum, the Jade Chip s were left for the later generation to understand the situation. After seeing all this, Long Tianhao put the Jade Chip back on the beam.

Long Tianhao did not stay any longer and flew towards the Transfer Array's location. While flying, Long Tianhao was suddenly attracted by a ray of light and flew towards the light, arriving at the place where the light was shining.

Long Tianhao landed on the ground. This was a grassland, and that light came from the ground. Without saying anything, Long Tianhao took out his Ghost Tooth Sword and started digging the ground. Long Tianhao should be the first person to use the highest quality Spiritual Artifact to dig the earth.

After digging for a long time, Long Tianhao still hadn't dug up that glowing object. Long Tianhao suddenly remembered that he was a cultivator, why was he still digging foolishly here.

Suddenly, Long Tianhao began to operate the Ghost Tooth Sword and continuously bombard the ground. Of course, he paid attention to his limits, otherwise, if he were to destroy that glowing object, wouldn't his efforts have been in vain?

After digging down for over 100 meters, there was still no sign of the glowing object. Long Tianhao continued to dig downwards with his Ghost Tooth Sword. When they reached 500 meters deep, they finally dug out the glowing object.

Long Tianhao cleaned up the soil on the surface of the object and immediately revealed its true face. It was actually a sparkling egg, and it was pretty big, but it wasn't as big as a dragon egg. However, Long Tianhao believed that this wasn't an ordinary thing, so why?

It could still emit light after being buried 500 meters underground, and there were also strong life fluctuations. No one had come to this place in 500 years, so it meant that this egg had been buried here for at least 500 years. Do you think this is normal?

Long Tianhao was a bit depressed. Could this be another Divine Beast's egg? "I don't think my luck is that good." "Whatever, let's think of a way to get him out of here first." With the experience from the hatching of the sky spirit last time, Long Tianhao had become smarter this time.

He had picked up two top quality Spiritual Stone in his hands. Now that he was no longer afraid of eating them, Long Tianhao tried to place his hand on the egg after equipping everything. Meanwhile, the two little guys, Zi Ling and Heaven's Spirit, were also watching him attentively from the side.

Long Tianhao tried inserting the Genuine Essence into the egg. As expected, the egg released a huge suction force when it felt the Genuine Essence enter, and it started to absorb Long Tianhao's Genuine Essence. At the same time, the egg also emitted a bright light.

Sensing the change in the egg, Long Tianhao grinned, "Hehe, go ahead and smoke. Don't hold back." As Long Tianhao was being absorbed by the egg, he was also absorbing the spiritual energy of the top quality Spiritual Stone.

There was no loss in his body at all. This mysterious egg kept on absorbing Long Tianhao's Genuine Essence. It must have been buried under the ground for too long, and it took this guy a whole four hours to stop absorbing the Genuine Essence.

Long Tianhao also retracted his hand and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. He was relieved, "Luckily there's a top quality Spiritual Stone, otherwise it would have to be sucked dry. This guy is too good at absorbing. How long has it been since he last had a meal?" Long Tianhao couldn't help but think in his heart.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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